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Airport INsecurity

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So I'm traveling for the Holidays. Checked a large bag at Newark Airport yesterday filled with 15 wrapped gifts. Mostly smaller value items except for an HD camcorder. When I opened the luggage today I see that a lot of the wrapping is missing or torn, and the boxes have been opened. The camcorder box is there but the actual camcorder is missing from inside. The only thing remaining is the carrying case, they even took the extra battery and 2 memory cards.


The guy(s) who did this is obviously a pro who's done it before. Must have used a box cutter or something similar to quickly rifle through the packages. Knew that the camera bag would be a giveaway, so he left that and just took the valuable pieces, including the instructions and warranty.


Besides extremely pissed off, I'm also highly concerned what is says about airport security in America. These people are supposed to be looking for explosives in luggage, instead they're thieves robbing from passengers. More generally, it speaks volumes to the character of the people they're hiring. What does it say about the screening process for what these people are taking in and out of the airport? This is a huge security risk as these low lifes are just the type terrorists could use to put explosives in luggage.


F*$%ing disgrace.

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So I'm traveling for the Holidays. Checked a large bag at Newark Airport yesterday filled with 15 wrapped gifts. Mostly smaller value items except for an HD camcorder. When I opened the luggage today I see that a lot of the wrapping is missing or torn, and the boxes have been opened. The camcorder box is there but the actual camcorder is missing from inside. The only thing remaining is the carrying case, they even took the extra battery and 2 memory cards.


The guy(s) who did this is obviously a pro who's done it before. Must have used a box cutter or something similar to quickly rifle through the packages. Knew that the camera bag would be a giveaway, so he left that and just took the valuable pieces, including the instructions and warranty.


Besides extremely pissed off, I'm also highly concerned what is says about airport security in America. These people are supposed to be looking for explosives in luggage, instead they're thieves robbing from passengers. More generally, it speaks volumes to the character of the people they're hiring. What does it say about the screening process for what these people are taking in and out of the airport? This is a huge security risk as these low lifes are just the type terrorists could use to put explosives in luggage.


F*$%ing disgrace.


That sucks. :( That's why I never put anything but clothes in my suitcase -- can't trust anyone. :(

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That does suck - sorry to hear you got ripped off. If you haven't already been jerked around by the airline you will be - they won't accept any responsibility for what happened and they won't give you jack for your losses. In the fine print mumbo-jumbo they're not responsible for anything more than $.32 of loss or some such nonsense - makes you want to seriously grab someone by the neck and choke the ever-loving *&&*%! out of them....


It may not have been the TSA folks - my guess is it's the bagge monkeys who work for the airline or their subcontractor - they pay those guys dirt, treat them like dirt and attract some people who have some sketchy backgrounds, then leave them along with your stuff - gee, where'd my stuff go?


2 bits of advice for anyone traveling:


1. Never pack or take along wrapped gifts - even the TSA will tell you that's a no no - you're not supposed to do that and they can (and do) ask you to unwrap them or unwrap them themselves. Every year my brother shows up for Christmas and has to spend time wrapping his stuff once he's arrived.


2. Never, ever, ever, put anything of value (electronics, cash, jewelry) in your checked bag. It shouldn't be a suprise to anyone that when people have access to your bag and you're not around they steal anything they can get their hands on. Doesn't make it right, just the way it is. If the damn airlines were ever held responsible for obvious thefts to bags in their care they might actually do something about cleaning up their act, but they aren't so they just let it happen because YOU get screwed, not them. You have to assume anything you leave in your checked bagge is fair game and will be stolen if it has value - don't give them anything of value. I hate traveliing because I have to cram all this tuff into my carryon bag because it will get ripped off if I don't - I would love to check it but I know it would disappear if I did. And the airlines wonder why people bring so much crap in their carryons and there's never enough space in the cabin - clean up your damn act and it wouldn't be that way.

Edited by The Avenger
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Nothing any of us can say will make this better but I do undeniably believe in karma. While I'm a full supporter of the body scans (even if they do nothing other than deter the random American pissed off at the government and not a highly trained terrorist) I still feel nervous that the guys loading the cargo hold are often less trained/screened than a greeter at walmart.


I hope you have a good holiday anyway. And honestly PM me if you need a little loan to make up got what you lost.

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Not to Hijack this thread, but I am concerned after reading this threat about something like this happened; I will be flying for the first time in about 8 years in a few weeks. Can you still use a lock on your luggage? My dad traveled a lot and would you zip ties to hold his zippers together, is that still ok? What is the new thing to do with laptops? Do you have to turn them on or anything? Can you xray them? I am not going to let this get at all away from me and will carry it in my backpack with my Sirius radio, batteries and such.

Any tips on making it an easier travel? I will be flying Charlotte to Houston.


Oh, and what about the body scanner/groping?

Edited by jboyst62
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Not to Hijack this thread, but I am concerned after reading this threat about something like this happened; I will be flying for the first time in about 8 years in a few weeks. Can you still use a lock on your luggage? My dad traveled a lot and would you zip ties to hold his zippers together, is that still ok? What is the new thing to do with laptops? Do you have to turn them on or anything? Can you xray them? I am not going to let this get at all away from me and will carry it in my backpack with my Sirius radio, batteries and such.

Any tips on making it an easier travel? I will be flying Charlotte to Houston.


If you put a lock on, they may either ask you to take it off before they take it, or they will just cut it off if they feel the need to. Same with zip ties. With laptops, all you have to do is put them in a separate tub and that's it. X-rays won't affect your laptop.


When I travel I refuse to check baggage, more so because of the ridiculous fees that they charge, but also because I don't trust random, near-minimum wage baggage handlers with my stuff. Charlotte's a nice airport (spent 6+ hours there on the way home for Thanksgiving getting drunk for lack of a better thing to do). Safe travels!

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Nothing any of us can say will make this better but I do undeniably believe in karma. While I'm a full supporter of the body scans (even if they do nothing other than deter the random American pissed off at the government and not a highly trained terrorist) I still feel nervous that the guys loading the cargo hold are often less trained/screened than a greeter at walmart.


I hope you have a good holiday anyway. And honestly PM me if you need a little loan to make up got what you lost.

Hope this makes you feel safer Steve!



"But even more scary than that is the article notes that the TSA admits that it's really bad at finding weapons, saying that the "failure rate" of tests is reaching 70% at some major airports and at some airports "every test gun, bomb part or knife got past screeners." So, while scanners are looking at or touching your crotch, they're apparently not bothering to look for guns. Comforting."


Security theater at its finest! Can we funnel half the money we give to TSA into something worthwhile? How about giving it to the airlines so that they stop charging for checked luggage that employees loot anyway?

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That does suck - sorry to hear you got ripped off. If you haven't already been jerked around by the airline you will be - they won't accept any responsibility for what happened and they won't give you jack for your losses. In the fine print mumbo-jumbo they're not responsible for anything more than $.32 of loss or some such nonsense - makes you want to seriously grab someone by the neck and choke the ever-loving *&&*%! out of them....


It may not have been the TSA folks - my guess is it's the bagge monkeys who work for the airline or their subcontractor - they pay those guys dirt, treat them like dirt and attract some people who have some sketchy backgrounds, then leave them along with your stuff - gee, where'd my stuff go?


2 bits of advice for anyone traveling:


1. Never pack or take along wrapped gifts - even the TSA will tell you that's a no no - you're not supposed to do that and they can (and do) ask you to unwrap them or unwrap them themselves. Every year my brother shows up for Christmas and has to spend time wrapping his stuff once he's arrived.


2. Never, ever, ever, put anything of value (electronics, cash, jewelry) in your checked bag. It shouldn't be a suprise to anyone that when people have access to your bag and you're not around they steal anything they can get their hands on. Doesn't make it right, just the way it is. If the damn airlines were ever held responsible for obvious thefts to bags in their care they might actually do something about cleaning up their act, but they aren't so they just let it happen because YOU get screwed, not them. You have to assume anything you leave in your checked bagge is fair game and will be stolen if it has value - don't give them anything of value. I hate traveliing because I have to cram all this tuff into my carryon bag because it will get ripped off if I don't - I would love to check it but I know it would disappear if I did. And the airlines wonder why people bring so much crap in their carryons and there's never enough space in the cabin - clean up your damn act and it wouldn't be that way.

Normally I wouldnt have, but that still doesnt excuse the thief. I made an exception this time because a) there were 15 wrapped packages so I figured that was too much for a thief to sort thru and b) given the holidays, already had my hands full with carry on items. But the f%#*er cut the wrapping on all 15 packages, and cut open every plain brown box (the camera box was in a plain brown box because there were other items with it like carrying case, extra battery and memory chips.)


Hey, nice camcorder.



lol D-bag, thanks I did need a laugh because I am so PISSED F*@%ING OFF.


It was a great camera, top of the line Canon HF S200. Whole package set me a back a G.

Edited by Joe_the_6_pack
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Normally I wouldnt have, but that still doesnt excuse the thief. I made an exception this time because a) there were 15 wrapped packages so I figured that was too much for a thief to sort thru and b) given the holidays, already had my hands full with carry on items. But the f%#*er cut the wrapping on all 15 packages, and cut open every plain brown box (the camera box was in a plain brown box because there were other items with it like carrying case, extra battery and memory chips.)



It certainly does NOT excuse the theft - totally agree with you on that. Thing is that if you have something valuable they WILL find it. Not only are they experienced and fast, I think there are plenty of opportunities for them to take their time. If they saw things were wrapped they assumed there would be something of value - they probably put your bag aside and made sure they could go through each and every wrapped goodie before putting your bag in the hold (actually, al lot of the suff happens IN the hold, away from anyone's eyes). My guess is that the wrapping paper really worked against you because it drew attention to the fact that there was probably something cool in the bag somewhere.

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I doubt TSA stole your stuff.


Probably the throwers.


Yeah... Wouldn't that be the perfect "cover" if the TSA was responsible...:lol: :lol:


Normally I wouldnt have, but that still doesnt excuse the thief. I made an exception this time because a) there were 15 wrapped packages so I figured that was too much for a thief to sort thru and b) given the holidays, already had my hands full with carry on items. But the f%#*er cut the wrapping on all 15 packages, and cut open every plain brown box (the camera box was in a plain brown box because there were other items with it like carrying case, extra battery and memory chips.)



lol D-bag, thanks I did need a laugh because I am so PISSED F*@%ING OFF.


It was a great camera, top of the line Canon HF S200. Whole package set me a back a G.


Maybe it was the TSA... Don't they have cameras to see inside first? Or somebody got a heads up.

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Yeah... Wouldn't that be the perfect "cover" if the TSA was responsible...:lol: :lol:




Maybe it was the TSA... Don't they have cameras to see inside first? Or somebody got a heads up.

Well they opened all the plain boxes and only took the camera items, by that I assume they didn't have xray. Unless the xray was an initial screen that provided an incomplete picture and incented them to dig further.


Crazy as it may sound though, they opened the box containing the "Wang 71" Bills jersey but didnt take the contents. Then again this was in the heart of Jets country. Speaking of low lifes ....

Edited by Joe_the_6_pack
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Not to Hijack this thread, but I am concerned after reading this threat about something like this happened; I will be flying for the first time in about 8 years in a few weeks. Can you still use a lock on your luggage? My dad traveled a lot and would you zip ties to hold his zippers together, is that still ok? What is the new thing to do with laptops? Do you have to turn them on or anything? Can you xray them? I am not going to let this get at all away from me and will carry it in my backpack with my Sirius radio, batteries and such.

Any tips on making it an easier travel? I will be flying Charlotte to Houston.


Oh, and what about the body scanner/groping?

You're not supposed to lock your checked luggage. Most of the times they'll ask. I never lock mine, but I assume they'd want you to unlock it or, as SpillerTime said, they'll unlock it (i.e. cut it open) for you. So, I wouldn't zip tie it. My strong suggestion, as a very frequent flyer and one that checks his luggage, don't put anything in the checked luggage that's of high value. Camcorders, laptops, etc. The baggage handlers are not at all trustworthy, as Joe6pack just found out. (Sorry, Joe, but my guess is the baggage handlers; not TSA as this kind of crap has been going on long before TSA was even initial that meant something.) If you have presents, don't wrap them, and carry them on (or FedEx./mail them).


Laptops are not a problem. Put it in your carry on. They'll make you take it out and put it in a separate bin/bus pan to go through the xray, but you don't have to turn it on or anything. It's really a non issue. They'll probably want you to put your sirius radio in a separate bin as well. Again, no biggie. But, they really key in on electronics for whatever reason.


The best way to get through security is travel light and just do what they ask. I always check a bag just so I go through security light and I don't have to deal with my shaving lotion being too big or anything like that. Plus it just makes getting through security a breeze. Plan to take your shoes off - no matter what kind they are. I usually put my watch, cell phone, ipod, etc. in my jacket pockets; that way I can just take my jacket off and put it in a bin and all my stuff is easier to keep track of. Otherwise, it's really common sense and do whatever they ask you to do - its easier and quicker than arguing. Pick a security line without a bunch of kids if at all possible.

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So I'm traveling for the Holidays. Checked a large bag at Newark Airport yesterday filled with 15 wrapped gifts. Mostly smaller value items except for an HD camcorder. When I opened the luggage today I see that a lot of the wrapping is missing or torn, and the boxes have been opened. The camcorder box is there but the actual camcorder is missing from inside. The only thing remaining is the carrying case, they even took the extra battery and 2 memory cards.


The guy(s) who did this is obviously a pro who's done it before. Must have used a box cutter or something similar to quickly rifle through the packages. Knew that the camera bag would be a giveaway, so he left that and just took the valuable pieces, including the instructions and warranty.


Besides extremely pissed off, I'm also highly concerned what is says about airport security in America. These people are supposed to be looking for explosives in luggage, instead they're thieves robbing from passengers. More generally, it speaks volumes to the character of the people they're hiring. What does it say about the screening process for what these people are taking in and out of the airport? This is a huge security risk as these low lifes are just the type terrorists could use to put explosives in luggage.


F*$%ing disgrace.



I agree. What a bummer...after the last few weeks this was the LAST thing you needed to happen!!

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I agree. What a bummer...after the last few weeks this was the LAST thing you needed to happen!!


+1 to that.

Traveling is such a pain anymore and it seems like it's just getting exponentially worse as time goes on.

Note to self, nothing 'spensive in checked bags. Travel light. Thieves abound.


Joe, you sure would have been better shipping those packages.

What a crappy thing to have happen - at any time of year - yet alone Christmas.

I'm not going to get into my own not-to-dissimilar-personal-theft tragedy, but I can certainly relate to your story.


Did you put in a claim with the airline? I'd be raising as large a stink as possible with them and the TSA.


I hope you can still find happiness with your family and friends this holiday season.



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+1 to that.

Traveling is such a pain anymore and it seems like it's just getting exponentially worse as time goes on.

Note to self, nothing 'spensive in checked bags. Travel light. Thieves abound.


Joe, you sure would have been better shipping those packages.

What a crappy thing to have happen - at any time of year - yet alone Christmas.

I'm not going to get into my own not-to-dissimilar-personal-theft tragedy, but I can certainly relate to your story.


Did you put in a claim with the airline? I'd be raising as large a stink as possible with them and the TSA.


I hope you can still find happiness with your family and friends this holiday season.



Definitely putting a claim in. This is an airline Ive spent a fortune traveling with over the last 3 years, and I made sure they knew about it. One good thing about it being brand new, I have all the receipts and there can be no haggling over value, make or contents.


Thanks for you kind wishes. Same to you and yours.

Edited by Joe_the_6_pack
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