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Luck of the Draft

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Just think about what the media would have said about Buffalo if the Bills had the first overall pick and Luck ended up staying in school. They would have started all that BS about, nobody wants to play in Buffalo, this, that, and the rest of it. Forget the fact that he wants to stay in school, earn a degree, and maybe win a national title. They would have gone off on how Buffalo sucks, it cold, it snows, etc, etc.


From a football, point of view, I've always heard the Bills have very nice faculities, a great fan base, cost of living is low, a low pressure place to play compared to other markets. I can image how that would be so unattractive to everyone, maybe a few but not everyone. I never really cared about what the media has to say but, I always thought it hurt the team when the media goes on with this BS about how sh#ty Buffalo is. I think it makes it harder to recruit players. Most of these player hear this and dismiss us unless we over pay them or they have no where else to go. It seem like when most get here they end up really liking it. They should start to write it's to hot and theres to much crime in Miami, that why Gruden and Cowher turned the fins down.

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