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How would posters liked their crow served?

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Well stick a fork in 'em many of TSWs most certain posters are officially done. What's your nominee for the football notions most recently shown to be stupid by the Bills play in their recent run.


Nothing isproved for the team yet, as it clearly ain't over until its over regarding the playoffs, but there have been many comments stated with such flat out certainty on TSW that clearly have nothing to do with the reality of events that they deserve some notice.


We're certainly almost all guilty as I must admit after the NE debacle I was merely arguing against those who wanted to cut Bledsoe yesterday that we had to wait until June of next year to cut him, but I admit that I was wrong and it is clear to me that Bledsoe will not only remain a Bill in 2005 but its a good thing because it removes a lot of the pressure to only have JP mop-up because despite some good signs he is not ready to start from what I've seen.


My saving grace is that outside of my premature willingness to cut Bledsoe, I have beena pretty true believer in a lot we have done and even the things I had doubts about I certainly did not have the certainty some have had to advocate positions which are now pretty clearly wrong.


There are some obvious targets like many of ICE's rantings but the following are my favorites of things which I challenge posters to show their strength and toughness by admitting they were wrong and saying how they would like their crow served:


1. Cut Troy Vincent, my buddies in Philly say he is too old and can't play and is a malingerer anyway.


-'m still debating whether he looked worse on his sack, his INT, or his fumble recovery.


2. Shift MW to guard, he can never deal with speed rushers and we need help at guard we can't find elsewhere.


-JMac did hint at this, but I think he said this to fool MW into being the player he has proved to be prior to his injury. H obviously fooled a few posters as well


3. Start JP now


-Though I have backed off the idea of starting him now if he is ready because the Bills have shown they can win going away even with marginal QB play, JP has really demonstrated to me that despite showing some good stuff like evading a tackle and running for a 1st down today he is not ready to start yet. One would think that getting injured in practice would have taught this cocky player that he needs to protect himself, but his dive and hit the tackle for a couple of extra yards which were totally meaningless as he clearly had the first down indicates to me that he does not have the mental savvy to match his great athletic abilities. Add to that the lack of command of the game and huddle he showed with the delay of game penalty last time (at least he simply blew a TO today when he lost track of the clock) and I think mop-up duty is about right for him right now. At any rate, our meager playoff hops might well be a goner right now if we had thrown in the towel and gone with the thrid stringer to start at QB.

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One would think that getting injured in practice would have taught this cocky player that he needs to protect himself, but his dive and hit the tackle for a couple of extra yards which were totally meaningless as he clearly had the first down indicates to me that he does not have the mental savvy to match his great athletic abilities.


Just 'cuz he's got more guts than brains, don't mean he doesn't have enough brains. It might just mean he has a whole lot of guts. He might still be doin that in the 2016 and it won't mean he's short on savvy then either.


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Just 'cuz he's got more guts than brains, don't mean he doesn't have enough brains. It might just mean he has a whole lot of guts. He might still be doin that in the 2016 and it won't mean he's short on savvy then either.



Agreed. My guess is that he is just pumped up by playing, and wants to show his teammates that he is a tough guy and unafraid of anything, especially a little contact with a DB. He can always tone that down. I don't see guys getting hurt on plays like that anyway.

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My, FFS, how the mouthy have risen.


I've almost forgotten how weak the Bills were four weeks ago when they had their collective asses handed to them by the NewenGland Pats.

I can hardly remember how inept the OLine was the first half of the year and how JMac insisted Pucillo was our starting Left Guard, wait a minute, it's gotta be Smith, no, now it's Tucker.

I can't remember all the times that Drew carried the team on his shoulders and grabbed victory in the face of certain defeat. I'm sure there must be some, I just can't bring any to mind.

It's real nice to see Troy Vincent show up and earn his paycheck.


In case you forgot, we lost the first four games of the year. But it doesn't matter if you and the pom-pom waving crowd do or not. The league does. The playoffs have started. One loss and they're out.


Before the season started I predicted a 10-6 record and I'm still equal money on that to all the bandwagon jumping rah-rah knuckleheads who are riding high on the recent success. It's great that MM has turned around the ship and the Bills are finally after four years fielding a very respectable team again. But for the first half of this year it wasn't happening. It was another half season after three Looooooooooooong seasons of pathetic ineptitude. Gee, excuse me for not being an optimist like the ostriches who suddenly have come up for air apparently were all along.


I do not believe in Drew. Never have. That said, I hope this is his swan song and he wins out the rest of the year. I'll be very happy if I'm proved wrong about him, in contrast to how most of the others here will feel if he steps on his dick again in a big game like he has so many times in the past. He's going to disappoint one of us and frankly I hope it's me.

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My, FFS, how the mouthy have risen.


I've almost forgotten how weak the Bills were four weeks ago when they had their collective asses handed to them by the NewenGland Pats.

I can hardly remember how inept the OLine was the first half of the year and how JMac insisted Pucillo was our starting Left Guard, wait a minute, it's gotta be Smith, no, now it's Tucker.

I can't remember all the times that Drew carried the team on his shoulders and grabbed victory in the face of certain defeat. I'm sure there must be some, I just can't bring any to mind.

It's real nice to see Troy Vincent show up and earn his paycheck.


In case you forgot, we lost the first four games of the year. But it doesn't matter if you and the pom-pom waving crowd do or not. The league does. The playoffs have started. One loss and they're out.


Before the season started I predicted a 10-6 record and I'm still equal money on that to all the bandwagon jumping rah-rah knuckleheads who are riding high on the recent success. It's great that MM has turned around the ship and the Bills are finally after four years fielding a very respectable team again. But for the first half of this year it wasn't happening. It was another half season after three Looooooooooooong seasons of pathetic ineptitude. Gee, excuse me for not being an optimist like the ostriches who suddenly have come up for air apparently were all along.


I do not believe in Drew. Never have. That said, I hope this is his swan song and he wins out the rest of the year. I'll be very happy if I'm proved wrong about him, in contrast to how most of the others here will feel if he steps on his dick again in a big game like he has so many times in the past. He's going to disappoint one of us and frankly I hope it's me.



We certainly should not forget how badly this team played when they went 0-4 and 1-5 because remembering this is a big part of what makes this turnaround a turnaround and makes this so much fun.


What I'm also not forgetting is that many posters on TSW seemed to assert that they knew a lot more about football than us other foolish posters and even stranger that they knew a lot more about football than TD, MM and the Bills braintrust who are paid way too much money to spend too much timing thinking about how to win this boy's game.


I'm as happy as anyone to admit that I was flatout wrong for having lost faith in the Bills ability to make a playoff run, It still looks pretty doubtful that they will make it to the playoffs as in addition to winning out (a difficult thing to do in itself) they will have depend upon too many other opponents doing complete el foldos to get there.


Nevertheless, I am pleased amidst the difficult times of the first half of the season, I had my doubtsad failings, but at least I did not invest in to total non-football thinking of some posters on TSW who stated that it was simply a stone cold lock that this team would never win with Bledsoe at the helm, that TD made obviously silly draft picks which would never work and actually seemed to delight in mocking out the bad accomplishments of this team rather than suggesting how to make it better (outside of suggesting some insane cuts),


Folks know who they are. It would be interesting to track the number of posts they made in the bad times and their declining number as the team performs better after their sage wisdom was totally ignored.


Are folks who gave football "advice" while we were not producing strong enough to now stand-up and say that the Bills huge increase in productivity came about at the same time as their advice (or stone-cold perscriptions) regarding issues like cutting Vincent, moving MW to LG, or cutting Bledsoe yesterday were totally ignored?

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We certainly should not forget how badly this team played when they went 0-4 and 1-5 because remembering this is a big part of what makes this turnaround a turnaround and makes this so much fun.


What I'm also not forgetting is that many posters on TSW seemed to assert that they knew a lot more about football than us other foolish posters and even stranger that they knew a lot more about football than TD, MM and the Bills braintrust who are paid way too much money to spend too much timing thinking about how to win this boy's game.


I'm as happy as anyone to admit that I was flatout wrong for having lost faith in the Bills ability to make a playoff run,  It still looks pretty doubtful that they will make it to the playoffs as in addition to winning out (a difficult thing to do in itself) they will have depend upon too many other opponents doing complete el foldos to get there.


Nevertheless, I am pleased amidst the difficult times of the first half of the season, I had my doubtsad failings, but at least I did not invest in to total non-football thinking of some posters on TSW who stated that it was simply a stone cold lock that this team would never win with Bledsoe at the helm, that TD made obviously silly draft picks which would never work and actually seemed to delight in mocking out the bad accomplishments of this team rather than suggesting how to make it better (outside of suggesting some insane cuts),


Folks know who they are.  It would be interesting to track the number of posts they made in the bad times and their declining number as the team performs better after their sage wisdom was totally ignored.


Are folks who gave football "advice" while we were not producing strong enough to now stand-up and say that the Bills huge increase in productivity came about at the same time as their advice (or stone-cold perscriptions) regarding issues like cutting Vincent, moving MW to LG, or cutting Bledsoe yesterday were totally ignored?



I will happily take my lumps. I did not think that McNally could make a good unit from an OL that gave up more than 100 sacks in 2 years.

That said, what this man has done is incredible. Tucker is imo playing very well at LG. How amazing is that? Teague (who imo was a lousy center) is improving as we speak. Big Mike looks as if he wants to play football, and they lost little when Price was inserted.

Despite my years of criticism (which imo was quite valid), all I ever wanted was for the Buffalo Bills to be a football team that was able to block opposing football teams. You saw the game yesterday and the Arizona game. The climate makes the basic need to block even more pronounced.

I just hope that TD continues to draft big guys for the OL. We need another corner, and could use another running back.

All in all, the future looks bright imo, and I am happy to be mistaken about Mr. McNally. ;)

GO BILLS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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I will happily take my lumps. I did not think that McNally could make a good unit from an OL that gave up more than 100 sacks in 2 years.

That said, what this man has done is incredible. Tucker is imo playing very well at LG. How amazing is that? Teague (who imo was a lousy center) is improving as we speak. Big Mike looks as if he wants to play football, and they lost little when Price was inserted.

Despite my years of criticism (which imo was quite valid), all I ever wanted was for the Buffalo Bills to be a football team that was able to block opposing football teams. You saw the game yesterday and the Arizona game. The climate makes the basic need to block even more pronounced.

I just hope that TD continues to draft big guys for the OL. We need another corner, and could use another running back.

All in all, the future looks bright imo, and I am happy to be mistaken about Mr. McNally.  ;)

GO BILLS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!



So you admit he walks on water now?



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I will happily take my lumps. I did not think that McNally could make a good unit from an OL that gave up more than 100 sacks in 2 years.

That said, what this man has done is incredible. Tucker is imo playing very well at LG. How amazing is that? Teague (who imo was a lousy center) is improving as we speak. Big Mike looks as if he wants to play football, and they lost little when Price was inserted.

Despite my years of criticism (which imo was quite valid), all I ever wanted was for the Buffalo Bills to be a football team that was able to block opposing football teams. You saw the game yesterday and the Arizona game. The climate makes the basic need to block even more pronounced.

I just hope that TD continues to draft big guys for the OL. We need another corner, and could use another running back.

All in all, the future looks bright imo, and I am happy to be mistaken about Mr. McNally.  ;)

GO BILLS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!



Many praises to you Bill, though my endorsement is certainly not necessary or required. I definitely have enjoyed learning from and disagreeing with your posts over the years.


It really is great to root for a winner and though I was wrong to declare it impossible for the Bills to win with Bledsoe playing as poorly as he has recently, the Bills fortunately have proved me wrong in that they have won going away several times in a row with Bledsoe's performance ranging from good (the TD throw to Evans las week wasa beautiful pass) to downright stinky (100 yds? even in lousy weather against Cleveland this stinks and the 3 pics were putrid). I am happy I was so wrong.


I don't think I was wrong about Bledsoe who I still think is well beyond his best days. I was wrong not paying attention to the factual occurence that a team can simply blow opponents away multiple times even if they're QB doesn't play well or consistently.


The most amazing thing though about this is that I saw myself as being fairly moderate about Bledsoe and a team's ability to win with him, I deemed the original trade to be a good one, but the possibility of being a winner witg him was over.


I think folks who claim an real football knowledge rather than being driven by their own pride would step up now if they truly rooted for the Bills and simply admit they were wrong and it is possible for this team to win with Bledsoe doing whatever Bledsoe can do.


How low the brilliant have fallen dropping back from their worldly pronouncements that the Bills could not win at all with Bledsoe to now feebly claiming he will never win them an SB/

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Many praises to you Bill, though my endorsement is certainly not necessary or required.  I definitely have enjoyed learning from and disagreeing with your posts over the years. 


It really is great to root for a winner and though I was wrong to declare it impossible for the Bills to win with Bledsoe playing as poorly as he has recently, the Bills fortunately have proved me wrong in that they have won going away several times in a row with Bledsoe's performance ranging from good (the TD throw to Evans las week wasa beautiful pass) to downright stinky (100 yds? even in lousy weather against Cleveland this stinks and the 3 pics were putrid).  I am happy I was so wrong.


I don't think I was wrong about Bledsoe who I still think is well beyond his best days.  I was wrong not paying attention to the factual occurence that a team can simply blow opponents away multiple times even if they're QB doesn't play well or consistently.


The most amazing thing though about this is that I saw myself as being fairly moderate about Bledsoe and a team's ability to win with him,  I deemed the original trade to be a good one, but the possibility of being a winner witg him was over.


I think folks who claim an real football knowledge rather than being driven by their own pride would step up now if they truly rooted for the Bills and simply admit they were wrong and it is possible for this team to win with Bledsoe doing whatever Bledsoe can do.


How low the brilliant have fallen dropping back from their worldly pronouncements that the Bills could not win at all with Bledsoe to now feebly claiming he will never win them an SB/



Thanks for the compliment. Your theory about cap allocation to the qb position still has my head spinning. While I am not in full agreement with you on this issue, you have certainly influenced my stance. the ironic thing is that the Bills, taking all things into consideration, might be in a near perfect spot wrt to this.


While I will always welcome newcomers to TBD, it certainly is always great to read the postings of "old timers" such as you.

Thanks again for the kind words.

GO BILLS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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mcnally's ability to walk on water has nothing to do with any kind of divinity. it's merely a scientific anomoly due to the unnatural buoyancy from his gigantic man boobs


Oh God; I have just watered the tile neneath my chair...


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How low the brilliant have fallen dropping back from their worldly pronouncements that the Bills could not win at all with Bledsoe to now feebly claiming he will never win them an SB/


While I don't claim to be among the brilliant, what about those of us who originally claimed that we would never go to a SB with Drew, then became increasingly hostile as his play degenerated under GW/Gilbride, then gradually backed off to their original statements?

Can I just have some Cornish gamehen with the shot still in it?-)

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While I don't claim to be among the brilliant, what about those of us who originally claimed that we would never go to a SB with Drew, then became increasingly hostile as his play degenerated under GW/Gilbride, then gradually backed off to their original statements?

Can I just have some Cornish gamehen with the shot still in it?-)


Well I don't think they're exactly in the bag just yet, but once they're delivered, I'll pluck 'em and we can roast them over a huge bonfire of broken epithet-laced past posts! I've eaten lots of crow in my day, and this particular variety promises to be pretty tasty. ;)

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While I don't claim to be among the brilliant, what about those of us who originally claimed that we would never go to a SB with Drew, then became increasingly hostile as his play degenerated under GW/Gilbride, then gradually backed off to their original statements?

Can I just have some Cornish gamehen with the shot still in it?-)



I think (personally) that your incisive comments have earned you the right to eat whatever you want. This post is there for our good friends who not only made some fairly stupid comments which have either not come to pass, have been proven wrong or defied reality in the first place (how some folks can insist that a QB who played for a team which made the SB under Parcells and who played QB in the majority of a must-win game in route to an SB win has bever been a winner anywhere simply defies reality).


At any rate, these folks know who they are, are they also secure enough, strong enough and posters enough to admit what they were wrong about and allow us to move on with only the occaisional reference to their claims or are they gonna lay low until the Bills eventually lose (as happens to everyone) or get eliminated from the playoffs.


They get to crawl on glass a little bit now or they should crawl on glass and slime if they come back later to claim they told us so.

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At any rate, these folks know who they are, are they also secure enough, strong enough and posters enough to admit what they were wrong about and allow us to move on with only the occaisional reference to their claims or are they gonna lay low until the Bills eventually lose (as happens to everyone) or get eliminated from the playoffs.


They get to crawl on glass a little bit now or they should crawl on glass and slime if they come back later to claim they told us so.


You know that's coming. You're absolutely right about that.


Hey, everybody's wrong sometimes. I still don't like Bledsoe, and I don't think he's going to get the job done here. I do think Mularkey's showing that he's the real deal, and I KNOW I was damned impatient with the slow friggin start to this year. That's the record that is haunting us and will continue to haunt us. Hell the Jests are talking like they're going to get squeezed out of the playoffs with an 11-5 record, because both Dunver and Bal'more look to go 11-5 and hold the edge. Call me crazy, but if you're asking me to bet the house on the Bills running the table and watching two of the three other principals suddenly losing interest in playing for a berth, hey I ain't doing it. They say that miracles happen. I'll be waiting for this one.


What the others are doing I can't say but a lot of posters have come out of the woodwork recently and are thumping their chests like a SB win is a certainty. They've been overtly hostile toward any input other than rah-rah sis boom bah! Maybe the other people you speak of don't want to genuflect just yet at the shrines of eternal adoration that are being built around here daily. That doesn't make them bad people.

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I say instead of worrying about who is right & who is wrong,

just enjoy the run we're on. :)


If the team starts losing & certain players start sucking again,

rest assured that slams will be issued by many if deserved, as always.

Until then, the Bills are winning, and life is good. ;)

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