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Volunteer Firemen or Professional Firemen


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Does it really matter. They're both just sick pyromaniacs.

There is evidence out there to support what you are saying. I'm just not sure what we should do with it. You can't get rid of all firemen whether volunteer or professional. Where would we be then? If you wiped the slate clean and started from scratch wouldn't you just end up with a bunch much like the one you just rid yourself of?

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There is evidence out there to support what you are saying. I'm just not sure what we should do with it. You can't get rid of all firemen whether volunteer or professional. Where would we be then? If you wiped the slate clean and started from scratch wouldn't you just end up with a bunch much like the one you just rid yourself of?


One word. Elephants.

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My father is part of a volunteer dept. in the Southern Tier; they have 3 paid drivers so one is always on the clock, but the rest of the dept. is all volunteer. This keeps response times fairly quick (since no one has to first drive to the fire hall and pick up the truck) and also keeps costs down.


Where I live we have lots of paid fireman, and the taxes to go with it. I haven't had a use for them (knock on wood) yet.


It's also worth noting that at least 95% of the calls my Dad goes on are medical emergencies and not fire related.

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Betty and Wilma proved that the Bedrock fire department was a sham, Barney and Fred were just hanging out and playing cards and boozing it up, when the girls realized that Bedrock was made up of ....well bedrock, they called in an alarm and the poker playing, beer swilling fire department members were exposed as frauds.

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Some of you live where the firemen are volunteers and some of you live where they are professional


Which type do you have in your city and town, and do they do a good job?


Do you talk to janitors when you ride the bus?

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