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After a week of blaming the right on mass murder...

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I think he is guilty of being liberal by association. For Christ sake did you see the interview with his friends, what a band of freaks. I think they should arrest Harelip Pedro and Hippie Ken for future murders or at the very least send them into the Army if they will take them.

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I really sincerely hate to defend 1Billsfan, but it is a bit ironic that this guy was immediately branded a product of the right and then he turns out to be an anti-Bush, Marxist disciple of Zeitgeist (which I was referred to last year by an openly communist friend of mine). Not as ironic as a traffic jam, mind you, but ironic none the less.

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…the left is now calling for more civil discourse and a toning down of the rhetoric.



BTW, isn't it ironic that in the recent tapes released of the killer's ramblings, the one coherent statement that could be heard was that he thought the two wars being fought were illegal?…and one of the guys shot by the killer made a death threat against a Tea Party member which wasn't even shown by the leftist ABC "news" which captured it? …and that Palin has recently received a tsunami of death threats since the tragedy yet continues to be tangentially linked to the murders by the liberal media jackals?

We all know the tea-bagging far right is as innocent as little miss riding hood.




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We all know the tea-bagging far right is as innocent as little miss riding hood.




If you could please do this louder and more often, those of us on the right would greatly appreciate it.


And get them all in. Teabaggers! Haters! Racists! Extremists! Birthers! Because it really alienates the right and makes them hide, especially when you make up things like you do here, implying that whenever someone threatens a Democrat, THEY'RE A TEBAGGER! Just like that Lougner dude.


Awesome. Just awesome.

Edited by LABillzFan
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We all know the tea-bagging far right is as innocent as little miss riding hood.






A transcript shows that he left his name and number and,.........

Federal prosecutors say they had been working on the case for several weeks


:wallbash: :wallbash: :wallbash:

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If you could please do this louder and more often, those of us on the right would greatly appreciate it.


And get them all in. Teabaggers! Haters! Racists! Extremists! Birthers! Because it really alienates the right and makes them hide, especially when you make up things like you do here, implying that whenever someone threatens a Democrat, THEY'RE A TEBAGGER! Just like that Lougner dude.


Awesome. Just awesome.

Oh yeah because the left is absolutely for extending tax cuts and against health care so using crayonz like logic this guy had to be a democrat.

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Oh yeah because the left is absolutely for extending tax cuts and against health care so using crayonz like logic this guy had to be a democrat.


I KNEW you couldn't resist responding to 1billsfan's particular brand of blather in this thread with your particular brand of blather.


Now just to await the inevitable 1billsfan/Hedd !@#$tard death match I know is coming.

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Oh yeah because the left is absolutely for extending tax cuts and against health care so using crayonz like logic this guy had to be a democrat.

You see, you're making stuff up again, which is why no one takes you any more seriously than a conner web link. The article didn't say he was for extending tax cuts and against health care. It said, "...he was upset about votes on tax legislation" and later added that he "rant(ed) about the health care bill."


Given that hard core progressives like yourself were upset about extending the tax cuts to "the rich" and equally upset that the heath care bill didn't include a public option, this man could very easily be a progressive. In fact, it's actually MORE obvious that he's a progressive because he explains his behavior on "the fact that he was drunk and under the influence of marijuana," and I think we all know the progressives hold the market on being drunk and smoking dope all the time. Come to think of it, based on everything we've read in the article you provided, one could argue that he's also automotive union factory worker on his morning break.


But thanks for trying to create something that only exists in your mind.



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I KNEW you couldn't resist responding to 1billsfan's particular brand of blather in this thread with your particular brand of blather.


Now just to await the inevitable 1billsfan/Hedd !@#$tard death match I know is coming.



Do you like boring your friends also or is it just here that we're so lucky?

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It isn't just the right and it isn't just America. The whole world has turned into a molten ball of hate and fear and it will only continue to build on itself as everyone waits for everyone else to do the right thing.


We all want order, but order never lasts- it all melts down into chaos, because chaos is easy.

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Oh yeah because the left is absolutely for extending tax cuts and against health care so using crayonz like logic this guy had to be a democrat.


Let's say the gunman was a die hard Tea Party member. What would that tell you about the Tea Party?

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