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Anyone ever done a treadmill stress test?


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So I went to the doctor this a.m. told him how I want to get fit, etc. Started Weight Watchers, going to ease back in to the gym, etc. I also went on to tell him that I've been having some light-headedness and really wanted to get to the bottom of it. I ran labs about 5 months ago and they were perfect, my BP was 120/78. Physical exam perfect. I just need to drop some pounds. He then tells me that he wants me to have an exercise stress test to determine that my heart is completely clean - and assures me that he's 100% confident that it will come out clean.


I guess what I'm asking is - has any one on here ever done a stress test - what can I expect? Second - has anyone ever had lightheadedness and been ordered to do a stress test.



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So I went to the doctor this a.m. told him how I want to get fit, etc. Started Weight Watchers, going to ease back in to the gym, etc. I also went on to tell him that I've been having some light-headedness and really wanted to get to the bottom of it. I ran labs about 5 months ago and they were perfect, my BP was 120/78. Physical exam perfect. I just need to drop some pounds. He then tells me that he wants me to have an exercise stress test to determine that my heart is completely clean - and assures me that he's 100% confident that it will come out clean.


I guess what I'm asking is - has any one on here ever done a stress test - what can I expect? Second - has anyone ever had lightheadedness and been ordered to do a stress test.




I had one, had some pain in my chest for a couple of weeks so went to see a doctor and he sent me to a cardio guy. I did the treadmill till I was sweating. After the test the Dr. said he can't be sure that there was any damage, but he could see that during the test there was no abnormall activity. I was using a total gym at the time and figure I must have pulled or torn my pec.

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So I went to the doctor this a.m. told him how I want to get fit, etc. Started Weight Watchers, going to ease back in to the gym, etc. I also went on to tell him that I've been having some light-headedness and really wanted to get to the bottom of it. I ran labs about 5 months ago and they were perfect, my BP was 120/78. Physical exam perfect. I just need to drop some pounds. He then tells me that he wants me to have an exercise stress test to determine that my heart is completely clean - and assures me that he's 100% confident that it will come out clean.


I guess what I'm asking is - has any one on here ever done a stress test - what can I expect? Second - has anyone ever had lightheadedness and been ordered to do a stress test.




Yup, did one a couple of years ago when I had a physical for my job. I had a high heart rate (just barely). So they sent my for a stress test. It is a simple test, for mine this is how it went.


Hooked up to EKG machine, and took a reading (BP as well) while laying down.

Then took another standing (at rest). For mine they had a cardiologist review these readings to make sure there was no obvious heart problem.

Then it is time for the machine.

Started out walking at a very easy pace, and then every few minutes, they increase the speed and angle of climb. It get progressively harder until you either

Can't run any faster,

or you hit what they consider to be your maximum heart rate.


During the entire time you're on the machine, they are taking EKG readings and taking your BP.


A couple of more readings until your heart rate/ BP is back to normal and then your all done.


In the end the cardiologist told me I needed to lose some weight, but there is nothing wrong with my heart. He though I may have been coming down with something the day of the physical which caused the higher than normal heart rate.


Actually kind of fun to take the test and then get a clean bill of health.


Oh yeah, the tech who gave me the test told me "no one ever beats the machine, no one."

Edited by BB27
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So I went to the doctor this a.m. told him how I want to get fit, etc. Started Weight Watchers, going to ease back in to the gym, etc. I also went on to tell him that I've been having some light-headedness and really wanted to get to the bottom of it. I ran labs about 5 months ago and they were perfect, my BP was 120/78. Physical exam perfect. I just need to drop some pounds. He then tells me that he wants me to have an exercise stress test to determine that my heart is completely clean - and assures me that he's 100% confident that it will come out clean.


I guess what I'm asking is - has any one on here ever done a stress test - what can I expect? Second - has anyone ever had lightheadedness and been ordered to do a stress test.



unusual indication for a stress test...and if he's 100% certain it will be normal it shouldn't be done. stress tests are most useful for intermediate risk patients (and as a screening test for special populations like pilots). if very high risk, then a cath should be done, if very low risk watchful waiting and risk factor reduction is appropriate. the reason not to be cavalier with any testing is the incidence of false positives and negatives. no test is 100% sensitive or specific. a basic stress test is about 85% for both. maybe there are other things your doc finds worrisome in regards to your heart but isolated dizziness is not usually an indication for a stress test.

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Good info guys! Thanks - I'm honestly not worried, and like BB27 - I want to be declared "healthy".



I have to say, I was a little bit nervous going in, but in the end it was a good thing, and I'd take one again if my doctor wanted me to.


It's always a little nerve racking to be told by a doctor that you need to take a test because something could be wrong with your heart. I had a brand new baby at home when this happened so it really freaked me out, and I had an episode awhile before (allergic reaction to SPLENDA) that caused my heart to flutter, so I was especially nervous. I also have always had a case of the white coat syndrome when going to the doctor.


I did square away my life insurance after getting the clean bill of health!!!

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unusual indication for a stress test...and if he's 100% certain it will be normal it shouldn't be done. stress tests are most useful for intermediate risk patients (and as a screening test for special populations like pilots). if very high risk, then a cath should be done, if very low risk watchful waiting and risk factor reduction is appropriate. the reason not to be cavalier with any testing is the incidence of false positives and negatives. no test is 100% sensitive or specific. a basic stress test is about 85% for both. maybe there are other things your doc finds worrisome in regards to your heart but isolated dizziness is not usually an indication for a stress test.


bd1960 - thanks for the input. I'm also overweight and told him that as my weight has crept up I've had some GERD/Acid Reflux symptoms. I'm a bit of a worry-wart, so I think this was his way of saying - if I come back with a clean bill, then I should stop worrying all the time!

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I had an irregular heartbeat for years but every time I went to the Dr they said everything was fine. Then it was happening every day all day. So I did the whole nine yards. Stress test, 24 hour heart monitor, echocardiogram, angiogram. All showed my heart was perfect (see, and you all thought I had no heart).


Turns out I have PVCs (premature ventricular contractions). They are nothing to worry about. I take beta blockers to reduce them. During the 24 monitor my heart skipped beats more than 1000 times. It's better but still annoying as hell seeing I can feel it skipping.

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One thing: if you have a hairy chest, buy some baby powder. They'll shave patches of hair off your chest for the EKG probes, and it will itch like hell for a quite a few days afterwards.


That was easily the worst part of the procedure...by which I mean, it was no big deal.

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One thing: if you have a hairy chest, buy some baby powder. They'll shave patches of hair off your chest for the EKG probes, and it will itch like hell for a quite a few days afterwards.


That was easily the worst part of the procedure...by which I mean, it was no big deal.


Damn - I'm hairy like an ape!

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I had an irregular heartbeat for years but every time I went to the Dr they said everything was fine. Then it was happening every day all day. So I did the whole nine yards. Stress test, 24 hour heart monitor, echocardiogram, angiogram. All showed my heart was perfect (see, and you all thought I had no heart).


Turns out I have PVCs (premature ventricular contractions). They are nothing to worry about. I take beta blockers to reduce them. During the 24 monitor my heart skipped beats more than 1000 times. It's better but still annoying as hell seeing I can feel it skipping.


Yeah, but it's probably cool to be able to tell your wife that she still makes your heart skip a beat.......maybe it even saves on flowers?

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Yes, I did one last year. It's pretty basic -- an EKG while running on the treadmill for short periods at high speed/incline. I actually managed to get through all the levels despite being in crappy shape.


Must be different types of tests. Mine there was no way anyone could have stayed on that thing at the highest level. I was running as fast as I could at level 7, and I felt like I was running straight up hill!

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Must be different types of tests. Mine there was no way anyone could have stayed on that thing at the highest level. I was running as fast as I could at level 7, and I felt like I was running straight up hill!


It was crazy steep, but the last level only lasted like 45 seconds. But I presume they change the parameters based on age, so the test is probably a lot harder at 30 than at 44 (like me).

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