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Arizona congresswoman among 18 shot at Tucson grocery

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And you see no difference between "mentioning" an event to forward an agenda related to it, like a homeland security bill....and using an event as the focal point of a political campaign thats got NOTHING to do with the event?


Youre lost.


And again.....a right winger cant get out the word "9" in "9/11" before the leftards go BATCHITT. Meanwhile, that kids body wasnt cold before the left CERTIFIED "the right's rhetoric" as the cause of this.


Stunking, no good pathetic hypocrites. Whens the keg party where you drink beer out of her nine year old skull, you !@#$ing cretins?

Last comment ... a little over the top.. yeah?

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The rhetoric should have been questioned LONG ago, on grounds of common decency.


And regardless, it had jack **** to do with this. Loughner's not even ON the political spectrum; the idea that over-the-top mainstream rhetoric had any influence on him (or was even heard by him) is as asinine as blaming the lyrical content of '60s rock music for Charles Manson.

We can all rest easy now. It seems the lyrical content of heavy metal rock and roll can be blamed now. Linky do.


We can all continue our bitter partisan rhetoric and hate mongering vitriol with a clear conscience. Thank God for Rock 'N Roll!

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And you see no difference between "mentioning" an event to forward an agenda related to it, like a homeland security bill....and using an event as the focal point of a political campaign thats got NOTHING to do with the event?


Youre lost.


And again.....a right winger cant get out the word "9" in "9/11" before the leftards go BATCHITT. Meanwhile, that kids body wasnt cold before the left CERTIFIED "the right's rhetoric" as the cause of this.


Stunking, no good pathetic hypocrites. Whens the keg party where you drink beer out of her nine year old skull, you !@#$ing cretins?



Oh my god. I am sorry every single thing the right has done or mentioned MUST have been related to 9/11. Sorry, I was mistaken homeland security was the only thing they EVER mentioned 9/11 with. :wallbash: :wallbash: Dear god open your eyes. And people call me a partisan hack... HAHAHAHA!!


and by the way you are a complete disgusting FU#$@%!!! for mentioning that poor child that died in this fashion. Sorry call it as I see it. !@#$ it.. you're an !@#$ that needs to punched in the god damn face about 1,000 times after making statement like that over a poor child caught in some lunatics crosshairs. MODs.. ban me if you like.


I am and have been talking about calming down the nastiness that comes out from politics and the media.. you defile a poor little girl who just died. Although it wouldn't matter if she died yesterday or 10 years ago. You are one sick !@#$.

Edited by pBills
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A few random thoughts:


​Members of the controversial Westboro Baptist Church in Topeka, Kansas, announced today that they plan to protest the funeral of a 9-year-old girl murdered during Saturday's shooting rampage in Tucson.


Christina's funeral is scheduled for 12:15 p.m. on Thursday at the Elizabeth Ann Seton Parish in Tucson. We called Lee Cole, president of the Hells Angels' Phoenix chapter, to see if he plans to assemble his troops to keep the WBC away from the funeral. He didn't immediately get back to us, but check back to Valley Fever later for an update.




!@#$ing !@#$s :wallbash: Go Hell's Angels (what a world in which I feel compelled to say that)


Heroism abounded in this event though, as normal people acted together to prevent this sick individual from causing even more harm. There is even a story about how a husband gave his life for his wife, probably preventing her death.


As shots were fired, 76-year-old Dorwin Stoddard used himself as a shield to protect his wife -- a woman whom he had known since grade school.


Stoddard and his wife, Mavy, were boyfriend and girlfriend in grade school. After losing their spouses, they reunited and married 15 years ago.


Stoddard's step-daughters said that Mavy Stoddard was apparently unaware she had been shot until she reached the hospital. She is expected to survive, but her husband did not.




Officials said the attack could have been even more devastating had several victims not overwhelmed the suspect as he tried to reload his gun. A bystander, Patricia Maisch, who was waiting to meet Ms. Giffords, grabbed the gun’s magazine as the gunman dropped it while trying to reload after firing 31 rounds, officials said. Two men, Roger Salzgeber and Bill D. Badger, then overwhelmed the gunman, and another man, Joseph Zamudio, restrained his flailing legs.




I am pretty pro-gun, but maybe there should be more intensive checks for bigger clips. 30 round clips seem a bit excessive. Main thing here gun control wise, update the batshit crazy database. From my understanding, that wouldn't have helped in this case, but this did expose how tardy they are in some states in updating this database.


In addition, while I do not see the rhetoric playing a role in this tragedy, it could have a positive benefit in starting a dialogue about the discourse.

Edited by Booster4324
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I am pretty pro-gun, but maybe there should be more intensive checks for bigger clips. 30 round clips seem a bit excessive. Main thing here gun control wise, update the batshit crazy database. From my understanding, that wouldn't have helped in this case, but this did expose how tardy they are in some states in updating this database.


In addition, while I do not see the rhetoric playing a role in this tragedy, it could have a positive benefit in starting a dialogue about the discourse.


It is AZ... You sure they want ANY kind of database???

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!@#$ing !@#$s :wallbash: Go Hell's Angels (what a world in which I feel compelled to say that)


Fred Phelps is a disgusting excuse for a human being. If someone opened up on Phelps and his clan with a 30-round clip, I wouldn't shed many tears. If I sat on the shooter's jury, I might not even vote to convict.

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Oh my god. I am sorry every single thing the right has done or mentioned MUST have been related to 9/11. Sorry, I was mistaken homeland security was the only thing they EVER mentioned 9/11 with. :wallbash: :wallbash: Dear god open your eyes. And people call me a partisan hack... HAHAHAHA!!


and by the way you are a complete disgusting FU#$@%!!! for mentioning that poor child that died in this fashion. Sorry call it as I see it. !@#$ it.. you're an !@#$ that needs to punched in the god damn face about 1,000 times after making statement like that over a poor child caught in some lunatics crosshairs. MODs.. ban me if you like.


I am and have been talking about calming down the nastiness that comes out from politics and the media.. you defile a poor little girl who just died. Although it wouldn't matter if she died yesterday or 10 years ago. You are one sick !@#$.



!@#$ you, scumbag. Im not the one defiling anything. Its you....you and your sick pathetic losers who are using this tragedy and her death for political gain.


Two hours.


TWO !@#$ING HOURS after she died....with the Congresswoman still in surgery...was all it took for some leftards to start making this a political issue for your their own gain. Meanwhile, some shitbag murders a ton of people in Fort Hood screaming Alluah Akbar and the SAME Krugman and the limpdicks like you lecture everyone on tolerance and "not rushing to judgment."


So go !@#$ yourself.


Not for him...


"Oh, Im just getting warmed up..."

Edited by RkFast
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Fred Phelps is a disgusting excuse for a human being. If someone opened up on Phelps and his clan with a 30-round clip, I wouldn't shed many tears. If I sat on the shooter's jury, I might not even vote to convict.


Don't get me wrong, that is true (red).


The other part (blue), as much as we all may want to feel that, is just plain selfish and a personal shortcoming. It is frankly not right and adds to the problem. Fred Phelps would be getting exactly what he wanted out of you.


See what I mean about the "wimpy left"... I couldn't even carry it out... ;)

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Don't get me wrong, that is true (red).


The other part (blue), as much as we all may want to feel that, is just plain selfish and a personal shortcoming. It is frankly not right and adds to the problem. Fred Phelps would be getting exactly what he wanted out of you.


See what I mean about the "wimpy left"... I couldn't even carry it out... ;)

That's exactly right. As soon as someone takes out a few of those people there will be 20 more to fill each one fallen.

You just cannot deal with them in a logical way; they took Al Sharpton and Jesse Jackson's game to another level.

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You just cannot deal with them in a logical way; they took Al Sharpton and Jesse Jackson's game to another level.


You mean Fred Phelps is "just crazy" and there is nothing you can do about people like that?


How come Loughner isnt "just crazy"?



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!@#$ you, scumbag. Im not the one defiling anything. Its you....you and your sick pathetic losers who are using this tragedy and her death for political gain.


Two hours.


TWO !@#$ING HOURS after she died....with the Congresswoman still in surgery...was all it took for some leftards to start making this a political issue for your their own gain. Meanwhile, some shitbag murders a ton of people in Fort Hood screaming Alluah Akbar and the SAME Krugman and the limpdicks like you lecture everyone on tolerance and "not rushing to judgment."


So go !@#$ yourself.




"Oh, Im just getting warmed up..."


Yeah, you're not the one defiling anything with comments like "Whens the keg party where you drink beer out of her nine year old skull, you !@#$ing cretins?" Don't blame me for your low class posts. You might as well join Fred Phelps, maybe help him and his group create some signs.


I have been saying ALL ALONG that I think everyone needs to tone it back. If you can't read or understand that then you need to go back to school. Don't get me going with the left as a whole using this for political gain crap. The right has been using the deaths of THOUSANDS on 9/11 FOR YEARS!!!! Funny how your dumbass can't see or hear that. You are a !@#$ing hypocrite, low class, piece of garbage. Glad people can see you for what you truly are.

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I'm sick of the left-tard, lib-tard, and other extremely clever takes on this. I guess the discussion rules on the rest of the board don't apply here?



I'm sick of the right-tards always crying foul except when they use a horrible event for political gain. To set the record straight, ANYONE using this for political gain is an a-hole. That being said, anyone on the left or right that says the rhetoric needs to be toned back is completely right.

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