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Arizona congresswoman among 18 shot at Tucson grocery

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By the evening, Keith Olbermann blamed Palin, along with Glenn Beck and Sharron Angle, for inciting violence against the government - and demanded apologies from the right-wing perpetrators.


Oh, the irony. The difference between Olbermann and the big right-wing "hate radio" hosts (other than politics) is that Olbermann is a bitter angry man who actually does hate those who don't see the world through the narrow prism he does.

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The Republicans' biggest regret in all this is probably that the shooter wasn't an immigrant.

no. their biggest will be inviting the teabaggers to the party. for all the fighting back about the democrats rhetoric also being vitriolic, it pales in comparison to an ex vice presidential candidate and kaufman/west. these are main stream republicans.


this would be analogous to the dems embracing the black panthers and endorsing their candidates for high office. the scope and scale of militant extremism in the mainstreams of the parties are not remotely comparable.

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no. their biggest will be inviting the teabaggers to the party. for all the fighting back about the democrats rhetoric also being vitriolic, it pales in comparison to an ex vice presidential candidate and kaufman/west. these are main stream republicans.



Really when has Palin ever espoused shooting or beheading anyone(as depicted by the libretards)?

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no. their biggest will be inviting the teabaggers to the party. for all the fighting back about the democrats rhetoric also being vitriolic, it pales in comparison to an ex vice presidential candidate and kaufman/west. these are main stream republicans.

this would be analogous to the dems embracing the black panthers and endorsing their candidates for high office. the scope and scale of militant extremism in the mainstreams of the parties are not remotely comparable.



I will post it again......



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didn't see a single dem leader there. certainly not someone being considered as a candidate for pres. looked like looney losers to me. hell, even rockefeller repubs (don't ya miss them?) had some nuts in their midst.

Edited by birdog1960
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didn't see a single dem leader there. certainly not someone being considered as a candidate for pres. looked like looney losers to me. hell, even rockefeller repubs (don't ya miss them?) had some nuts in their midst.


Does Palin's website have any more influence to the right as Daily Kos, a sight where Markos Maloutisas said Rep. Giffords' should be "targeted" for her blue dog ways, have on the left?




Sarah Palin is no more of a "leader" nor have more influence than any of the famous people listed on Malkin's page. Shes not in public office. She's nothing more than a pundit on TV and does public speaking for candidates.

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he's absolutely correct about the fact that limpbaugh, hannity, o'reilly et al's actions do have consequences and most often they are not good. whetner they are tied in with this act, i have no idea but i expect the sheriff knows a bit more about the case than you or me.


This is asshattery at its finest.


By all accounts, this nutjob wasn't even a conservtive.

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didn't see a single dem leader there. certainly not someone being considered as a candidate for pres. looked like looney losers to me. hell, even rockefeller repubs (don't ya miss them?) had some nuts in their midst.


Maybe you've heard of this Dem leader. Barack Obama said "If they bring a knife to the fight, we'll bring a gun."

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Does Palin's website have any more influence to the right as Daily Kos, a sight where Markos Maloutisas said Rep. Giffords' should be "targeted" for her blue dog ways, have on the left?




Sarah Palin is no more of a "leader" nor have more influence than any of the famous people listed on Malkin's page. Shes not in public office. She's nothing more than a pundit on TV and does public speaking for candidates.

um, she was a vice presidential candidate put forth by a supposedly moderate republican presidential candidate. she was a repub governor. like it or not, she is a republican leader.

Edited by birdog1960
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um, she was a vice presidential candidate put forth by a supposedly moderate republican presidential candidate. she was a repub governor. like it or not, she is a republican leader.



Dont dodge......


Does Palin's website have any more influence to the right as Daily Kos, a sight where Markos Maloutisas said Rep. Giffords' should be "targeted" for her blue dog ways, have on the left?

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um, she was a vice presidential candidate put forth by a supposedly moderate republican presidential candidate. she was a repub governor. like it or not, she is a republican leader.


Okay so show me the pictures of guns to the head of dems or a beheaded Obama on Palin's website?






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um, she was a vice presidential candidate put forth by a supposedly moderate republican presidential candidate. she was a repub governor. like it or not, she is a republican leader.


Keep making your stupid "point" while ignoring this guy. Barack Obama: "If they bring a knife to the fight, we'll bring a gun."

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what, crosshairs on congressional districts (which she is now saying were not meant to depict rifle sights) and "reload" aren't enough for you? they're more than enough for me and they bothered gifford (and her father who when asked if she had any enemies said "the entire tea party) too.

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what, crosshairs on congressional districts (which she is now saying were not meant to depict rifle sights) and "reload" aren't enough for you?


There is a difference. Crosshairs on a person are much more personal and inflammatory than crosshairs on a map of the US - which, again, is a common enough metaphor in politics.

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I'm going to go with Occum's shaver on this very sad situation.

It makes sense that some people see him as left and some right. He was confused. Gee I wonder if smoking all that pot got him that way???????????

Correlation != Causation, so you're misapplying Occum's machete...a better application might be: the guy is insane, which is why he shot a bunch of people.


In your quest for the truth here, you have dismissed the whole 'Crosshairs' campaign out-of-hand, even though there's a more obvious and direct correlation. Then you turn around and go right to the 'Reefer Madness' hypothesis, which conveniently happens to meet with your pre-existing view. We all know potheads are always running around killing people after all - damned hippies! :rolleyes:

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Correlation != Causation, so you're misapplying Occum's machete...a better application might be: the guy is insane, which is why he shot a bunch of people.


In your quest for the truth here, you have dismissed the whole 'Crosshairs' campaign out-of-hand, even though there's a more obvious and direct correlation. Then you turn around and go right to the 'Reefer Madness' hypothesis, which conveniently happens to meet with your pre-existing view. We all know potheads are always running around killing people after all - damned hippies! :rolleyes:


The guy was probably a closet Canadian, too. And we all know those leftist Canucks can't be trusted.

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what, crosshairs on congressional districts (which she is now saying were not meant to depict rifle sights) and "reload" aren't enough for you?


No they are not. That is a big differnece from the photo's I posted.


they're more than enough for me and they bothered gifford (and her father who when asked if she had any enemies said "the entire tea party) too.



Is there any evidence that this jackwagon ever visited Palin's site?

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I'm sorry to be so blunt Mr. Caveman, but you're a goddamn moron. Maybe you had your head firmly planted up your ass for most of the last decade when left wing dipshits were parading around burning effigies of Bush, chanting Bush is Hitler, and making movies about assassinating him, but I assure you it happened. Maybe you should google Rahm Emmanuel ass-hole.


And to the rest of you brain dead (*^*&%^$^#douche bag liberals that want to make this about "hate radio" (you're a tard just for using that term, btw)and "right-wing vitriol:




Not that I'm implying there is anything inherrently left-wing about this because I'm not so retarded as to think crazy is confined to or excluded from a particular political philosophy.


Did I use the term hate radio? Keep up the vitriol, it's only helping.

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Anyone else think the left's (media, blogs, message boards) initial and continuing attempt to score cheap political points over the dead body of a little girl (and everyone else killed or injured) is a very sick and twisted thing to do? It's amazing to me that it's still happening in this thread.


How many right wing tea party members have an occult alter in their back yard?




But they just can't stop themselves, can they. Before anyone knew who this guy was, they were blaming the tea party, talk radio, Sarah Palin. This crazy guy had a problem towards this congresswoman since 2007, AKA before Sarah Palin was ever picked by McCain from virtual obscurity.

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