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What would have happened


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We had the illegal touching penalty on the punt we downed at the 1. They reviewed the play, called the penalty (want to see the rulebook on that one...), but accidentally mismarked the ball. Where the refs marked it, they gave us a first down.


So my question, what happens if instead of punting the ball, we throw an incomplete pass. Would we have been given a first down? You can't review a play after another play is called, so they couldn't review the spot of the ball and fix their mistake. The ball would be marked past the line-to-gain, thus giving us a first down.


Would've loved to see what would've happened...



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We had the illegal touching penalty on the punt we downed at the 1.  They reviewed the play, called the penalty (want to see the rulebook on that one...), but accidentally mismarked the ball.  Where the refs marked it, they gave us a first down.


So my question, what happens if instead of punting the ball, we throw an incomplete pass.  Would we have been given a first down?  You can't review a play after another play is called, so they couldn't review the spot of the ball and fix their mistake.  The ball would be marked past the line-to-gain, thus giving us a first down.


Would've loved to see what would've happened...




According to the Yahoo! recap

Referee Scott Green mistakenly gave the Bills an extra 14 yards even though Buffalo's Kevin Thomas was penalized 5 yards for an illegal touch following a punt by Brian Moorman. The Bills were forced to punt again but did it from the Browns 48 instead what should have been the Bills 38.


The actual spot would've given the Bills a first down. And Green made the mistake even after double-checking at the video review monitor.

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We had the illegal touching penalty on the punt we downed at the 1.  They reviewed the play, called the penalty (want to see the rulebook on that one...), but accidentally mismarked the ball.  Where the refs marked it, they gave us a first down.


So my question, what happens if instead of punting the ball, we throw an incomplete pass.  Would we have been given a first down?  You can't review a play after another play is called, so they couldn't review the spot of the ball and fix their mistake.  The ball would be marked past the line-to-gain, thus giving us a first down.


Would've loved to see what would've happened...





That's an interesting point. Do they even HAVE a rule for that? And who says the Refs never give the Bills a break. I saw the illegal touch, walked off, went outside had a smoke, stopped by the men's room on the way back-and they were STILL talking about it.

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According to the Yahoo! recap



Right -- but they don't address what would've happened if the ball were incomplete (or we ran a fake or whatever). The LoS would be past the line to gain, so we should've had a first...


Would've liked to see us try it and see what happened... :(



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It certainly would have been talked about afterwards!


Really, I'm sure they would have just taken it back.  It doesn't really fall under the category of a reviewable play, just a screw up by the refs.



Wasn't there a game (NFL or college) where the team got 5 downs and won the game because the refs messed up the down? That counted...



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Wasn't there a game (NFL or college) where the team got 5 downs and won the game because the refs messed up the down?  That counted...





The 1990 Colorado Buffaloes over Missouri...hey split the nationoal title with my GT Yellow Jackets.

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How dumb are those REFS.....



I said in the chat before we even punted it that they marked it up for us....They gave us 10 yards....


1st down Bills....


That would of been funny if the Bills went to the line and handed it off or something...

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