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Political Quiz's

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In this one I got:

Economic Left/Right: 1.25

Social Libertarian/Authoritarian: -1.85


So Centrist, but leaning to the right and Libertarian a bit.


So I took this one and got:

You are a centrist moderate social libertarian.

Right: 0.66, Libertarian: 1.91


Pretty damn close results on the graphs. I remember a similar thread where I got similar results, but was slightly to the left. I blame you worthless mother !@#$ers. :pirate:


Try it, where do you stand?

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In this one I got:

Economic Left/Right: 1.25

Social Libertarian/Authoritarian: -1.85


So Centrist, but leaning to the right and Libertarian a bit.


So I took this one and got:

You are a centrist moderate social libertarian.

Right: 0.66, Libertarian: 1.91


Pretty damn close results on the graphs. I remember a similar thread where I got similar results, but was slightly to the left. I blame you worthless mother !@#$ers. :pirate:


Try it, where do you stand?


On the first, I'm a little more Libertarian and a little more right than you.

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First, this is a silly test; the questions here are a little too vague. My favorite was "The rich are too highly taxed." Is that Conners definition or rich or the rest of the world?


"All people have their rights, but it is better for all of us that different sorts of people should keep to their own kind." For better or for worse this will happen no matter what.


"The most important thing for children to learn is to accept discipline." The idiot would read this as responsibility.


Three years ago if you asked me my view on "Astrology accurately explains many things" I would have said hogwash. But no joke, since I started farming I have learned to go by this after having a hard time with many things and others telling me to look at the signs. From my vet to extension agents, none of them will advise you to go against the sign if all you do is ignore it


I scored:

Economic Left/Right: 4.62

Social Libertarian/Authoritarian: -3.79


On the second...

"32. Minority groups that have faced discrimination should receive help from the state to get on an equal footing."

herp derp, I'm a black farmer, herp derp. (I'm not tho)

I scored:

You are a right social libertarian.

Right: 7.13, Libertarian: 6.22



Wonder if that surprises anyone?

Edited by jboyst62
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I couldn't finish the test, the questions were posed in such a manner that it was just :wallbash::wallbash::wallbash::wallbash:


Sorry, not taking that bull **** test :pirate:


Yeah, I had major issues with the way the questions were posed at first. They are incendiary at the least, but that was the top two polls on a google search. Despite the way the questions are phrased, seems we are getting similar results from the two polls. Seems to have nailed me to a T.

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