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Obama coming to GE Schenectady


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Is it just coincedental that GE told you to take next week off w/pay?



There is some talk of giving some people the day off.

They want all the GE apprentices up front at the speech. White collar not invited.

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Which politician is having a fundraiser? When he came to the SF area last year, he threw in a speech at a factory so that Pelosi and Boxer didn't have to pay for the trip.


He spoke at Solyndra, which makes solar panels. The company got a HALF BILLION federal loan and built a second plant a door away from their current one (an old Maxtor HD plant they totally refurbished). When he came they told all the non office employees and most of the construction crew to stay home WITHOUT PAY. A few months later, they laid off 130 people, said they wouldn't hire the 1000 new employees they planned and would move everything to the new plant. They also cancelled a planned IPO.



Hope this stuff doesn't happen to GE Schenectady.

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Where he walks down the bay on his tour they emptied it . no lockers, no any thing. All the Cables, Lifting beams, Tooling cabinets, stands that the generators sit on to work on gone. They Repainted the floors from where he walks in to where he exits the building. that is about quarter mile. Unbelievable how much money is being put in to this and lost production time. It will take 2 days to set every thing back up.


So far 1 person that has hate Obama stickers on his truck has been asked not to come back to work til Wed.

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Standard pre-Presidential visit sanitation measures in play by the SS.

It happens on virtually every POTUS trip outside the WH.

Presidential travel is enormously expensive - and from a certain point of view - very wasteful.

The security measures are essential though. So if the President wants to travel - we pay.

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Where he walks down the bay on his tour they emptied it . no lockers, no any thing. All the Cables, Lifting beams, Tooling cabinets, stands that the generators sit on to work on gone. They Repainted the floors from where he walks in to where he exits the building. that is about quarter mile. Unbelievable how much money is being put in to this and lost production time. It will take 2 days to set every thing back up.


So far 1 person that has hate Obama stickers on his truck has been asked not to come back to work til Wed.

:lol: Couldn't he just cover them with weather beaten "change we can belive in" stickers?

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Is it just coincedental that GE told you to take next week off w/pay?


Friend of mine worked for NASA. Obama came to make a speech back in April. Guess what? They sent all the regular employees home for the day. Which makes me wonder who was actually in attendance during the speech. Obama supporters who were bused in to watch and cheer? Just saying . . .


Obama Speaks :-/

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Friend of mine worked for NASA. Obama came to make a speech back in April. Guess what? They sent all the regular employees home for the day. Which makes me wonder who was actually in attendance during the speech. Obama supporters who were bused in to watch and cheer? Just saying . . .


Obama Speaks :-/


Pure political theatre. Triumph of the Will for the 21st Century. Republicans are just as guilty but Obama's crew are the masters of their craft.

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