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Nice reader comment on CNN's Website

Nervous Guy

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If I called someone at work "sweetcakes", followed by "!@#$" when she politely objected I would be fired. And rightfully so.




That's what was cool about working in a kitchen. If that exchange happened between me and the waitress not only would I not get fired but I'd probably be doing her in the walk-in later that night.

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I think he was fired for calling her an !@#$ after she asked him nicely not to call her sweetcakes.


I wasn't there but that sounds like dry humor. She didn't like sweetcakes so he said what he'd presumably say to a man who was intruding into his conversation. If he'd called a man (*^*&%^$^#and the guy took offense and he followed it up with a-hole, would you still be so indignant about the situation?

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That's what was cool about working in a kitchen. If that exchange happened between me and the waitress not only would I not get fired but I'd probably be doing her in the walk-in later that night.

The fact that you can call it that tells me that you should think twice.

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The pussification continues.



Yeah, that chick has been pussified! :rolleyes:


That's what was cool about working in a kitchen. If that exchange happened between me and the waitress not only would I not get fired but I'd probably be doing her in the walk-in later that night.



My god, it is amazing the difference in work places...I work at a University (ultra PC) and part time at a record store...the things that go on, or are said at the record store without raising an eyebrow, would get people suspended or fired at the University...part of why I like the record store!


Sounds like an old guy being threatened by a youngster and behaving like a jerk. He should have been fired on the spot...which he apparently was.


Or, what if the chick really is an !@#$? Is it possible?

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Having a daughter, I'm sympathetic to women's issues and think sexual harassment should be taken seriously, but GMAFB here. Firing a guy for saying "sweet cakes" or some such thing as that? Oh right, he called some girl "sweetheart" five years ago. Stop the !@#$ing presses.


This goes beyond protecting women from harassment and wades over into the territory of condescendingly patting them on the head and babbling in baby talk not to worry little girl cause we'll protect you from the mean man. If you expect to be taken seriously in life you need to be able to handle a situation like that on your own instead of acting according to the stereotype that you're trying to defy.


Great post.

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