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Am I wrong hating athletes for these moves?


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No, this isn't football, but I'm see a trend here that I think we will see in the NFL sooner or later.


First off, let me say that I think that sports players are no different than any other players. Once Free Agents, they have the right to sign wherever they want and for as much as they want. If we draft a guy, and he plays well for us, but has always been a Panthers fan growing up, I wouldn't hate on him for leaving for them.


Here is what just kills me though, and I now just hate LeBron and Cliff Lee for doing so. Both of these guys seemed to know exactly where they were intending to play. Same goes for Dwayne Wade. Yet, the minute they have the opportunity to sign somewhere, they don't. They let other teams think they have a chance to sign them, have visits with different GM's and owners, field offers, and then obviously go to their original team of choice.


Wade spent days in Chicago making the team and fans think they were possibly going to sign him.


LeBron fielded visits from many different teams at his house, and then had that circus announcement on TV, like he just make up his mind that morning.


And now Cliff Lee, who strung along the Rangers, having them make an offer larger than any other in their franchise. Add more years than they wanted. Took two revised offers from the Yankees. And then, takes less money than both offers to sign with the Philly's cause that is where his heart was at. The same team that traded him for prospects the previous year. The same team that showed no public interest until he got template offers from the Rangers and Yankees. And then, he has the nerve to say that the only reason he didn't sign with the Rangers was because they didn't offer him a 7th year. He only signed a 5 year deal with the Philly's?!?.


I think these guys do these things because they are trying to make the fans think it was a tough choice for them and it wasn't about the money in the end. To me, I think these guys are total a-holes for stringing the fans and teams along when they knew from day one what they want. That's like dating the friend to get to your real girl. Shopping at Best Buy for the product knowledge, and buying at Wal-Mart. Trying all 31 flavors and not buying a cone.


I don't know. Tell me if i'm wrong. But these guys are right on my list after Vick.

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He takes less money and years to play where he wants and gets hammered. If he went to the yanks he'd be a money hungry mercenary. He went where he wanted get a life.


LBJ otoh had the worst public display of douchebaggery ever and deserves to be ridiculed. Wade at least had ties to Chicago and imo was really considering going there.

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I'd say that the agent is as much (or more) to blame for these things.


I BS say on that. The agents would be a lot happier with money from the highest bidder.


He takes less money and years to play where he wants and gets hammered. If he went to the yanks he'd be a money hungry mercenary. He went where he wanted get a life.


LBJ otoh had the worst public display of douchebaggery ever and deserves to be ridiculed. Wade at least had ties to Chicago and imo was really considering going there.


Like the original poster said (and I agree with), why would he pimp himself out only to go to Philly for less money? He held up some other FA's that were trying to sign because he was out there upping the ante for his services, only to go play elsewhere for less years and less money? Again, he the right to do what he wants, but why didn't he go right to Philly? What was his agenda?

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Can't blame the players -- the owner's really are the rule makers in each and every one of these pro sports leagues.


Sure it sucks to feel betrayed or dissed by a guy you want to be on your team, but which one of us given the opportunity to take such control of our lives would turn it down.


Didn't Lee get more from Philly by showing them how wanted he was by other teams?


Didn't James increase the value of his "brand" with all that nonsense?


Can't stand either one of them, but if you want to be grouchy focus on owners, sports media, and all their marketers.


Just wait for Moss to be back with the Pats* after this season. Then they'll have gotten draft picks AND resigned one of their top receivers.


Can't see this happening. Moss has got to be really pissed -- and if they win it all with out him, why would either side want to get back together?


OTOH, a genius move like that would only be one more reason to hate the Pats*!!

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Can't see this happening. Moss has got to be really pissed -- and if they win it all with out him, why would either side want to get back together?


OTOH, a genius move like that would only be one more reason to hate the Pats*!!



No way Moss signs with the team that traded him mid-season then went on to superbowl (that is of course if they go on to win it)

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OP, you say James and Lee "seemed to know where they wanted to play" right away. Excuse me but how do you know that? That seems like a pretty big assumption on your part and your whole complaint is based off that premise.


If you have evidence that James was going to Miami or Lee was going to Philly the minute they went free agent then by all means present it and link it if possible.


These players all sign long multiyear contacts, for the most part. How often in their careers do they become meaningful free agents with the chance to cash a huge check and actually have some control on where they play? Maybe 2, 3 times tops over the course of most careers. Seems like when that time finally arrives, they should be allowed to take their time and use the market forces to their advantage to drive their value up.


And Lee didn't take that much less money to play in Philly.

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He takes less money and years to play where he wants and gets hammered. If he went to the yanks he'd be a money hungry mercenary. He went where he wanted get a life.


LBJ otoh had the worst public display of douchebaggery ever and deserves to be ridiculed. Wade at least had ties to Chicago and imo was really considering going there.


He didn't take that much less money he got a little more per year and a vesting option for a 6th. He didn't take 8 million a year to play for the Royals.

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the owner's really are the rule makers in each and every one of these pro sports leagues.



Actually this is why the NFL interests me in terms of comparing it to other major sports leagues as arguably the NFL comes closer to not only having an actual partnership between the workers and employees but in fact there is a reasonable numeric argument that the players are actually the majority partner in this deal (the measure is that the CBA is now calculated by the TOTAL gross receipts and that Gene Upshaw as pres of the NFLPA was able to dictate that the agreement would have to include a final player take which would begin with a 6. A player share of 60.5% was the final outcome,


My sense of why the NFL differs from the basic arrangements achieved by players in baseball, hockey. and basketball is that the NFL did manage to secure a deal where collegiate sports (and in many cases taxpayers subsidizing player development with state schools) pays for player development for the NFL.


The NFL benefits from having taxpayers pay for its minor league development but it now is having to give up bigger bucks to athletes who began organizing as adults rather than minors.

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Um, maybe this is me, but when exactly did Cliff Lee string along fans of the Rangers and Yankees. If anything u should be getting mad at the media for stringing along the fans. Lee went about his business as a free agent just like any other free agent does. He never made a promise to any club, just looked over offers, and visited with possible employers. Again something anyone looking for a job would do. But the age we live in with blogs and sports shows etc., etc. reporting up to the minute information and following every single detail, people took opinions of sports writers and bloggers as fact. This got your hopes up only to be let down. When if you would have never heard about all this behind the scene business you probably wouldnt have cared about where Lee went. I think the same can be said for the Wade and Lebron situation.


But alas, sports are entertainment. And these sports writers and analysts and shows are out to make money. What better way to do than create drama. Which obviously worked.


Personally I applaud Cliff Lee. Baseball has become even less interesting because of teams that go out and buy world series. Not saying Philly isnt doing that, but its nice for a change that it isnt Boston or NY making all the big off season accuisitions.

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OP, you don't have a family do you?


I bet you don't have a job that has you locked into one spot for the better part of the next decade, which happens to be a good chunk of your childrens' youth...including your son with leukemia.


It is hilarious that you as strongly as you do, like you or another fan has been "wronged," but you go and put out in a message board. Lee's decision was not meant to hurt anybody, but he has played his whole life for this very moment. I am sure when you sign your 120+ Million dollar deal, you might take a second and think about it...no a hero like you would just pull the trigger and go with the first instinct, to save to poor, poor fans from being strung along.

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Like the original poster said (and I agree with), why would he pimp himself out only to go to Philly for less money? He held up some other FA's that were trying to sign because he was out there upping the ante for his services, only to go play elsewhere for less years and less money? Again, he the right to do what he wants, but why didn't he go right to Philly? What was his agenda?

To up the ante for his services in Philadelphia.

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Lee didn't really take less money. The Phillies contract is more per year than any other offers. Since the contract is for 5 years instead of 7 it may seem like less money but per year it is not.

Thank you for making this point. I keep hearing sports talk radio hosts saying how classy he is and what a great thing this is for baseball that he left $30-$40 million on the table to go play where he wanted to play and felt comfortable bringing his family, instead of just going for the money. BS. He'll be getting $24M per year in Philly. He would have gotten about $21M/year in New York and $23M/year in Texas. He went where the most money per year was, not the total value of the contract.


I really don't know if he strung along the Yankees or Rangers. He probably did and it was the smart thing to do - if he wanted the most money. It's not like he did this whirlwind tour like Lebron did. Pretty much every team in play came to his home in Arkansas to give their sales pitch. Lee probably wanted to keep it low-key, no matter how impossible that was going to be. Lebron just comes off as arrogant and showy because of his stupid 1-hour special to announce to the world where he was going to play.

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