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No he joins a long line of politicians that continue to put their feet in their mouths because I've yet to meet one who doesn't love the sound of their own voice.


Largely because Chuck Schumer won't stop talking.


These guys (Schumer, Biden, Obama) just make themselves look foolish when they mostly mispeak. Nancy Pelosi though, is another story. She shows her true ignorance combined with a high level of libtardness often. "Natural gas is not a fossil fuel". "We have to pass the bill to see what's in it". The best though was something along this line---we have to pass the unemployment insurance extension in order to keep unemployment where it is at.


These guys (Schumer, Biden, Obama) just make themselves look foolish when they mostly mispeak. Nancy Pelosi though, is another story. She shows her true ignorance combined with a high level of libtardness often. "Natural gas is not a fossil fuel". "We have to pass the bill to see what's in it". The best though was something along this line---we have to pass the unemployment insurance extension in order to keep unemployment where it is at.

What's it like to only acknowledge things that support your beliefs? Are you constantly throwing up in your mouth a little bit or have you truly mastered the art of self-delusion?


What's it like to only acknowledge things that support your beliefs? Are you constantly throwing up in your mouth a little bit or have you truly mastered the art of self-delusion?


Frenkle, if I've learned anything from you, it's to not get into a conversation or debate with you. To debate an assmudgeon like you is a complete waste of time. You come down on the wrong side every f'en time. How does it feel to bat .00000 every year? Compared to you, Keith Olbermann appears intelligent and coherent.


So, do you agree with Nancy Pelosi's statements? There, sucked in again!


Compared to you, Keith Olbermann appears intelligent and coherent.


Whoa, hey, back up there sparky. I profoundly respect your right to disagree with, dislike, and even insult Frenkle. But that level of cruelty and obscenity is completely uncalled for.


Whoa, hey, back up there sparky. I profoundly respect your right to disagree with, dislike, and even insult Frenkle. But that level of cruelty and obscenity is completely uncalled for.


"Shock and Awe" treatment.


Frenkle, if I've learned anything from you, it's to not get into a conversation or debate with you. To debate an assmudgeon like you is a complete waste of time. You come down on the wrong side every f'en time. How does it feel to bat .00000 every year? Compared to you, Keith Olbermann appears intelligent and coherent.


So, do you agree with Nancy Pelosi's statements? There, sucked in again!

I'm just wondering how you can make a statement like you did without including qualified candidates from the other side of the aisle.


I'm just wondering how you can make a statement like you did without including qualified candidates from the other side of the aisle.


The mainstream media takes care of that. I just brought up some that the media has pretty much buried. Now, do you agree with Nancy Pelosi's statements?


The mainstream media takes care of that. I just brought up some that the media has pretty much buried. Now, do you agree with Nancy Pelosi's statements?

Pelosi's an idiot, so you actually have something in common.


I'd like to personally thank for doing this hard, important, thankless job. With you out there, us lemmings can rest assured that the mainstream media complex cannot keep the truth from oozing out!


There's simply no one in DC quite like Chuck Is-that-A-Camera; Get-Out-Of-My-Way Schumer...and, thankfully, there's only one of him.


But, there is Joe Lieberman... and, now, Dick Blumenthal. They both like to be on teevee more than is healthy for a normal person (or is that "more than is normal for a healthy person"?)


Pelosi's an idiot, so you actually have something in common.


I'd like to personally thank for doing this hard, important, thankless job. With you out there, us lemmings can rest assured that the mainstream media complex cannot keep the truth from oozing out!



"Driveby Frenkle" strikes again. BTW, I thought you were banned?




The list of dems making foolish statements just continues to grow.

Careful, or you will get called out by you know who for making a partisan post. Can't have that!


Yeah, he misspoke. So? Yeah, it's dumb, but not that big of a deal.


Of course, if Bush had said this....well, suffice to say Frenkle would be all over it. :rolleyes:

Of course, if Palin had said this....oh man, hedd wouldn't be able to stop posting about it for a solid week. :rolleyes:


That's because neither of them will admit their own massive hypocrisy, mostly because they don't realize it exists, mostly because of one of the many flaws in liberal/progressive thinking: "We are educated, so whenever we make a mistake, it's just a mistake. However, when someone on the right misspeaks, it's proof of stupidity!" :lol:


That's how they justify their hypocrisy. Entertaining, isn't it? And you wonder why I ridicule them....


Moving on to his point:

Schumer is seriously mistaken if he thinks people aren't far more interested in a shake up of DC, than if granny goes without a check for a few weeks. He doesn't seem to get the difference between 1994 and today.


1994 was about a well-formed set of intellectual arguments delivered consistently.

2010 was nothing like that. Instead, it was about "stop the bastards, now!"


Many, many Democrats, like Schumer, have misled themselves into thinking this is about left ideas vs. right ideas. It isn't. This is about killing off left ideas, and/or reforming them. The right doesn't have to have any ideas to engage in this debate because the debate is about what to do with old/new leftist ideas. If the government shuts down, it will be effectively framed as: "These are the pains of dismantling the old system that we were sent by the voters to dismantle."

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