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We've become a nation of wusses. The Chinese are kicking our butt in everything," Rendell added. "If this was in China do you think the Chinese would have called off the game? People would have been marching down to the stadium, they would have walked and they would have been doing calculus on the way down



Fast Eddie is always good for a quote. Even as governor, he did a local post-game show on TV about the Eagles. The guy loves Philly sports.


Hey Eddie...you cant be in favor of over-legislating and over-regulating everything not nailed down (and some that are) and suck the cocks of every Union chief within a 2,000 mile radius..... and then B word about how other countries can "get stuff done" and we cant.


What a !@#$ing phony.


My Rendell moment: Back in '93, I had just graduated college and was salting away the rest of my lease watching the Phillies and trying to get ready for Officers' Basic Course. I was in a WaWa and in comes hizzoner, the mayor of Philly at the time. A guy on his way out says "Hey Eddie. We could use more cops on the streets." Rendell gets in line behind me, grabs a paper and says towards me but to no one in particular, "Everybody wants more cops. Nobody wants to pay for them."


So there you go.

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