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Ralph's niece


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She's not bad lookin at all, but if you look close, you can see Ralph.


That said, it'd not stop me from taking her to a lovely dinner and a chick flick with flowers in my hand, but I wouldn't put out on the first date, she has to impress me first!

Agreed, WRT Ralph...same mouth. That's where I think the resemblance is anyway.

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She's not bad lookin at all, but if you look close, you can see Ralph.


That said, it'd not stop me from taking her to a lovely dinner and a chick flick with flowers in my hand, but I wouldn't put out on the first date, she has to impress me first!





For the job she has she is probably very good and represents the Bills well. Wonder how much Uncle Ralph pays his Execs for a position like that?

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I hope she's better than his daughter, the former scout.


Linda Bogdan was a well respected scout. She had a knack for finding OLine talent and was instrumental in targeting Hull from the USFL as well as lobbying for signing Ballard as a street free agent. John Davis was another Olman she convinced the Bills to sign. As a matter of fact, much of the OLine from the SB years was assembled by using much of her input as a scout.



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And your proof that this is pure nepotism exists where? There are tons of family businesses out there (including football teams) where family members choose to play a leadership role. Just because someone from the family gets promoted is not proof of nepotism.

Hiring and promoting family members is by definition nepotism. But let's all give Mary Owen the benefit of the doubt and assume that she is qualified and deserved the promotion. It is not like she just walked in unqualified and got the job. She has been there almost 15 years and no one has said a negative word about her before, because if they had it would have been all over this board.

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Linda Bogdan was a well respected scout. She had a knack for finding OLine talent and was instrumental in targeting Hull from the USFL as well as lobbying for signing Ballard as a street free agent. John Davis was another Olman she convinced the Bills to sign. As a matter of fact, much of the OLine from the SB years was assembled by using much of her input as a scout.




Any link for this? Not to speak ill of the passed, but Linda admitted she had her job because her dad owned the team. And Howard Ballard was an 11th round pick in 1987, not a UDFA.


A lot of people look good when Bill Polian is picking the players for you. I suspect there's a lot of that here.

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About 2 more years. Right after the impatient fans run Buddy and Chan out of town and we can start the process all over again.


wait. does history not tell us that ralph runs buddy out of town after buddy calls ralph's niece a slunt or something along those lines? then comes the part where ralph and his niece make all the decisions because ralph has trust issues...isn't that how this operation runs?

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Hiring and promoting family members is by definition nepotism. But let's all give Mary Owen the benefit of the doubt and assume that she is qualified and deserved the promotion. It is not like she just walked in unqualified and got the job. She has been there almost 15 years and no one has said a negative word about her before, because if they had it would have been all over this board.



Nope. Nepotism is when you hire or promote a family member-- over someone else who is more qualified-- on the basis of a family relationship. There is a difference. Favoritism is what is key .

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Dam Ralph is 95 years old with a niece who is in her mid 30's thats a pretty big age gap even if they are 1 generation apart (Although Ralph seems to be doing alright as his wife is in her early 60's and isn't too bad looking for an older lady). Either way this seems to be symbolic and nothing substantial.


And who cares if this is nepotism or not. If you owned a football team you would do the same thing for your family. Its your team you would want to run it your way.

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If I were a Billionaire with a Billion dollar company, I would take care of my family too. As long as she's not calling plays on Sunday who cares?

It is good to be Ralph's niece. She's probably not competent, but that really doesn't matter. She just draws a salary because she's Ralph's niece. Sucks, but it happens all the time in family run businesses. And it is very discouraging to the non family members of the management team, but that is what you buy into when you join a family-run business. The reason Modrak is still around is he has probably managed to ingratiate himself into the family to some extent. Good strategy. Kiss the ring daily and you get to stick around.

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A new heir?


I can't believe no one is commenting on this.

you knew the pollyannas would come out and say this is a nice thing, but i don't now how you can give ralph the benefit of the doubt anymore.


and by the way, bill polian thought linda bogdan sucked.

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Any link for this? Not to speak ill of the passed, but Linda admitted she had her job because her dad owned the team. And Howard Ballard was an 11th round pick in 1987, not a UDFA.


A lot of people look good when Bill Polian is picking the players for you. I suspect there's a lot of that here.


Thanks for the clarification on the Ballard pick. I'd forgotten the draft went well past the 7 rounds it does today. My point was that Bogdan lobbied hard for Ballard at a time when other scouts thought he was way too rough around the edges. They ended up taking a flyer on him, he spent his rookie year joined at Jim Ringo's hip walking up and down the sideline and learned the game. The rest is history. Bogdan hit on several OLmen and certainly missed on a few as well. But Polian (or any GM for that matter) never makes picks in a vacuum. Especially in the later rounds. That's where they really depend on the scouting reports and where the good scouting departments seperate themselves from the bad. So I would reverse your logic by suggesting that a lot of GMs look good when they good scouts suggesting picks for you.


She never forgot that, if not for who her father was, she wouldn't have gotten the opportunity to become a scout. It's a totally male-dominated field afterall, obviously. But RW just got her foot in the door. That's it. She had to sink or swim on her own merit and she did.


I love Bill Polian but he was a prickly dude at times. He argued with everybody in the organization, including Butler and the entire scouting department. Not just Linda Bogdan. Much is made of his famous name-calling but that's crap. Linda Bogdan had a few choice words for him as well. But he wasn't let go because of his arguments with Linda Bogdan or anyone else on the football side, he left because he new Littman was going to ruin that team by not re-signing key players.


Look, I wish I could provide the tell all "link" but it just doesn't exist. And I understand that without it I lack credibility. And that's cool. I totally understand that.



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Look, I wish I could provide the tell all "link" but it just doesn't exist


that's all we needed to read. the criticism of the royal wilson clan shall continue

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you knew the pollyannas would come out and say this is a nice thing, but i don't now how you can give ralph the benefit of the doubt anymore.


and by the way, bill polian thought linda bogdan sucked.


All I can say is that's just not true. Linda Bogdan pissed him off at times but so did every scout that worked for him, including Butler. Goes with the territory. And as I mentioned earlier, the incident where he called her a name was blown way out of proportion and had little to do with him leaving. He called everybody names. You should have heard him berate a parking attendant on opening day in 1987. Ripped him a new one in front of dozens of tailgaters.


Whether or not RW's niece turns out to be a good hire or not remains to be seen.



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that's all we needed to read. the criticism of the royal wilson clan shall continue


Feel free to criticize RW all you want. God knows there's a lot to criticize him for. And he'd be the first to tell you that.


But the Linda Bogdan hire doesn't beg much criticism, if any. While she was toiling away in relative anonymity and earning her stripes as a scout before Polian left, nobody had anything to say about her. I don't recall hearing or reading about anyone's dissatisfaction with her work BEFORE Polian left. If you were privy to any conversations or news reports to the contrary at the time, I'd be willing to listen.



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