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Sunday Ticket To Go

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So one year of Sunday Ticket To Go online under the belt. How’d it work? Was it reliable? Worth the money?


I live in North Carolina, far enough away from the Panthers not to be affected by any blackout rules, but close enough that local Fox station show’s all their games home and away. This past season there was not one Bills game on shown on local CBS station so without Sunday Ticket wouldn’t have seen any Bills games this year. I watched every game except two weeks where I was out of town on Sunday. While I purchased it mostly to watch Bill’s games, I did also watch some other games not shown on local TV. Today for example was watching Washington–Giant game and also Jax so could watch TE.


I also didn’t want to have to deal with online feeds that either had very poor quality, or would disappear after an hour or so. I recall last year as season wore on, the feeds became harder to find. Only one time do I recall watching on a pretty good quality feed. From reading some of the posts, sounds like this year was no better, maybe worse?


First 6 to 8 weeks had some issues with buffering, stream not available. If I had more time I may have called up and canceled the entire thing, but didn’t want to waste time being put on hold. Last half of season it worked pretty well, little if any buffering, Bills games were always available to watch. There were a couple times I wanted to watch the end of some other game and wasn’t able to view it, “got “Stream Not Available” error. I’m assuming that meant too many people were trying to watch that specific game but was pleased overall



A couple features that didn’t appear to work that I wish did (and am hoping by next season they will make these features available:


You can watch in standard (approx. 4” high X 8 “ wide picture) or full screen mode picture size. You also have the option of selecting picture-in-picture or game mix which allows you to watch four feeds at once. However neither of these works in full screen mode only, so if you select the game mix, you’re looking at each screen size being approx. 2” X 4”. No way to expand size so makes it rather frustrating to use this feature Would be much nicer if game mix worked in full screen size.


The first couple weeks of the season in the upper corner, there were a couple of “DVR” buttons to select recording of game. Cool!! Except the buttons didn’t work at all. After first couple of weeks, buttons disappeared completely. Would be nice if this feature worked next year, even just a re-wind or pause button so can watch a play again if you wish.



All things considered would I purchase next year? More than likely yes I would. Quality wasn’t as good as watching on my HD TV, but was pretty good and would give it high reliability after first few weeks where it seemed bugs were being worked out. Would hope by next year they improve bandwidth and maybe add these features as described above or other things but overall was pleased. I wish there was a cheaper reliable alternative, until that happens, will buy Sunday Ticket to Go.



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Hey look at my options. Without Sunday Ticket I could have watched the Panthers every week. Actually that would be a pretty good marketing tool for DTV to use in many locations, including western NY. "What choice do you have?" :)


every year (for the past ten, since i've left wny), i've maintained that i won't pay for the ticket given the horrible product the bills field every season.


in the end, i always get it again.


hope springs eternal.

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Looking at the website--it's a bit confusing--


Can you get this alone (without a DirecTV subscription)?

Can you get this without the normal NFL Sunday Ticket (i.e. is it an "add-on" to that service?)


Looks like it cost $99 for the whole season?


I used to subscribe to the NFL Sunday Ticket, but felt it was just too expensive. Wondering if this is just $99 it might be worth it....


Thanks for any help.

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No It's $350 a year, which is the same as the full Sunday Ticket, though it sounds like with full Sundayt Ticket you can threaten to cancel and get a better price. This is availablwe for people who can't get DTV mostly becaseu of where they live, tall buildings, etc. To qualify, you need to answer three questiosn:


Do you currently have DTV? If you do then get regular Sunday Ticket (which likey woud be a cheaper option anyway)


Can you receive DTV at your current address? If you can then you need to get DTV and then regualar Sunday Ticket


Have you ever had DTV at your current address? If you did, then obviously the asnwer two the second question would be yes which again means go buy DTV


So if you answer: "No, No, No" You qualify.


I think it's a case of "Don't ask, don't tell" As long as you answer no, they don't really look into it very much particually the second question.

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