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Ancient Aliens

truth on hold

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My wife and I have enjoyed watching the show. A few interesting theories. Several leaps in lahjik, though.

I know there's some holes and they should give the skeptics more time. For one thing, the underground "city" off Japan's coast seems very mucha natural formation to me. But overall I find it provocative and I always learn something about a different part of the world.


But in fairness to them, seems like there's some serious holes in accepted explanations too. Construction of the great pyramids in Egypt the most obvious. Given the age of the underground city Turkey, I think that presents a challenge to convential wisdom too.


Being somewhat of an agnostic myself, I must say if the ancient religions were influenced by E.T.'s, I find that somewhat more comforting than mass halucinations.

Edited by Joe_the_6_pack
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My wife and I have enjoyed watching the show. A few interesting theories. Several leaps in lahjik, though.


I watched what was the first "season" i guess last spring. It was a 5 or 6 parter. I liked the series, but as you said, there were jumps is their thinking and logic. I find this a common theme is lots of history channel shows (like the unvierse). They start off really well, and somewhere along the line, the producers let the shows subjects and experts just go off on whatever wild theories they have that aren't even necessarily based in reality.


Regarding the series, i liek a lot fo hwta they present. I'll have to check out this new season. They bring forth a good variety fo compleeing evidence, enough so to make me go out and get "Chariots of the Gods" by von Daniken, which i am currently reading. I'm a believer that things have visited the planet in the past. The biggest piece of evidence to me is that there are numerous paintings, carving, sculptures, etc that show flying objects and the like. Why would ancients include these objects if they didn't exist? They didn't put them in their art work just to mess with people in a few thousand years.

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I watched what was the first "season" i guess last spring. It was a 5 or 6 parter. I liked the series, but as you said, there were jumps is their thinking and logic. I find this a common theme is lots of history channel shows (like the unvierse). They start off really well, and somewhere along the line, the producers let the shows subjects and experts just go off on whatever wild theories they have that aren't even necessarily based in reality.


Regarding the series, i liek a lot fo hwta they present. I'll have to check out this new season. They bring forth a good variety fo compleeing evidence, enough so to make me go out and get "Chariots of the Gods" by von Daniken, which i am currently reading. I'm a believer that things have visited the planet in the past. The biggest piece of evidence to me is that there are numerous paintings, carving, sculptures, etc that show flying objects and the like. Why would ancients include these objects if they didn't exist? They didn't put them in their art work just to mess with people in a few thousand years.

My wife and I enjoy these show as well. We've seen them all.. several times.


A few points that come to my mind while watching them...


They have to make a few leaps in their logic or thinking. Otherwise, there wouldn't be much of a show. First, we can't definitely prove aliens were here. And second, logic tends to dictate a simpler answer that can be proven. So, I think they have to make a few "jumps" to carry the storyline further and in a more interesting direction.


I've never quite bought into the whole, ancient civilizations weren't advanced enough to build or do certain things. I think there's an ego centric bias in that thinking. It's amazing what people can visualize and do when they don't have a TV running all day and night draining their brain. I think it's more logical to conclude that human civilization has lost just as much technology and knowledge through the sands of time and war as we've lost entire cities and cultures.


I've never quite followed the logic either that there's ancient carvings, sculptures, what have you of flying objects. Therefore, these people must have seen something flying. Why would they put them in artwork if they didn't exist? I'd offer for the same reason that we do it today. They had imagination and used that imagination to tell stories. Imagine our culture being wiped out in some catastrophic event and a few thousand years someone finds a few toys from the movie star wars and concludes that these things were real. I think it important to remember that we're only seeing a small window of what an ancient civilization was like. We only see what survives, not everything that it encompassed. Yet, everything discovered is viewed in the light of having some great meaning. Maybe? But, maybe some guy was just making some crap up to tell some story.

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"If man can visit the moon, why can't aliens visit the Earth?"


Because the moon is 2-3 days flight away. The nearest planetary system is 4 light years away. The closest advanced alien civilization may be hundreds of light years away. And this advanced alien civilization needed to travel faster than light or create and travel through wormholes, two things the physics we understand says is impossible.


I have no doubt alien civilizations exist, but interstellar travel is pretty daunting.



Edited by PromoTheRobot
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"If man can visit the moon, why can't aliens visit the Earth?"


Because the moon is 2-3 days flight away. The nearest planetary system is 4 light years away. The closest advanced alien civilization may be hundreds of light years away. And this advanced alien civilization needed to travel faster than light or create and travel through wormholes, two things the physics we understand says is impossible.


I have no doubt alien civilizations exist, but interstellar travel is pretty daunting.



Instead of aliens, how about ancient advanced earth civilizations? And Im not talking a few thousand years, more like a few million.

Edited by Joe_the_6_pack
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"If man can visit the moon, why can't aliens visit the Earth?"


Because the moon is 2-3 days flight away. The nearest planetary system is 4 light years away. The closest advanced alien civilization may be hundreds of light years away. And this advanced alien civilization needed to travel faster than light or create and travel through wormholes, two things the physics we understand says is impossible.


I have no doubt alien civilizations exist, but interstellar travel is pretty daunting.



You're making the mistake is assuming that other intelligence has to be human-like with human properties and qualities. What happens if there's a civilization out there with an organism lifespan of 250,000 years? Even a 1,000 year trip for them is nothing more than a road trip.

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I watched what was the first "season" i guess last spring. It was a 5 or 6 parter. I liked the series, but as you said, there were jumps is their thinking and logic. I find this a common theme is lots of history channel shows (like the unvierse). They start off really well, and somewhere along the line, the producers let the shows subjects and experts just go off on whatever wild theories they have that aren't even necessarily based in reality.


Regarding the series, i liek a lot fo hwta they present. I'll have to check out this new season. They bring forth a good variety fo compleeing evidence, enough so to make me go out and get "Chariots of the Gods" by von Daniken, which i am currently reading. I'm a believer that things have visited the planet in the past. The biggest piece of evidence to me is that there are numerous paintings, carving, sculptures, etc that show flying objects and the like. Why would ancients include these objects if they didn't exist? They didn't put them in their art work just to mess with people in a few thousand years.


I read Chariots of the Gods a long time ago. Probably shortly after it was written. I too believe the planet was visited in the past. However I don't believe "we" where here the first time they visited. I feel we are the results of their visit.

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"If man can visit the moon, why can't aliens visit the Earth?"


Because the moon is 2-3 days flight away. The nearest planetary system is 4 light years away. The closest advanced alien civilization may be hundreds of light years away. And this advanced alien civilization needed to travel faster than light or create and travel through wormholes, two things the physics we understand says is impossible.


I have no doubt alien civilizations exist, but interstellar travel is pretty daunting.




and it was only a few hundred years ago that almost everyone alive would have told you "You cant travel around the world, it's flat, there is no way to do it, you'll fall of the side of the Earth"


its very likely that space travel on that level IS possible, but we simply do not have the technology yet and right now, our brains cant even grasp what that would take. But once it's discovered, everyone that comes after that will say "Why didnt those ancient dummies living in the 2000s think of this?!"


I read Chariots of the Gods a long time ago. Probably shortly after it was written. I too believe the planet was visited in the past. However I don't believe "we" where here the first time they visited. I feel we are the results of their visit.


During much higher times, I had a short lived theory that the "meteor" that killed the dinosaurs was actually a vessel sent to Earth by our Alien ancestors who had outlived their planet and that they knew no living creature would survive the trip so they only sent the equivalent of some DNA and a petri dish and let evolution work from there...


Hows that measure up to what you are thinking?

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and it was only a few hundred years ago that almost everyone alive would have told you "You cant travel around the world, it's flat, there is no way to do it, you'll fall of the side of the Earth"


its very likely that space travel on that level IS possible, but we simply do not have the technology yet and right now, our brains cant even grasp what that would take. But once it's discovered, everyone that comes after that will say "Why didnt those ancient dummies living in the 2000s think of this?!"




During much higher times, I had a short lived theory that the "meteor" that killed the dinosaurs was actually a vessel sent to Earth by our Alien ancestors who had outlived their planet and that they knew no living creature would survive the trip so they only sent the equivalent of some DNA and a petri dish and let evolution work from there...


Hows that measure up to what you are thinking?


Doesn't measure up at all. I think they !@#$ed the monkeys. :D

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i've seen a few episodes. The older episodes are much better than the newer ones, they seem to be taking a few more "leaps of faith" if you will. the newer episodes also seem to feature a lot of that guy from UFO Hunters, there's a real unbiased expert there :rolleyes:


I recently started calling it The Bullsh#t Show. But I still watch it, mainly because it's on before Brad Meltzer's Decoded

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Instead of aliens, how about ancient advanced earth civilizations? And Im not talking a few thousand years, more like a few million.


If dinosaurs left traces, wouldn't an advanced civilization do so? Unless they all just picked up and left, becoming Ancients and tidying up. :unsure:


Cool series of books by Julian May about alien races and humans back millions of years ago, I highly recommend the stuff: Wiki Link


The 'Saga of Pliocene Exile' (known as the 'Saga of the Exiles' in some markets) is a narrative surrounding the adventures of a group of late 21st and early 22nd century misfits/outcasts who travel through a one-way time-gate to Earth's Pliocene epoch, in the hopes of finding a simple utopia where they can finally fit in.


However, the reality is far removed from the dream. The time-travellers arrive to discover the Pliocene is already inhabited by a dimorphic race of aliens ('exotics'), the Tanu and the Firvulag. The exotics, who have fled their home galaxy because of religious persecution, are marooned on Pliocene Earth as well.


The Tanu exotics have difficulty reproducing on Earth due to the high terrestrial and solar radiation, relative to their homeworld, and so have enslaved many of the humans in an effort to overcome this problem, interbreeding with the more robust humans. The Firvulag exotics are, in the main, unaffected by the higher levels of radiation and have no reproductive challenges.


Understandably, relationships between all exotics and the humans tend to be somewhat strained, although this manifests in different ways, and is complicated further by the exotics' metapsychic powers.


As to any of the legends of ancient civilizations, I tend to think that relatively simple advancements made people think of that. Think better bows, steel, and sailing ships centuries ahead of their time, not flying cars.

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If dinosaurs left traces, wouldn't an advanced civilization do so? Unless they all just picked up and left, becoming Ancients and tidying up.

The earth is 4 billion years old (give or take several hundred million years) and it's always changing. I think there's a lot about our ancient history thats been wiped out. Also the aliens may be water dwelling creatures that live in unexplored deep ocean depths. Or they may reside well beneath the earth's surface. Another possibility is the aliens weren't from another solar system, but from one of the planets in ours.

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The earth is 4 billion years old (give or take several hundred million years) and it's always changing. I think there's a lot about our ancient history thats been wiped out. Also the aliens may be water dwelling creatures that live in unexplored deep ocean depths. Or they may reside well beneath the earth's surface. Another possibility is the aliens weren't from another solar system, but from one of the planets in ours.


I guess the ocean one is plausible; in that, a race that required those conditions, could have evidence that we haven't seen. Deep ocean mind you. I suppose mole-men are another possible reason for no archeological record, as is John Carter.


If they were around, where did they go?

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I guess the ocean one is plausible; in that, a race that required those conditions, could have evidence that we haven't seen. Deep ocean mind you. I suppose mole-men are another possible reason for no archeological record, as is John Carter.


If they were around, where did they go?

Stayed in their deep ocean or underground homes? Set out to explore other planets?


Also, like someone pointed out, they may have been ETs that figured out travel light years and/or who's life expectancy was so much longer than ours, the length in time was manageable. If they really told the Mayans we'll see you again in 2,000'ish years, they must live a long time.


I know, I know ... one huge leap of faith after another. But we're just tossing out possibilities. Which I think is justified, given all the holes in our understanding.

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Stayed in their deep ocean or underground homes? Set out to explore other planets?


Also, like someone pointed out, they may have been ETs that figured out travel light years and/or who's life expectancy was so much longer than ours, the length in time was manageable. If they really told the Mayans we'll see you again in 2,000'ish years, they must live a long time.


I know, I know ... one huge leap of faith after another. But we're just tossing out possibilities. Which I think is justified, given all the holes in our understanding.


You need to read the Cthulhu Mythos by H.P. Lovecraft.


I guess the ocean one is plausible; in that, a race that required those conditions, could have evidence that we haven't seen. Deep ocean mind you. I suppose mole-men are another possible reason for no archeological record, as is John Carter.


If they were around, where did they go?


Speaking of mole-men. This is the creepiest episode of Superman ever

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