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How I would treat Tom Brady

Coach Tuesday

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The Pats are going to beat us next weekend, it's a given. They always beat us. And usually, we make it easy for them. Under Jauron, Brady's trips to the Ralph were a walk in the park - it looked unbelievably easy for him. And this year, we just don't have the players (yet, hopefully) to pull out a victory.


So here's what I would do:


Rather than sit back and let him dink and dunk his way up and down the field, I would blitz the hell out of him. I'd hit him on every pass play, if possible. I'd even tell my guys not to worry about a few roughing the passer flags, because everyone knows they'll come.


And I don't care about the fact that by blitzing, you give up the big play.


So what, I'm thinking LONG TERM.


And long term, I don't want Brady to enjoy his trips to Buffalo anymore. I want him to start hating having to come play here. So that it sticks in his mind. And so next year, hopefully, and years to come, he remembers how much he hates playing in Buffalo.


The time to start getting in his head is NOW. I hope Chan sees it the same way. Make it as uncomfortable as possible for the guy.


Oh, and less anyone out there feels bad for him, here is a great piece from Tim Graham showing evidence that Brady runs up the score on teams:




Go Bills.


Lest anyone forget, the BROWNS beat the Pats earlier this season.


They are NOT invincible . . . :beer:

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You know, every time people tell me that we don't stand a chance against the Pats and that they'll destroy us we play them much closer than expected. Everyone though they'd whoop us earlier this year, and it was only an 8-point win. Everyone thought they'd kill us on the Monday night opener last year and we outplayed them for the first 58 minutes. Heck, even going back to 2006, no one gave us a chance in that year's season opener and they ended up needing a safety to beat us. Seeing that our defense probably can't stop them the way we've been playing I am all for the going all out and blitzing all day. What do we have to lose? I'm not saying cheap shot Brady well after he throws the ball but we are sure to at least give him some solid hits as he gets rid of the ball. Unfortunately, if we didn't have the guts to go for it on a 4th and goal from the half yard line against the Browns last week I don't see us taking this chance.

Edited by Talley56
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There's a fine line between continuing to play hard and going out of your way to run up the scoreboard. If you can't draw a distinction between the scenario of calling a TO in the final minutes of the 4th quarter to throw bombs to the end zone, which no one does, and the things you described, which everyone does, then I don't know what to tell you.

I guess I don't see the logic in the fact that people would expect an offense to stop playing balls to the walls when a game is well in hand yet they don't expect the same for a defense when in the same situation.


Tell me. Do you feel that a defense should fight with all of its might to preserve a shutout 1/2way through the 4th quarter in a game when they are comfortably ahead by 35 points or should they lay down and allow the opposing offense to score?

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I guess I don't see the logic in the fact that people would expect an offense to stop playing balls to the walls when a game is well in hand yet they don't expect the same for a defense when in the same situation.


Tell me. Do you feel that a defense should fight with all of its might to preserve a shutout 1/2way through the 4th quarter in a game when they are comfortably ahead by 35 points or should they lay down and allow the opposing offense to score?

VERY interesting question and one which I've never considered before.


I think I know what I would answer but I'm gonna chew on that for awhile.

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I guess I don't see the logic in the fact that people would expect an offense to stop playing balls to the walls when a game is well in hand yet they don't expect the same for a defense when in the same situation.


Tell me. Do you feel that a defense should fight with all of its might to preserve a shutout 1/2way through the 4th quarter in a game when they are comfortably ahead by 35 points or should they lay down and allow the opposing offense to score?



What some teams do, when they are far ahead in the 4th quarter, is sub out some of their starters to give other players some game experience. And, they call more conservative plays on offense, so as to eat the clock and not be total douchebags. You can't ask the players to play less hard, but the coach can replace players and call a more conservative game.


Why would a coach whose team is winning by 30 points in the 4th quarter dial up blitzes? Why would a coach whose team is up by 30 points leave his starting QB in the game and have him throwing long? One answer to both question: DOUCHEBAG!!


It is a sad fact that Brady wasn't completely mauled late in a game while running up the score. He should have been taught a lesson by the opposing D, since his douchy coach doesn't seem to be able to control his team.

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What some teams do, when they are far ahead in the 4th quarter, is sub out some of their starters to give other players some game experience. And, they call more conservative plays on offense, so as to eat the clock and not be total douchebags. You can't ask the players to play less hard, but the coach can replace players and call a more conservative game.


Why would a coach whose team is winning by 30 points in the 4th quarter dial up blitzes? Why would a coach whose team is up by 30 points leave his starting QB in the game and have him throwing long? One answer to both question: DOUCHEBAG!!


It is a sad fact that Brady wasn't completely mauled late in a game while running up the score. He should have been taught a lesson by the opposing D, since his douchy coach doesn't seem to be able to control his team.

BB teaches his team to play a full 60 minute game - on both sides of the ball. And well he should .... they both get paid to play a full game. If BB then allows them to take plays off, no matter how far ahead they are, what does that do for his teaching methods? It jeopardizes it/ And the Pats almost blew a couple of late game leads this season because they failed to play a full 60 minutes of ball. Don't think that this didn't go unnoticed by BB .... as he's been emphasizing the playing of complete games since then as the Pats ramp up for the playoffs. And why shouldn't he, or any HC?

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BB teaches his team to play a full 60 minute game - on both sides of the ball. And well he should .... they both get paid to play a full game. If BB then allows them to take plays off, no matter how far ahead they are, what does that do for his teaching methods? It jeopardizes it/ And the Pats almost blew a couple of late game leads this season because they failed to play a full 60 minutes of ball. Don't think that this didn't go unnoticed by BB .... as he's been emphasizing the playing of complete games since then as the Pats ramp up for the playoffs. And why shouldn't he, or any HC? Afterall, players on both sides of the ball are paid to perform, no?



The players on the bench are paid as well. Shouldn't they get an opportunity to perform? Doesn't the offense need to work on running plays, as well as passing plays?


I think you know how incredibly simplistic your argument is. Do you see the Colts passing to pile on points late in the 4th quarter? Typically you don't, because their HC and their QB have class. Something the Pats* lack.

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I don't think I'm looking at this the way you guys are. So what I say probably has little interest to you.


I think it's interesting that there seems to be somewhat of a double standard for offense and defense.


The propriety of running up the score is always debated…every season, numerous times a season.


Defensively though your rarely hear criticism of a defense trying to preserve a shutout. A shutout is one of the few statements a defense can make and there's a certain sanctity in achieving that feat.


I think the double standard has to do with the inherent difference between an offense and a defense and what they are trying to accomplish.


Sorry to digress.

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I always laugh at these threads, most of you are quick to jump on anyone who looks at fitzy the wrong way yet you will advocate hitting Brady late or intentionally going after his knees. Get over your Patriot jealousy and look forward to the day we beat them.


I don't want to beat the Pats by cheating or anything close. I want it to be legit so I can fully enjoy it. Some of you need to get a life when it comes to the Bills. It is not life or death and wishing injury upon someone is pretty weak. Let's be men and win by being better and not being cheap.

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While I think that the Pats are the best team in the NFL, I don't think that they've magically transformed into that runaway freight train of a team a few years ago. As locked in as Brady's been lately, their defense is not all that good. I think that they've been playing teams that have wilted for whatever reason. Steelers suck against the spread, the Jets were an average team that had more than a few lucky wins and the Bears flat out quit once the Pats got up by a couple of touchdowns.


We'll see what happens when they come to the Ralph in a couple of weeks. I have a feeling that the Bills are going to win, because they have the offense that can scare the Pats, the Bills have the DBs who can pull off M2M coverage and the crowd will be in a frenzy that day. This is the Bills' superbowl this year. The Bills will of course be lucky to beat a team that's much better than them, but I sense that this is the game where the Pats come down to earth. Stub their toe.


The whole NFL has been one big ball of parity this season, I just don't buy into the Pats being juggernauts just yet.

I certainly think we're capable of pulling off an upset here, as long as Fitz plays one of his really good games this year. I actually feel like we can pull off the 1/2 division sweep at the end of the year and finish the season with a 6-2 record (wouldn't that be something?). It would be a really nice treat for the fans to end our embarrassing losing streak to the Patriots*.


While I agree with your assessment that the Pats* are not the team they were in 2007, they have proven themselves (so far, at least) as the class of the AFC and one of the top 2 teams in the NFL. In another season they may not even be a top 5 team, but IMO, this year (given the parity) they're the best (sure hope to god that changes in the playoffs!!)

Edited by machinegun12
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When asked about the Pats running up the score on his (then) Bills, Dick Jauron said "I have no problem with it. It's our job to stop it."


Even a busted clock is right twice a day.




I rather like the Ravens myself. On a good day, Ravens over Pitts and even Ravens over NE*


It does give me a positive feeling about the Bills direction that we shaved both Pitts and Ravens really close.

If we could only beat the Patriots* I would end the season happy.

I have to agree with the Ravens in there, too. I don't know if they'll go into Gillette Stadium or Heinz Field and win there in January, but I would put them in the conversation. Of all the AFC teams I wouldn't mind seeing in the Super Bowl, the Chargers or the Ravens would probably be my preference (if SD gets in, that is). KC would be an interesting turn around story if they were to pull off some upsets, imagine Matt Cassel beating Tom Brady in the AFC Championship game in NE.

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dunno. it's just an unwritten thing, like a code. like in baseball. you don't steal bases when you're up by 12 runs.

Football is not baseball. If you stop playing hard you expose yourself to injury or you detract from the execution you need in tougher games. Even then, I doubt Pete Rose, and ballplayers like him would agree with your baseball comment generally.

Again football is not baseball - when Brady lines up under centre he is facing 11 guys who literally want to kill him, and some of them are quite capable of doing it. His revenge, and his vindication is to beat them like a rented mule. Bear in mind too that when he does that he is setting himself up for more hate and more aggression. Let him stir the pot, it sells tickets and makes the game of football more interesting. He is the bad guy wrestler we all love to hate. Cudos to the great Tom Brady until we are good enough to shut him up. Arther Moats, where are you?

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Bend him over and treat him like he was your smaller cellmate in prison. Let them run up the score as you have every player on your defence lining up at the line and all out blitzing him until you break him in half. :devil:


if the Bills aren't going to the playoffs, might as well screw the Pats over and take Brady out

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Another coach, another chickensh-- game plan. This was Jauronball, game planning to lose by 20 instead of 50. Brady wasnt on his back at all. We make it so easy for them, it is infuriating. The players may not have pride, but us fans do. Enough already. Get me a coach who isn't afraid of the Big Bad Patsies.

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