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Buffalo Bills Survey

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Hi I am a current grad student at St. Bonaventure and an intern for the Buffalo Bills. I am conducting a survey and with the results I get I will make recommendations to the Bills and develop a marketing plan for my final project for grad school. If you are interested in taking the survey just copy the link below in your browser. Thank you for your responses and happy new year.



Edited by sbubillsfan
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Hi I am a current grad student at St. Bonaventure and an intern for the Buffalo Bills. I am conducting a survey and with the results I get I will make recommendations to the Bills and develop a marketing plan for my final project for grad school. If you are interested in taking the survey just copy the link below in your browser. Thank you for your responses and happy new year.




Please don't take offense; this is constructive criticism. You're a grad student, you need to either proofread or have a classmate or friend proofread for you. The survey is a bit of a mess (spelling, grammar, etc.); if you're going to present this to a professional sports team, I think you should fix it up a bit. If it were just for fun on this message board or something, I wouldn't make these remarks, but it seems that you're doing this both for a graduate program and for a potential employer.


Good luck, in any event.

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Hi I am a current grad student at St. Bonaventure and an intern for the Buffalo Bills. I am conducting a survey and with the results I get I will make recommendations to the Bills and develop a marketing plan for my final project for grad school. If you are interested in taking the survey just copy the link below in your browser. Thank you for your responses and happy new year.




Started, but too long and intended more for season ticket holders, not those who come in from out of town for a

game or two a year.

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Hi I am a current grad student at St. Bonaventure and an intern for the Buffalo Bills. I am conducting a survey and with the results I get I will make recommendations to the Bills and develop a marketing plan for my final project for grad school. If you are interested in taking the survey just copy the link below in your browser. Thank you for your responses and happy new year.



Not to be a zib or anything but with spelling like that, how did you ever become an alumnae?

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