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Bank of America buys URLs


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I can't figure out why this is news... Companies do that all the time; for example, Google owns "googlesucks.com." I know my company alone has roughly 2000-3000 URLs, and half of them are the same sort of thing.


This is such a non-story but I've seen it posted all over the place..

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I can't figure out why this is news... Companies do that all the time; for example, Google owns "googlesucks.com." I know my company alone has roughly 2000-3000 URLs, and half of them are the same sort of thing.


This is such a non-story but I've seen it posted all over the place..

1000-1500 URLs bought to defend against possible unflattering description! So what's the name of your company it'd be good to know what company is so reprehensible that it has to preemptively limit descriptions of such attributes. Maybe what should have been news was that this is common practice.

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1000-1500 URLs bought to defend against possible unflattering description! So what's the name of your company it'd be good to know what company is so reprehensible that it has to preemptively limit descriptions of such attributes. Maybe what should have been news was that this is common practice.


Plenty of companies do that, welcome to reality.

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1000-1500 URLs bought to defend against possible unflattering description! So what's the name of your company it'd be good to know what company is so reprehensible that it has to preemptively limit descriptions of such attributes. Maybe what should have been news was that this is common practice.



Its called "public relations", you dummy.


God, you !@#$ing liberals are dumb. Whatever "evil" your masters tell you to hate, you go right along. Im envoking Godwin's Law early and calling you what you are...youre like the jackbooted minions who listened to the little moutached pied piper, beleiving all the tripe he spewed.








and now....




Carry on, good solider...and make sure you have your copy of a Saul Alinsky book on your coffee table for your "visitors" to see.

Edited by RkFast
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and now....



Finally something we agree on I knew you'd come around


Carry on, good solider...and make sure you have your copy of a Saul Alinsky book on your coffee table for your "visitors" to see.

and Damn it you're right I need some Saul Alinsky to put next to my John Perkins, William Black, Jane D’Arista, Bethany McLean and Joe Nocera, and all my other leftist propaganda- I could send you a leaflet.


The financial industry and corporations in general would be wise to develop some professional ethical standards and to start to self police- right now there is an increase interest in freaken Marx in America, that is a stunning failure of neoliberalism as it is now practiced- my simple advice is stop killing the golden goose and return to the bygone days when finance was symbiotic with the productive economy not parasitic upon it- fraud is not a longterm business model and it's not even good for the corporations themselves, after they hollow out America and Europe where do they think they're going to go- these multinational globalists are going to find themselves out of luck in five years when they feel abused by the policies of China Inc. and Russia Inc. and the run to American and Europe for help- without manufacturing , or premier consumer markets, or reserve currency, influence on trade policy will be minuscule.

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The financial industry and corporations in general would be wise to develop some professional ethical standards


Great idea! They could start requiring a level of transparency in their finances and operations - have independent auditors veryify their accounting, restrict insider action on non-public material information, etc.


Then maybe they could form an industry regulatory body to enforce the ethics...they could call it something like "Financial Industry Regulatory Authority".


They really ought to consider that...it's a brilliant thought.

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Great idea! They could start requiring a level of transparency in their finances and operations - have independent auditors veryify their accounting, restrict insider action on non-public material information, etc.


Then maybe they could form an industry regulatory body to enforce the ethics...they could call it something like "Financial Industry Regulatory Authority".


They really ought to consider that...it's a brilliant thought.


Dude hasn't got a clue. It's quite funny. He talks as if fraud in the financial services industry is something new and it's never been worse. He needs to read some histroy books.

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Dude hasn't got a clue. It's quite funny. He talks as if fraud in the financial services industry is something new and it's never been worse. He needs to read some histroy books.


You're wrong, because only with the advent of the internet could BoA fraudulently buy Urns on such a massive scale.

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Dude hasn't got a clue. It's quite funny. He talks as if fraud in the financial services industry is something new and it's never been worse. He needs to read some histroy books.

Not that it's new just that it's ugly head needs to be caved in again.


"We had to struggle with the old enemies of peace--business and financial monopoly, speculation, reckless banking, class antagonism, sectionalism, war profiteering.


They had begun to consider the Government of the United States as a mere appendage to their own affairs. We know now that Government by organized money is just as dangerous as Government by organized mob.


Never before in all our history have these forces been so united against one candidate as they stand today. They are unanimous in their hate for me--and I welcome their hatred." FDR

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and Damn it you're right I need some Saul Alinsky to put next to my John Perkins, William Black, Jane D'Arista, Bethany McLean and Joe Nocera, and all my other leftist propaganda- I could send you a leaflet.


The financial industry and corporations in general would be wise to develop some professional ethical standards and to start to self police- right now there is an increase interest in freaken Marx in America, that is a stunning failure of neoliberalism as it is now practiced- my simple advice is stop killing the golden goose and return to the bygone days when finance was symbiotic with the productive economy not parasitic upon it- fraud is not a longterm business model and it's not even good for the corporations themselves, after they hollow out America and Europe where do they think they're going to go- these multinational globalists are going to find themselves out of luck in five years when they feel abused by the policies of China Inc. and Russia Inc. and the run to American and Europe for help- without manufacturing , or premier consumer markets, or reserve currency, influence on trade policy will be minuscule.


Evidently, you didnt get what I was referring to. Try again.


As for your second paragraph, what, exactly does any of that have to do with a corporation (or ANY business for that matter) taking steps (completley legal, I may add) to protect its brand?


Not that it's new just that it's ugly head needs to be caved in again.


"We had to struggle with the old enemies of peace--business and financial monopoly, speculation, reckless banking, class antagonism, sectionalism, war profiteering.


They had begun to consider the Government of the United States as a mere appendage to their own affairs. We know now that Government by organized money is just as dangerous as Government by organized mob.


Never before in all our history have these forces been so united against one candidate as they stand today. They are unanimous in their hate for me--and I welcome their hatred." FDR


FDR was so far to the left, he probably went to Stalin's house on weekends for a round of golf.

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Great idea! They could start requiring a level of transparency in their finances and operations - have independent auditors veryify their accounting, restrict insider action on non-public material information, etc.


Then maybe they could form an industry regulatory body to enforce the ethics...they could call it something like "Financial Industry Regulatory Authority".


They really ought to consider that...it's a brilliant thought.

Hey maybe you could help this become a reality instead of a fantasy.




The use of “innovative” financial instruments to hide a company’s or a country’s bad and deteriorating financial situation has been highlighted in recent cases that illuminate how manipulative accounting contributed to the global financial crisis.


Last week a US government-directed report on the collapse of Lehman Brothers found that the investment bank that used a device known as Repo 105 to hide up to US$50 billion of troubling securities that it held, in order to give a good portrayal of its financial health, just months before it collapsed.

there are so many accounting gimmicks used to hide the real bottom line you must be kidding.


Independent auditors? audit shopping you mean, Arthur Andersen ring a bell- Ernst & Young up to bat.


Insider trading?

the kind of confidence that grows when your industry hasn't seen the back of a regulatory hand in nearly a decade. The money management world grew so avaricious over the last decade, Kass says, that it spawned a cottage industry of so-called expert networks whose very business models sometimes challenged existing rules about acting on non-public information."We've had a laissez-faire attitude with regard to enforcement and Wall Street, and these traders got the message," says Kass.
Tom you know about expert networks stop pretending all this crap you laugh about every day doesn't exist.


"Financial Industry Regulatory Authority" captured and toothless.

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Hey maybe you could help this become a reality instead of a fantasy.




there are so many accounting gimmicks used to hide the real bottom line you must be kidding.


Independent auditors? audit shopping you mean, Arthur Andersen ring a bell- Ernst & Young up to bat.


Insider trading? Tom you know about expert networks stop pretending all this crap you laugh about every day doesn't exist.


"Financial Industry Regulatory Authority" captured and toothless.


So it's the government's fault the FS industry is crooked?

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