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Huckleberry Finn censored?


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What's the matter TBD people? Haven't you seen a troll before?


This guy is out to get attention. He's not the government. He's not a school district. He's just some dumb tool. Well, congrats that the media and others for feeding him.


Now, please debate the God Hates Fags people. Or Al Sharpton. Or Paris Hilton.

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What's the matter TBD people? Haven't you seen a troll before?


This guy is out to get attention. He's not the government. He's not a school district. He's just some dumb tool. Well, congrats that the media and others for feeding him.


Now, please debate the God Hates Fags people. Or Al Sharpton. Or Paris Hilton.


What about the Middle School Basketball Coach and School District being sue by a kids parents for not allowing him to play on the team because of his long hair?

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Elmira scholar pans publisher that tinkered with Twain


You know him about as well as anybody: How would Samuel Clemens (Mark Twain was his pen name) react to the idea of an editor 130 years later changing his copy?

I think he’d be apoplectic. Clemens was angry any time an editor played with his prose. The only individuals he allowed to make changes would be William Dean Howells, his longtime friend and editor, and Olivia, his wife. Those were the only two he would allow to take a pen to his writing.


But on the other side, if Alan ever meets Samuel Clemens, he might get punched in the nose, right?

I think Clemens will at first just ignore him and later, true to form, stay up through the night thinking of interesting ways to punish him.

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