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CIA Responds To WikiLeaks With WTF

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The CIA said it formed something called the WikiLeaks Task Force, which (acronym-loving agency that it is) goes by by the name of WTF.


A U.S. official told PCMag, “Some might say the acronym is regrettable. Perhaps we should consider that the CIA has a sense of humor after all.”


When The Washington Post reporter asked the former CIA official what would have happened if he pulled a Bradley Manning and placed a memory stick into his computer at work, he responded, “There would probably be a little trap door under my chair.”



Edited by Booster4324
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If only Anonymous could take down a .gov site then people would finally see how silly all of this is. What is the CIA going to do with this task force that will solve anything? Are they going to decide its best not to share information any more then in 20 years get blamed the next 9/11? All of this BS is just political jockying.

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If only Anonymous could take down a .gov site then people would finally see how silly all of this is. What is the CIA going to do with this task force that will solve anything? Are they going to decide its best not to share information any more then in 20 years get blamed the next 9/11? All of this BS is just political jockying.

Taking down a government site....to prove what exactly? That's not in line with their anti-censorship/anti-government control position. The government is a user of the internet, and their use shouldn't be censored or limited any more than anyone's. If Anon holds to it's principles, then you won't see this.


Perhaps you are misunderstanding the position? Anon doesn't care about Assange, or his assclown quest. The only time Anon will care is if somebody restricts or limits another user's access to knowledge. Anon: Knowledge is free. Therefore, the "line was crossed" when people "attacked" wikileaks for posting knowledge. Anon simply returned fire.


The task force....So basically they are going to lie/change things to minimize the damage. An intelligence agency telling lies? That's their job, so, so what?


Let's call this what it is: Assange isn't a hacker. He's a publicity whore. He didn't use his "skillz" to get the data. He was handed it by a disgruntled employee. From a technical perspective, he's no better than a lawyer, or a reporter. He got the Citigroup stuff the same way. Are we supposed to give him skills cred because he knows how to post on the internet? :rolleyes:


Calling Assange a hacker is like calling Michael Moore a historian. :rolleyes:

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Taking down a government site....to prove what exactly? That's not in line with their anti-censorship/anti-government control position. The government is a user of the internet, and their use shouldn't be censored or limited any more than anyone's. If Anon holds to it's principles, then you won't see this.


Perhaps you are misunderstanding the position? Anon doesn't care about Assange, or his assclown quest. The only time Anon will care is if somebody restricts or limits another user's access to knowledge. Anon: Knowledge is free. Therefore, the "line was crossed" when people "attacked" wikileaks for posting knowledge. Anon simply returned fire.


The task force....So basically they are going to lie/change things to minimize the damage. An intelligence agency telling lies? That's their job, so, so what?


Let's call this what it is: Assange isn't a hacker. He's a publicity whore. He didn't use his "skillz" to get the data. He was handed it by a disgruntled employee. From a technical perspective, he's no better than a lawyer, or a reporter. He got the Citigroup stuff the same way. Are we supposed to give him skills cred because he knows how to post on the internet? :rolleyes:


Calling Assange a hacker is like calling Michael Moore a historian. :rolleyes:

You are very right. Anon is a subset of many groups that announced counter strikes. There have been several members discovered and prosecuted but Anon will not protect them. As part of the Mastercard take down servers in Holland or Switzerland (I forget) were raided by police and arrests were made. Anon did not attack the police, or anyone else.

The idea of them attacking the .gov's would further some of the believe that it is an anarchist group, which is funny. It is a very calculated organized group and much smaller then people believe. The followers, however, are much larger then many believe.

It reminds me of Fight Club.

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