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Hey Grammar Police

Stl Bills

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Whom because you use whom for objects and who for subject. In "important to whom," your subject is the implied topic of your discussion.


On a more helpful note, I've heard grammar geek extraordinairre Bryan Garner describe whom as a creaky old uncle...almost done but still lingering about. Whom's days are just about numbered. It will soon join thou and whilst in the dusty attic of the English language. Basically, use "who" unless you want to sound like a pinky lifting douche.


A simple way to find out is to substitute "he" or "him." If it fits as "he," it's who. If it's "him," it's whom.


So, by that rule, your example would be "whom."


It doesn't always work, but usually.


That would work 100% of the time.

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I can't stand entitled/titled and persuade/convince. Those are the two major pet peeves.


Mine is the difference between hanged and hung.


Pictures are hung, people are hanged.


Unless they're hung, I suppose... :blush:

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Now that we're talking grammar what I really hate is the way people use myself, yourself etc. Drives me !@#$ing nuts.


"Allow myself to introduce...myself"


What movie is that from? Anyone?

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Whom's asking?




Austin Powers? Or was that ripped off from something older?


Well, I thought it was Austin Powers, but maybe Jim knows something I don't? lol

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I lost a bet this past summer, so while out at the bars for a weekend I had to introduce myself to every woman with "Please allow me to introduce myself. I'm a man of wealth and taste."


I'd like to say it worked. It didn't.



Do you think it might have been your lack of looks that was the problem? :D





















Just kidding as I have no idea if the ladies would deem you to be closer to Brad Pitt or John C Reilly.

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