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"Falling Skies"...New Show from S.Spielberg.


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so you guys liked this last episode?

Yes Aj. You find out that Charleston is real. Looks like paradise. New government. The overthrowing of the president was a little quick. But it made sense.

You can't have aliens the entire 60 minutes. There has to be some story line.

The finale "appears" to be really good. Let's see....

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Yes Aj. You find out that Charleston is real. Looks like paradise. New government. The overthrowing of the president was a little quick. But it made sense.

You can't have aliens the entire 60 minutes. There has to be some story line.

The finale "appears" to be really good. Let's see....

Aliens? There are still Aliens?

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Yes Aj. You find out that Charleston is real. Looks like paradise. New government. The overthrowing of the president was a little quick. But it made sense.

You can't have aliens the entire 60 minutes. There has to be some story line.

The finale "appears" to be really good. Let's see....

A lot of things happen quickly on this show.


That's the result you get when you only make 10 episodes a season, but that's what you get with cable tv series.

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Aliens? There are still Aliens?


lol, apparently they're there somewhere


Yes Aj. You find out that Charleston is real. Looks like paradise. New government. The overthrowing of the president was a little quick. But it made sense.

You can't have aliens the entire 60 minutes. There has to be some story line.

The finale "appears" to be really good. Let's see....


yes, I'm sure the last ten minutes of the finale will be amazing...just like last year....as for the first 50 mins...well, one can hope I suppose.


I guess we have a different idea of what story line is....I prefer story lines that are interesting and actually advance the show. Instead of getting more involved with the whole "skidders are VICTIMS, let's join up with them and fight the stretchy guys!", we are left with some chick and a guy talking about how she had a drug problem and how he wasn't reacting more to her emotionally...and then JUST when we get word that something really cool is going on outisde, with the red-eyed skidder having sent a messenger to talk to Tom and his crew about a new exciting strategy, the guy from Lost shows up and puts the kabosh on it just long enough to burn off the rest of the episode so that we can then be treated to how AMAZING the finale will be....when some of that amazingness should have been allocated to THIS episode.


Im not watching many series right now. I'm watching falling skies and shark wranglers. Pretty much thats it.


So I guess the bar is set pretty low right now then lol


I think they are using the "threat" of aliens quite a bit at this point......while working very hard to develop personal story lines.


See, you make a great point, and if they would just allow that threat to take on a bit more substance I wouldn't be as critical of it. I've seen plenty of movies where the cool stuff was only on screen for a very small percentage of the time. But they do an effective job of keeping you on edge the entire time, because that's how it's portrayed on screen. An example that comes to mind is Spielberg's War of the Worlds. Very, very little alien footage in that film...but you have Tom Cruise's character pretty much crapping himself the entire running time. You have people screaming for their lives because they know DAMN WELL that their entire existence is at stake. Tom Cruise is in the basement trying to protect his daughter from screaming when the aliens are outside trying to find people to toss them in the giant people juicer, and all of a sudden the Tim Robbins character gets some wise ideas about going on the offensive....so now you have Tom sharting himself from the mere threat of aliens in general, plus the suspense of prevening a child from naturally reacting to fear, which may give away their location, compounded by some crazy guy with a shovel or whatever he had threatening to go b.harami on everyone. Now THAT is how you keep people interested!


Contrast that with Falling Skies, where you have people who seem, at times, to have such little concern over their predicament that they have time to spend ten minutes talking about who will take this bed or that one, how one guy was really sad that he had to see some people get killed when he was in the military ( :blink: ) and just wasn't sure he wanted to join up with the "military" to fight the aliens (do the aliens only go after the military guys? I must have missed that part), and all sorts of other boring conversational fluff that just serves to bring the show to a screeching halt and cause someone like me to really get frustrated.


This show needs more tGreg.

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So what does everyone think about the end of season show on Sunday eve. ?

Enough aliens for you ?

There are even new aliens and the story line with John's eldest son will be interesting.

Does this show resume in Jan 2013 ?

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This show needs more tGreg.

Aww! I would love to work on Season 3.


So what does everyone think about the end of season show on Sunday eve. ?

Enough aliens for you ?

There are even new aliens and the story line with John's eldest son will be interesting.

Does this show resume in Jan 2013 ?

I thought the thing with Hal was kind of a cheat. It's like they realized they missed an opportunity with having the eye thing turn Tom evil so they used it on Hal instead. But -- that said -- it could make for a fun 3rd season if they go all the way with it.


Dug the final 2 minutes of the show (won't spoil it), but clearly the new guys could be quite awesome. Looked very much like a comic book super-hero. A familiar one in fact:




Or am I stretching?

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Oh, yeah, that works...thanks.


I have to admit, I was pretty close to throwing in the towel, but the last two minutes of the season really has me fired up for next year. I don't know if it's true, but I was pretty excited when I read this from JoBlo.com:


"...many fans were caught off guard by the notion that the skidders were, in fact, enslaved by the overlord aliens, and this has led to much excitement for future episodes. JoBlo.com has learned (spoilers ahead!) that the plot thickens considerably for season three, with the reveal of an alien partnership that may prove to be too much for our newly formed Charleston contingent to overcome. For those who dare, click the following link for a possible hint of what may be looming in season three!"





Edited by ajzepp
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I'm speechless in the awesomeness that is AJ's post. God, this show is going to kick so much butthole.


I know, right? I feel silly for being critical of this show now.


BTW, Super 8 on netflix streaming now...nice opportunity for a second viewing!


Also, looking forward to JJ's new tv show this Fall...he has a knack for developing products that really pique my interest!


Oh, and have you ever tried to get JJ to consider focusing most of his efforts on the last two minutes of the season finale as a way to take his work up a notch? This is two seasons in a row that Spielberg has been able to do this with Falling Skies. I really like JJ's work, but by my scorecard it's Spielberg 2, JJ 0.

Edited by ajzepp
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So what does everyone think about the end of season show on Sunday eve. ?

Enough aliens for you ?

There are even new aliens and the story line with John's eldest son will be interesting.

Does this show resume in Jan 2013 ?

If it does resume, which I believe it will, we'll have to wait until next summer. :wallbash:


What an exciting ending, can not wait to see what Season 3 has in store for us.


I know, right? I feel silly for being critical of this show now.


BTW, Super 8 on netflix streaming now...nice opportunity for a second viewing!


Also, looking forward to JJ's new tv show this Fall...he has a knack for developing products that really pique my interest!


Oh, and have you ever tried to get JJ to consider focusing most of his efforts on the last two minutes of the season finale as a way to take his work up a notch? This is two seasons in a row that Spielberg has been able to do this with Falling Skies. I really like JJ's work, but by my scorecard it's Spielberg 2, JJ 0.

I'm curious to know on what you base that score on aj. Spielberg was involved with "Terra Nova" and that did not exactly work out well.


While it is going back a bit, I'd give JJ a point for "Alias".


If only JJ had been given the director's job for the "Transformers" movies instead of Michael Bay.....sigh.


As for "Falling Skies", I did not read your spoiler, but I bet what they've got planned will be great.

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If it does resume, which I believe it will, we'll have to wait until next summer. :wallbash:


What an exciting ending, can not wait to see what Season 3 has in store for us.



I'm curious to know on what you base that score on aj. Spielberg was involved with "Terra Nova" and that did not exactly work out well.


While it is going back a bit, I'd give JJ a point for "Alias".


If only JJ had been given the director's job for the "Transformers" movies instead of Michael Bay.....sigh.


As for "Falling Skies", I did not read your spoiler, but I bet what they've got planned will be great.


Just being sarcastic :) I'm a huge JJ fan.


You should read the spoiler!

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