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I didn't watch the Presidents speech last night,

Gary M

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There is NO WAY that any president can possibly know everything that goes on in his administration - or even his office.


That's not cluelessness, that's the simple fact that to govern effectively any leader or manager at a high level needs to not be distracted by the insignificant bull ****, and thus has staff making those decisions.


In fact, if Obama was in any way involved with these t-shirts, THAT would make him irresponsible and clueless, for focusing on insignificant bull **** that he could and should delegate.


So he has surrounded himself with insensitive groupies that are only concerned with promoting his image. :wallbash:

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Ultimately who cares. Seems that the only people really upset with the rally are people that are normally against Obama. Big deal.


So it WAS a rally. If I had a loved one murdered and people were treating it like a rock concert (and not towards the people murdered mind you but towards one of the speakers) I'd be pissed also and most definately not with the speakder but the people doing the disrespecting. Obama had nothing to do with it. The idios in attendance did.


So he has surrounded himself with insensitive groupies that are only concerned with promoting his image. :wallbash:


You're just now figuring this out?

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Didn't the school already admit to handing out the t-shirts?


Okay it's not Obamas fault.


But I don't believe that no one in the admin knew about it.


So it WAS a rally. If I had a loved one murdered and people were treating it like a rock concert (and not towards the people murdered mind you but towards one of the speakers) I'd be pissed also and most definately not with the speakder but the people doing the disrespecting. Obama had nothing to do with it. The idios in attendance did.




You're just now figuring this out?


No I just like to point it out as much as I can.

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Okay it's not Obamas fault.


But I don't believe that no one in the admin knew about it.


Retreat and regroup. At least you're admitting you were wrong. It puts you heads and shoulders above most of the looney fringe.

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But I don't believe that no one in the admin knew about it.


Probably some lower level flunky fresh out of college and half-removed from intern status who said "hey, that's a great way to show unity! Go for it!" after being contacted by another low-level flunky in Tuscon who said "Hey, I have an idea...", because at 24 years old she didn't have the maturity or experience to realize how bad an idea it actually was.

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Blood libel liberal media!

The sooner that blows over and we stop hearing those two words, the better. I heard them enough as a kid in stories. She wasn't completely wrong using them to describe what was being done- although it overshadowed what was happening, unfortunately.

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Probably some lower level flunky fresh out of college and half-removed from intern status who said "hey, that's a great way to show unity! Go for it!" after being contacted by another low-level flunky in Tuscon who said "Hey, I have an idea...", because at 24 years old she didn't have the maturity or experience to realize how bad an idea it actually was.

Come on Tom, don't go all Bill O'Reilly on us here. I don't think Obama was in the student center with the lispy 20 something true believers creating the design and sending them to the presses, but don't think for a second his team wasn't all over this thing from A-Z, and if they weren't that crowd's even more incompetent than I thought. This "memorial" was priority #1 from it's inception.


I think Obama's surprise was in the realization that they overshot in their attempt to turn this thing into a political football. When the crowd started cheering he looked like he just saw the ghost of Paul Wellstone winking at him.

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Aside from mourning the dead, the thesis of the President's address was that the American people ought to try harder to engage in honest and meaningful discourse with one another, instead of trying to score cheap points for some imaginary "team". An important message, however obvious it should be.


And here we are quibbling over whose stupid idea it was to hand out T-shirts.

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Yeah, the tacky branding of a mass murder memorial which included the shooting death of a nine year old girl must have been the schools idea, WHOOPS!!!!...





This is sickening.


So you want me to believe that someone posts a blog three years ago on an Obama campaign site and some 24 yr old in an Arizona college finds it and designs a t-shirt around it?


This is purely coincidental.


(sarcasm off)

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So you want me to believe that someone posts a blog three years ago on an Obama campaign site and some 24 yr old in an Arizona college finds it and designs a t-shirt around it?


This is purely coincidental.


(sarcasm off)


Conversely, you want to think that senior staffers wasted their time digging up a slogan from a blog three years ago and conspiring with the University of Arizona with an ill-advised plan to turn a memorial into a pep rally, without realizing how blisteringly stupid an idea that was?


Coincidence is more likely.

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Conversely, you want to think that senior staffers wasted their time digging up a slogan from a blog three years ago and conspiring with the University of Arizona with an ill-advised plan to turn a memorial into a pep rally, without realizing how blisteringly stupid an idea that was?


Coincidence is more likely.


No, what I know is that everything that this group does is orchastrated. Even the smallest details.


And now there is evidence of this.


Obamas defenders have said that the crowd response was spontaneous, well I think they chose the venue and the time for a reason.




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Aside from mourning the dead, the thesis of the President's address was that the American people ought to try harder to engage in honest and meaningful discourse with one another, instead of trying to score cheap points for some imaginary "team". An important message, however obvious it should be.


And here we are quibbling over whose stupid idea it was to hand out T-shirts.



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1. Based on the past performance of President Obama's staffers, who are currently batting .068 on "getting it right", how can any of you not begin with the default "of course it was those dumbasses, again!" position?


2. For example, my personal favorite so far was: Barack Obama, President, standing next to Random Woman, Felon.


3. This staff has made sooooo many mistakes week after week, it's nearly impossible to keep track of them all. If Bush had made 1/10th the number...you know the rest.


4. OF COURSE I don't expect Obama to see to it all personally. However, I do expect the leader to set the....TONE! :lol: ...for his staff. The "Tone" appears to be: "pettiness and incompetence are fine, it's ok if we are as tactically effective as a blind eagle, as long as we can keep generating these 'wonderful' one-liners, cause everybody loves them. As long as we can say something about a car...." :rolleyes::blink::lol:


5. Once again, due to the awfulness of the staff, instead of properly getting a Clinton-esque bounce from a tragedy, this staff has seen fit to:

be out-messaged by a dipschit sheriff,

and then, overcompensating,

and of course making matters worse: over-marketing and therefore massively cheapening a positive political message.


This is why Obama needs to get rid of these people, all of them. They are petty, cheap, classless, incompetent, and poor, linear thinkers. Every President deserves better than these people.

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Conversely, you want to think that senior staffers wasted their time digging up a slogan from a blog three years ago and conspiring with the University of Arizona with an ill-advised plan to turn a memorial into a pep rally, without realizing how blisteringly stupid an idea that was?


Coincidence is more likely.



Exactly how naive are you?


David Plouffe is his senior advisor.

Alxerod is already on the Obama 2012 campaign case.

This was Obama's biggest speech since his thrashing in the 2010 elections.

This is 2011, the eve of the run for 2012.


Yet, you think that this specific phrase/slogan and t-shirt idea was a coincidence????? Get real.


You probably think that this is the one and only time this slogan will be used to the benefit of Obama and his 2012 campaign.

Because as we all know, Plouffe and Co. have always had a "anything goes" style with something this big for Obama.

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Aside from mourning the dead, the thesis of the President's address was that the American people ought to try harder to engage in honest and meaningful discourse with one another, instead of trying to score cheap points for some imaginary "team". An important message, however obvious it should be.


And here we are quibbling over whose stupid idea it was to hand out T-shirts.



You are missing the point!


This was all a show.


All this talk of bipartisan and now togetherness.


When the dems had control it was "WE WON"


Now the tide has changed and he is talking we should all just get along, the America people can see the emperor has no clothes.

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