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Can't wait to see if this guy suffers the same fate as Michael Vic

The Poojer

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i just never recall anyone ever using "cull" during the whole vick ordeal...not excusing one side or the other...just funny how the story is different when it comes to 'nice' dogs like huskies et al.


dictionary.com shows the definition of cull as "something culled, esp. something picked out and put aside as inferior. "....slow tourism seasons make the sled dogs inferior??? Yikes....


His nightmares would be very much real if I was in charge.

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i just never recall anyone ever using "cull" during the whole vick ordeal...not excusing one side or the other...just funny how the story is different when it comes to 'nice' dogs like huskies et al.


dictionary.com shows the definition of cull as "something culled, esp. something picked out and put aside as inferior. "....slow tourism seasons make the sled dogs inferior??? Yikes....

This really has nothing to do with Vick except dogs and cruel inhuman monsters where involved. But my God, 300 dogs to put together a few sled teams? What kind of operation where they running? I suspect it should have been shut down long ago.

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i realize it has nothing to do with Vick...i just want to see how it is presented in the media....sadly I think i already know how it will play out...


This really has nothing to do with Vick except dogs and cruel inhuman monsters where involved. But my God, 300 dogs to put together a few sled teams? What kind of operation where they running? I suspect it should have been shut down long ago.

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ya know what...i failed to realize whistler was canada :oops: ...i thought it was US....oh well...still i bet the story is treated differently in the media


Well apparently the shooter is getting Workman's comp... Unbelievable he should be in jail but that's Canada. The media could care. He's not a NFL QB.

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ya know what...i failed to realize whistler was canada :oops: ...i thought it was US....oh well...still i bet the story is treated differently in the media

Like I said he's not a NFL QB so I doubt if it go's beyond local media, but I know here it would be front page news and he would do jail time. And have the social status of a child molester.

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I hate this story, but where is everyones outrage with your local pet stores, and more specifically, PETA?! My concern, the problem is more the method that was used. It outrages me, in fact.


We can all be upset with animal cruelty but it is a whole seperate item to actually do something about it. Supporting the SPCA, PETA, or HSUS is supporting terrorists. Writing a check to your local Humane Society or ethically responsible group is a method that positively supports the animals, but if you want to do something for yourself, get your animals spayed or neutered and only bring them in to your home if you are committed to caring for them for 20 years - that is do your research and find out the behavior of the breed.


We need to stop treating animals as convenience items or pets and cherish them for what they are; a life. Now, to those who question how I allow my animals to be harvested, it is not easy. I know all of my animals by site, I know their personalities and have been there for almost all of them since their very first hour of life. It is never easy to allow an animal to be put down but the ends justify the means, that I allow a healthy food choice to my customers is important. However, what I pride myself on is that I treat my animals with respect and allow them a very happy home for their years of life, feeding them until their bellies are full, giving them clean water, minerals, petting them, and even treats. I do not use hot-shots, or whip them. Half the time I do not even turn on the electric fence, not that it matters, because they never need to go anywhere because I give them enough food.

Edited by jboyst62
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I hate this story, but where is everyones outrage with your local pet stores, and more specifically, PETA?! My concern, the problem is more the method that was used. It outrages me, in fact.


We can all be upset with animal cruelty but it is a whole seperate item to actually do something about it. Supporting the SPCA, PETA, or HSUS is supporting terrorists. Writing a check to your local Humane Society or ethically responsible group is a method that positively supports the animals, but if you want to do something for yourself, get your animals spayed or neutered and only bring them in to your home if you are committed to caring for them for 20 years - that is do your research and find out the behavior of the breed.


We need to stop treating animals as convenience items or pets and cherish them for what they are; a life. Now, to those who question how I allow my animals to be harvested, it is not easy. I know all of my animals by site, I know their personalities and have been there for almost all of them since their very first hour of life. It is never easy to allow an animal to be put down but the ends justify the means, that I allow a healthy food choice to my customers is important. However, what I pride myself on is that I treat my animals with respect and allow them a very happy home for their years of life, feeding them until their bellies are full, giving them clean water, minerals, petting them, and even treats. I do not use hot-shots, or whip them. Half the time I do not even turn on the electric fence, not that it matters, because they never need to go anywhere because I give them enough food.

They had 300 dogs. It plainly was a f***** up operation to Begin with. My question is why did no one notice this beforehand? Have you you ever heard the noise 30 dogs make, never mind 300?

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They had 300 dogs. It plainly was a f***** up operation to Begin with. My question is why did no one notice this beforehand? Have you you ever heard the noise 30 dogs make, never mind 300?



The mountains can get very remote and quickly. To your point though - how did it get to the point where they had 300 dogs to feed and care for?

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The mountains can get very remote and quickly. To your point though - how did it get to the point where they had 300 dogs to feed and care for?

Also, when it comes down to it, it's amazing how little some people actually care.

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The mountains can get very remote and quickly. To your point though - how did it get to the point where they had 300 dogs to feed and care for?

It was a commercial operation in BC. I doubt if they where all that remote. Frankly the Canadian authority's where asleep here, that many dogs ANYWHERE in Alaska would draw immediate attention.

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