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Arizona congresswoman among 18 shot at Tucson grocery

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I agree... All I am saying is this was VERY politically motivated... UNLESS it comes to light that it was random... Even his collateral damage can be viewed politically motivated until proven otherwise. This is Congresswoman that has some violence against her in the past (pertaining to her vote on the health bill).


Maybe the guy was left of center off of the strip...


"Politically motivated" does not mean "left wing" or "right wing", though. One can be politically motivated, yet so out in left field that one doesn't fit anywhere on the political spectrum (e.g. does David Icke's "lizard people" theory make him left-wing, right-wing, or just a !@#$tard?)

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"Politically motivated" does not mean "left wing" or "right wing", though. One can be politically motivated, yet so out in left field that one doesn't fit anywhere on the political spectrum (e.g. does David Icke's "lizard people" theory make him left-wing, right-wing, or just a !@#$tard?)


Yet, you gotta put them somewhere. I don't buy that argument, there is always room in the spectrum. You just can't pretend they are not there and irrelevant... When they wield a weapon... They are very much relevant.

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Yet, you gotta put them somewhere. I don't buy that argument, there is always room in the spectrum. You just can't pretend they are not there and irrelevant... When they wield a weapon... They are very much relevant.


But it doesn't have to be dem or rep.... We don't have to assign him to a team just so we can blame someone.

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But it doesn't have to be dem or rep.... We don't have to assign him to a team just so we can blame someone.


Not saying dem/repub... Yet, you can divide the spectrum into quadrants and determine where people fall and where to lay some blame. I just don't think it is the wacko against the sane world... Everybody has their hand in the pie... Some more than others... Some promoting destructive (even unwillingly) behavior of this kind can't be tolerated. How can anybody not view this as nothing less of an assasination of an elected official.

Edited by ExiledInIllinois
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Not saying dem/repub... Yet, you can divide the spectrum into quadrants and determine where people fall and where to lay some blame. I just don't think it is the wacko against the sane world... Everybody has their hand in the pie... Some more than others... Some promoting destructive (even unwillingly) behavior of this kind can't be tolerated. How can anybody not view this as nothing less of an assasination of an elected official.


It is an assassination. It just seems very "Manson caused columbine" for my liking to point fingers at politicians instead of at mental illness here.

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Apparently, this nut had a bizarre incident with the Congresswoman 3 years ago.


More evidence that he had no political ideology of any kind


If as the article describes he felt all politicians were liars and they were all essentially in it together in creating a large scale conspiracy it seems he would have taken aim at whoever he had access to, and his congresswoman happened to be that person. Her political beliefs were that she believed in the system, not an issue of healthcare, immigration etc... Simply guilty of being a part of the united states political machine that he hated. Is that left and right?

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If as the article describes he felt all politicians were liars and they were all essentially in it together in creating a large scale conspiracy it seems he would have taken aim at whoever he had access to, and his congresswoman happened to be that person. Her political beliefs were that she believed in the system, not an issue of healthcare, immigration etc... Simply guilty of being a part of the united states political machine that he hated. Is that left and right?


It is very much more right.


"Mistrust of government was his defining conviction, the friends said."


Who do you think it sounds like more... Sounds like a lot on this board.


I can see the right's point... Avoid this one like the plague and distance onceself from this guy a much as possible. I am not saying he is right or left... Just that the right propagates this sentiment more.

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It is very much more right.


"Mistrust of government was his defining conviction, the friends said."


Who do you think it sounds like more... Sounds like a lot on this board.


I can see the right's point... Avoid this one like the plague and distance onceself from this guy a much as possible. I am not saying he is right or left... Just that the right propagates this sentiment more.



Think of the spectrum as a horseshoe, as you near the ends the government has failed you regardless of healthcare or immigration or free speech or abortion or civil rights.... and your rally cries start to sound more and more similar to the opposite end then anything in the middle or "on your side." It becomes down with government not pro anything left or right.

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Not saying dem/repub... Yet, you can divide the spectrum into quadrants and determine where people fall and where to lay some blame. I just don't think it is the wacko against the sane world... Everybody has their hand in the pie... Some more than others... Some promoting destructive (even unwillingly) behavior of this kind can't be tolerated. How can anybody not view this as nothing less of an assasination of an elected official.



Im calling bull **** on this.


There are MILLIONS of people out there that have absolutely ZERO "hand" or interest in ANYTHING political.

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It is very much more right.


"Mistrust of government was his defining conviction, the friends said."


Who do you think it sounds like more... Sounds like a lot on this board.


I can see the right's point... Avoid this one like the plague and distance onceself from this guy a much as possible. I am not saying he is right or left... Just that the right propagates this sentiment more.



Oh please, three years ago when Bush was in office the left was demonizing everything associated with the government even to the point of saying that 911 was an inside job. Give it a rest.

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Oh please, three years ago when Bush was in office the left was demonizing everything associated with the government even to the point of saying that 911 was an inside job. Give it a rest.


Michelle Malkin calls out the left on their utter bull **** hypocrisy on this issue:



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I'm going to go with Occum's shaver on this very sad situation.


Arizona court records show Loughner has twice been charged with previous offenses. The first, in October 2007, related to the possession of drug paraphernalia.


"He was a pot head and into rock, like Hendrix, The Doors,


link 1


A classmate of the man accused of shooting Congresswoman Gabrielle Giffords this morning describes him as "left wing" and a "pot head" in a series of posts on Twitter this afternoon.


link 2


It makes sense that some people see him as left and some right. He was confused. Gee I wonder if smoking all that pot got him that way???????????

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Michelle Malkin calls out the left on their utter bull **** hypocrisy on this issue:





The hypocrisy is so shamelessly amazing. Nice photo of a rational left person holding a giant painting of Bush's decapitated head with blood gushing out of the neck.

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I don't think anyone is implying that the guy isn't crazy, only that his actions may have been inspired by some very poorly chosen words by people on the right. (People on the left generally don't publish posters with crosshairs covering the offices of opposing politicians.


That may or may not be the case, but in any case I think it's time to tone down the bull **** rhetoric.

I'm sorry to be so blunt Mr. Caveman, but you're a goddamn moron. Maybe you had your head firmly planted up your ass for most of the last decade when left wing dipshits were parading around burning effigies of Bush, chanting Bush is Hitler, and making movies about assassinating him, but I assure you it happened. Maybe you should google Rahm Emmanuel ass-hole.


And to the rest of you brain dead (*^*&%^$^#douche bag liberals that want to make this about "hate radio" (you're a tard just for using that term, btw)and "right-wing vitriol:




Not that I'm implying there is anything inherrently left-wing about this because I'm not so retarded as to think crazy is confined to or excluded from a particular political philosophy.

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I'm sorry to be so blunt Mr. Caveman, but you're a goddamn moron. Maybe you had your head firmly planted up your ass for most of the last decade when left wing dipshits were parading around burning effigies of Bush, chanting Bush is Hitler, and making movies about assassinating him, but I assure you it happened. Maybe you should google Rahm Emmanuel ass-hole.


And to the rest of you brain dead (*^*&%^$^#douche bag liberals that want to make this about "hate radio" (you're a tard just for using that term, btw)and "right-wing vitriol:




Not that I'm implying there is anything inherrently left-wing about this because I'm not so retarded as to think crazy is confined to or excluded from a particular political philosophy.



Il post it again, because she so uttery NAILS it:




SE Cupp follows up the rim shot and slams it home:



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