Bills99999 Posted January 7, 2011 Posted January 7, 2011 So I went to the doctor this a.m. told him how I want to get fit, etc. Started Weight Watchers, going to ease back in to the gym, etc. I also went on to tell him that I've been having some light-headedness and really wanted to get to the bottom of it. I ran labs about 5 months ago and they were perfect, my BP was 120/78. Physical exam perfect. I just need to drop some pounds. He then tells me that he wants me to have an exercise stress test to determine that my heart is completely clean - and assures me that he's 100% confident that it will come out clean. I guess what I'm asking is - has any one on here ever done a stress test - what can I expect? Second - has anyone ever had lightheadedness and been ordered to do a stress test. Thanks! Back in 1996 when I was 39, I woke up in the middle of the night to take a leak, got dizzy, fell, and woke up on the floor with my fibula snapped in half. I had an episode of "atrial fibulation" (sp?) I could not do an actual treadmill test because of the broken leg, so they simulated it by pumping me with a drug that made my heart pound out of my chest (bad feeling). They said it indicated some possible blockage, so they sceduled me for a "cardiac catherization" where they poked a hole in my femoral and threaded a fancy camera up through my heart to look for blockage and intended to put in stent(s) to open it up.Immediate open heart surgery was also a possibility. They found no blockage, which is surprizing because I am morbidly obese and I eat a high fat diet.
Southern McButterpants. Posted January 7, 2011 Posted January 7, 2011 (edited) I had an irregular heartbeat for years but every time I went to the Dr they said everything was fine. Then it was happening every day all day. So I did the whole nine yards. Stress test, 24 hour heart monitor, echocardiogram, angiogram. All showed my heart was perfect (see, and you all thought I had no heart). Turns out I have PVCs (premature ventricular contractions). They are nothing to worry about. I take beta blockers to reduce them. During the 24 monitor my heart skipped beats more than 1000 times. It's better but still annoying as hell seeing I can feel it skipping. I have PAC's . . .Same thing, but the Atrial valve contracts early. Take Beta blockers as well and avoid caffeine . . . Related to the topic, i was having dizzy spells a few years back. I went for the full set of tests, including the Stress test. As I recall, it wasn't too bad . . . That said, i can't image doing that after a mild heart attack or being a heavy smoker . . . I also had the Tilt Table Stress test. They gave me adrenaline to take my heart rate up to 140 beats per minute, strapped me to a table and put it in various positions. I didn't pass out (which I guess is the point of the test), but it certainly was one of the more unpleasant experiences of my life. Edited January 7, 2011 by Fatty McButterpants
Nanker Posted January 7, 2011 Posted January 7, 2011 A major aim of a stress test - whether it's a physical one or a chemical one - is to get your heart rate up to the level that (for your age and weight) is 'maximum'. If you faint/blackout/pass-out/expire before that magic number is reached - you failed. It doesn't (really) matter (for that purpose) if you lasted one minute or ten on the treadmill or it takes ten gallons of adrenaline to get you there. The biggest thing to me is - you're the boss during the test. If you're uncomfortable (put aside your machismo 'I must take this to the highest level' thoughts) then shut it down. Also be very upfront with the Docs/techs/janitors who you come in contact with about any and all physical issues that you have. They're all working FOR you. You're the boss. Doctors are a dime a dozen and they all have different opinions. Life is more expensive. You only have one.
Just Jack Posted January 7, 2011 Posted January 7, 2011 I had one done a few months ago. They did the ultrasound of my heart before and after the threadmill for comparision. I was on the threadmill for about 10 minutes before they shut it down since I hit the BP/HR they wanted to see. Most difficult thing was going from the threadmill and then trying to lay still on the table while they did the after ultrasound.
Jim in Anchorage Posted January 7, 2011 Posted January 7, 2011 Some sickly folks here.[or I guess just chubby] I thought a stress test involved injecting a radioactive tracer to map the blood flow?
BB27 Posted January 7, 2011 Posted January 7, 2011 Some sickly folks here.[or I guess just chubby] I thought a stress test involved injecting a radioactive tracer to map the blood flow? Sometimes yes, sometimes no. Chubby? What a hateful word....
DC Tom Posted January 7, 2011 Posted January 7, 2011 Some sickly folks here.[or I guess just chubby] I thought a stress test involved injecting a radioactive tracer to map the blood flow? Oh yeah...that's another piece oce advice... If your test is a sestamibi test, don't go into an airport for 24 hours afterwards, as you will supposedly set off the radiological scanners.
Jim in Anchorage Posted January 7, 2011 Posted January 7, 2011 Sometimes yes, sometimes no. Chubby? What a hateful word.... Well it sounds better than"morbidly obese". I guess.
Chef Jim Posted January 8, 2011 Posted January 8, 2011 That sounds weird.... I can't feel my heart beating normally, can't imagine what skipping would feel like... The best way I can put it is annoyingly weird.
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