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Look whos on Twitter now..


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Ha...pretty cool...I was on the same flight Monday with Fred, his wife, mother in law and 3 very well behaved kids. (well 1 was a baby)


I didn't want to bother him but told him good luck next year on my way off the plane. He said thanks and we went on our way.


A funny tidbit...on the way off the plane, he was carrying the baby bag over his shoulder along with other baby stuff when he kept hitting the seats as he was walking...

I told him he needed C Mac to clear the way for him :) He chuckled.


Seemed like a nice guy with a nice family.

Sweet! :thumbsup:

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Your post is the epitome of whining. The term is "whining" is purposely used incorrectly here often by people like yourself.


To whine is to complain in an inappropriate, childish manner. Complaining about the losing ways of a franchise that has missed the playoffs for 11 years is reasonable.


Your take is not reasonable, it's just childish because the issue isn't twitter and you know it.


The primary issue that the average Bills fan has with the Bills and twitter is players who don't produce talking a big game online then being part of the problem on the field.


Donte is that guy. He is completely delusional about what he brings to the table. It's one thing to not live up to the hype, that's not his fault not every 5'9" strong safety is going to be Bob Sanders(Levy tried to copy his GM mentor Polian). But Donte actually thinks he has lived up to the hype(considering all his hardships he's had to endure, apparently) and the detatchment from reality he shows via twitter is salt in the wound inflicted by all the losing that bad drafting has brought to Bills fans.


Shawne Merriman........he has done nothing but cost the Bills money. He gets somewhat of a pass because he has actually been a big time player in the past. But nonetheless, the main issue is the Bills not being good, not the use of twitter in general.


Fred Jackson should be fine. I think he is right to become more publicly involved with Bills fans. The Bills are very mercurial in how they handle contracts, getting fan support can't hurt his cause. Bills fans do want to hear from the players who aren't part of the problem.


Actually my comment was said in jest. I know I know the internet is words on a screen so it's hard to project emotion. I have no problem with Fred Jackson, he's my favorite Bills player right now. I dont even have an issue with twitter. It's more or less people like to attack athletes/celebs for the slightest thing. Putting yourself out there on the net, can have it's advantages, but it makes fan wrath, for any bad game just that much easier, when they have a target. As far as any contract issue goes. I couldn't honestly care less. The money Merriman is costing the Bills isn't costing me money. He's making chump change anyway for a guy who is what 26/27 and was once an "elite" player. As far as Whitner, he asks for a lot of the venom he gets from fans on twitter. I also would re-sign him cause honestly, while he's not Polamalu/reed/adrian wilson etc etc, he's a decent player on a bad defense, and if there's one thing this team has done worse than draft it's creating unnecessary holes, that we have to draft to replace, when we could just be re-signing our own players, and drafting to build a team.

Edited by Stealth
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