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Do you immunize your children?


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I hope you do/will.


According to the new BMJ report, Wakefield -- a gastroenterologist, not a pediatrician or neurologist -- identified the new "syndrome" before he even began to collect data. By his account, the MMR vaccine caused both gut problems and regressive autism in children.


The BMJ investigation alleges that this hypothesis only emerged after Wakefield had been retained, with compensation, to work on a lawsuit to sue the maker of the vaccine.

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I wonder what Jenny McCarthy thinks about this. <_< Idiots.

As a parent I can't imagine being in her position. I suppose I would be looking for reasons, something to point to and say "that's WHY my son is autistic"...but of course I don't have the national spotlight. This highlights one of the reasons why THE MEDIA can be harmful. They want ratings/sales so they glom on to a celebrity and away they run.


Don't know whether she'll offer a new perspective based on the article I linked, but here's what she had to say in February 2010.




It is our most sincere belief that Dr. Wakefield and parents of children with autism around the world are being subjected to a remarkable media campaign engineered by vaccine manufacturers reporting on the retraction of a paper published in The Lancet in 1998 by Dr. Wakefield and his colleagues.

I think that her mind is made up and I doubt she would retract what she's said because that would take away her WHY.

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IMO the why is not important, same as cancer, schizophrenia, etc...how do all those conditions evolve...what's important is what is the best way to treat and deal with it. Looking for an external why is just to ease the guilt, I understand that, but encouraging others not to immunize is reckless.

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IMO the why is not important, same as cancer, schizophrenia, etc...how do all those conditions evolve...what's important is what is the best way to treat and deal with it. Looking for an external why is just to ease the guilt, I understand that, but encouraging others not to immunize is reckless.

No argument here, but you are being objective and she most certainly is not.

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As a parent I can't imagine being in her position. I suppose I would be looking for reasons, something to point to and say "that's WHY my son is autistic"...but of course I don't have the national spotlight. This highlights one of the reasons why THE MEDIA can be harmful. They want ratings/sales so they glom on to a celebrity and away they run.


It's not just the media though. I can't count the number of commercials I see from the ambulance chaser law firms every time even the crappiest of studies surfaces suggesting a link to any type of illness/injury.

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My SIL is one of the anti-vaccine types. Oldest son showed early signs of autism. She went super organic, homeopathic, etc. He is a normal, well-rounded kid now. I can't say definitively what she did worked, but it makes you think.

food additives can certainly affect some kids and produce some autistic like signs...that I do not doubt.

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It's not like this is going to matter at all to the anti-immunization crowd. I'll bet their rebuttal is "But it's not the vaccine, it's the mercury IN the vaccine, so this study doesn't matter!"

really??? by that logic, if there was **** in the air that "made you autistic", they'd tell you not to breathe???? really??? nobody is that dumb...are they?

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Go to Cali where you can get whooping cough again because people were too dumb to protect their children. Sorry, I have no sympathy for the anti-immunization crowd. Their kids are going to make many more kids sick, especially the ones too young to get certain immunizations.

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Go to Cali where you can get whooping cough again because people were too dumb to protect their children. Sorry, I have no sympathy for the anti-immunization crowd. Their kids are going to make many more kids sick, especially the ones too young to get certain immunizations.

whooping cough is pretty common throughout the country now and treatment isn't very effective but usually the course is mild (but often prolonged). do yourself and those around you a favor and get updated for tetanus with the Tdap vaccine that has pertussis (whooping cough) vaccine in it. anyone that hasn't had a tetanus shot in 3 years should get one.

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I don't have kids but if and when I do, i'm going to look really hard into these vaccinations. Most aren't necessary and can lay dormant for years, only to awaken randomly years later and cause serious health issues.

do us all a favor. don't have kids.

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