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Where are they now... Travis Henry


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$180k per year in child support for 11 children doesn't seem overly excessive to me. Weren't his career earnings close to $20 million?


I also remember hearing that he was turned down for $10k in credit at a furniture store in Tennessee while he was with the Bills.


Some interesting names on that list. We all knew about Henry, Vick and LT, but I wasn't aware that Johnny U and Mark Brunell also filed.


I believe Deuce McAllister just filed recently too... After making something like $70 million, he lost a bunch with a bad car franchise.

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I noticed a recurring theme on that list: "personally guaranteed loans". That is almost always a huge mistake if you are investing in some risky business scheme. It's one thing if you are starting your own business (doing something you know about) and will be working 80 hours a week to make it a success, but for guys like this to just toss out cash and then sign up for a big loan on top of it for some half-baked restaurant or real estate deal is just terrible.


It's sad that these guys either don't get any intelligent advice or are too stupid to listen if they do.

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I noticed a recurring theme on that list: "personally guaranteed loans". That is almost always a huge mistake if you are investing in some risky business scheme. It's one thing if you are starting your own business (doing something you know about) and will be working 80 hours a week to make it a success, but for guys like this to just toss out cash and then sign up for a big loan on top of it for some half-baked restaurant or real estate deal is just terrible.


It's sad that these guys either don't get any intelligent advice or are too stupid to listen if they do.

You got it. Non-recourse is the only way to go!

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This is why the NFL players need even more money! If Deuce would have only made $80mil, or Rocket Ismail would have been given more money to do nothing in the NFL they'd never be bankrupt.


The NFLPA should not focus on getting more money for their players and instead work on using what money they have to treat the players better. It is, again, further proof that unions by-in-large fail more then succeed. And, I am not saying the owners are exactly right, either.

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Loved Travis Henry the player.......:(

I liked him too. He single handedly won some games for us ... more so than McGahee or Lynch ever did. Assuming his off field problems didnt crater him here, we would have been much better off keeping him and using the 1st round picks on McGahee and Lynch somewhere else.

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This is why the NFL players need even more money! If Deuce would have only made $80mil, or Rocket Ismail would have been given more money to do nothing in the NFL they'd never be bankrupt.


The NFLPA should not focus on getting more money for their players and instead work on using what money they have to treat the players better. It is, again, further proof that unions by-in-large fail more then succeed. And, I am not saying the owners are exactly right, either.


Not unions fault that players can't manage money. Unions led to the greatest standard of living that Americans ever had. the problem with unions was corruption and mafia ties which need to be eliminated. Unions are dieing because of NAFTA and some day we will be back to minority rich and majority poor just where the rich want us, under their thumb being thankful for scraps while they laugh in their luxury.

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Not unions fault that players can't manage money. Unions led to the greatest standard of living that Americans ever had. the problem with unions was corruption and mafia ties which need to be eliminated. Unions are dieing because of NAFTA and some day we will be back to minority rich and majority poor just where the rich want us, under their thumb being thankful for scraps while they laugh in their luxury.



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Not unions fault that players can't manage money. Unions led to the greatest standard of living that Americans ever had. the problem with unions was corruption and mafia ties which need to be eliminated. Unions are dieing because of NAFTA and some day we will be back to minority rich and majority poor just where the rich want us, under their thumb being thankful for scraps while they laugh in their luxury.

Unions have not been relevant since the Charleston was popular. When sweatshops were around there was a reason to support them and now they are just another corrupt entity in this country.

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