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You could laugh at this if it just wasn't so pathetic

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I am convinced that the human race is doomed, and sooner rather than later. For whatever reason, we have become a species that thinks it knows better than natural selection. The lengths we go to to keep individuals alive and in the gene pool, or to allow people to reproduce who could not without "interference"...


I was thinking about this the other day. Even on a small level - like dentistry. Without interference, someone with bad teeth might not have survived to reproduce because of pain or difficulty with eating. This would eventually weed out the "bad teeth gene". But not any more.


As a species, in general, we value individual lives to the detriment of the species as a whole. And this will be our downfall.


Well that and ruining the planet :)

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I am convinced that the human race is doomed, and sooner rather than later. For whatever reason, we have become a species that thinks it knows better than natural selection. The lengths we go to to keep individuals alive and in the gene pool, or to allow people to reproduce who could not without "interference"...


I was thinking about this the other day. Even on a small level - like dentistry. Without interference, someone with bad teeth might not have survived to reproduce because of pain or difficulty with eating. This would eventually weed out the "bad teeth gene". But not any more.


As a species, in general, we value individual lives to the detriment of the species as a whole. And this will be our downfall.


Well that and ruining the planet :)


Natural selection still exists, though. I'd hazard that the majority of these 600 pound folks don't have very prolific sex lives.

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Natural selection still exists, though. I'd hazard that the majority of these 600 pound folks don't have very prolific sex lives.

My girlfriend is a post partum nurse, a few months back she had two very obese new parents. One of the other nurses asked how they were able to procreate without artificial assistance. They said the guys parents would hold up the rolls while they had sex. The two of them were both close to 500 lbs.

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My girlfriend is a post partum nurse, a few months back she had two very obese new parents. One of the other nurses asked how they were able to procreate without artificial assistance. They said the guys parents would hold up the rolls while they had sex. The two of them were both close to 500 lbs.



there are so many issues with that. can you imagine sharing the room with a parent during sex, yet alone have them be an active participant? can you imagine being the parent? ::shudder::

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on a related note --- do chicks dig lentils?


No but they really dig guys who know how to prepare them with flavor. :thumbsup:


My girlfriend is a post partum nurse, a few months back she had two very obese new parents. One of the other nurses asked how they were able to procreate without artificial assistance. They said the guys parents would hold up the rolls while they had sex. The two of them were both close to 500 lbs.



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My girlfriend is a post partum nurse, a few months back she had two very obese new parents. One of the other nurses asked how they were able to procreate without artificial assistance. They said the guys parents would hold up the rolls while they had sex. The two of them were both close to 500 lbs.


Wow...glad I have already consumed my low cal, healthy lunch....eeeek.


So this whole thread reminds me of my favorite t-shirt--exquisitely modeled here:

favorite picture.tiff

Edited by JoeF
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Wow...glad I have already consumed my low cal, healthy lunch....eeeek.


So this whole thread reminds me of my favorite t-shirt--exquisitely modeled here:

No way I'm looking at that pic... in a thread like this!

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My girlfriend is a post partum nurse, a few months back she had two very obese new parents. One of the other nurses asked how they were able to procreate without artificial assistance. They said the guys parents would hold up the rolls while they had sex. The two of them were both close to 500 lbs.




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As the 21st century began, human evolution was at a turning point. Natural selection, the process by which the strongest, the smartest, the fastest, reproduced in greater numbers than the rest, a process which had once favored the noblest traits of man, now began to favor different traits. Most science fiction of the day predicted a future that was more civilized and more intelligent. But as time went on, things seemed to be heading in the opposite direction. A dumbing down. How did this happen? Evolution does not necessarily reward intelligence. With no natural predators to thin the herd, it began to simply reward those who reproduced the most, and left the intelligent to become an endangered species.




I like money

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