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Judge Rejects Obamacare Individual Mandate Provision


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What person does not want to get better?


I think people would and should hope for affordable healthcare. I think it's sad that people would rather hope that whatever ails them goes away, lives with the ailment or die from it that have insurance and easier access to a doctor. Mainly because insurance is just not affordable to them.


You don't wish for cheaper or more affordable health insurance? Man I would love to live in your world where I could care less about health insurance rates going up each year 10% or more. And to state that people are always wasting their money on entertainment, etc ... just a bad blanket statement that I am sure does not truly represent the masses.

Instead of bleeding from your gaping hole about how sad you are about the price of health insurance, why don't you suggest some reasonable and realistic measures that would effectively reduce prices instead of always advocating and throwing your support behind people who think it's virtuous to pretend there is a bottomless piggy bank, and evil to do a cost-benefit analysis on anything that involves health?


As to what kind of world people wish for, I wish for a world where I get to sleep with Katherine Heigl and (a young) Salma Hayek on alternating nights, but that doesn't mean the government could or should mandate it.

Edited by Rob's House
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Do you take this type of logic with you whereever you go?


Everyone wishes everything were cheaper. Thanks for bringing up a point no one is discussing. It's the embarrassingly ridiculous concept that the government in any way, shape or form has even the slightest idea or ability to be the entity that actually makes health care cheaper.


The same people who happily give the state of Florida a half a million of our tax dollars for oyster safety are going to reduce our helath care costs? :lol: :lol:



You don't want health insurance to cheaper, more affordable? Not sure why you find that to be bad. I think if the government allowed companies to sell across state lines that could help bring prices down by giving more choices to those areas.


I guess by your logic since some idiots in government gave money for oysters we should just throw our hands up in the air and say F it. Now that is a great way of looking at things.


Instead of bleeding from your gaping hole about how sad you are about the price of health insurance, why don't you suggest some reasonable and realistic measures that would effectively reduce prices instead of always advocating and throwing your support behind people who think it's virtuous to pretend there is a bottomless piggy bank, and evil to do a cost-benefit analysis on anything that involves health?


As to what kind of world people wish for, I wish for a world where I get to sleep with Katherine Heigl and (a young) Salma Hayek on alternating nights, but that doesn't mean the government could or should mandate it.



I don't think their into gay dudes with stupid mustaches. Sorry.

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What person does not want to get better?

Obviously, every person that has a problem would like the problem to go away; health related or not. Your post implies that when people want something they will necessarily work towards that end when provided the resources to accomplish it. That isn't always the case.


I think people would and should hope for affordable healthcare. I think it's sad that people would rather hope that whatever ails them goes away, lives with the ailment or die from it that have insurance and easier access to a doctor. Mainly because insurance is just not affordable to them.


You really haven't ever seen a person that has insurance skip going to a doctor because they believe their problem to be "minor" and something that "will go away" only to find out that it's more major than they thought and that going to the doctor would have enabled the problem to remain "minor?"


Whether a person has insurance or not will not magically make people that are predisposed to bad decisions stop making bad decisions.

You don't wish for cheaper or more affordable health insurance? Man I would love to live in your world where I could care less about health insurance rates going up each year 10% or more.

"Wishing" for more affordable insurance seems to be the only thing supporters of Obamacare are doing. It has a lot of problems inherent to it, not the least of which being the main point people have been arguing against you in this particular thread: that it now creates a mandate that people enter into a transaction with another private party whether they want it or not. We have NEVER been forced to do that in the history of this country.


And to state that people are always wasting their money on entertainment, etc ... just a bad blanket statement that I am sure does not truly represent the masses.

Well, seeing as how you seem to be an expert on bad blanket statements, I'd suggest you have a point there. ;)


There are a lot of things that can be done better in the way healthcare is provided in this country. (Many good ideas have been supplied by people posting to this board in the past couple of years.) Unfortunately, I don't see where the things Obamacare "does right" outweigh the myriad of things it does wrong.

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I think it's sad that people would rather hope that whatever ails them goes away, lives with the ailment or die from it that have insurance and easier access to a doctor



Gee...I have great FREE healthcare and access to any doctor I want thanks to my spouse's job and I STILL just dont go running off to the doctor every time I have an ache or get the sniffles. And you know what...most other people dont, either. So there goes THAT argument.



pBills....even if I didnt agree with you, if you were at least making some kind of decent point based in fact, it would be OK.


But youre getting murdered here. Murdered.


Youre wrong and what youre throwing out there to support your wrongness is REALLY REALLY wrong.



Edited by RkFast
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Your state does not require you to have car insurance? Mine does.


No, it doesn't. Neither does yours, for that matter.


And yes, people self-diagnose and buy whatever they think will work. Keeping that in mind a lot of those people will eventually see a doctor when they don't get better.


Unless they strictly practice holistic medicine, or Christian Scientists, for example.


In fact, I've mentioned that before: Christian Scientists, who eschew medical science for prayer, are being forced to participate in the health care system in violation of their own beliefs? You're okay with that?


I think it's sad that people would rather hope that whatever ails them goes away, lives with the ailment or die from it that have insurance and easier access to a doctor.




I'm going to die of a heart attack within the next ten years. Despite having insurance and easy access to a doctor - I just don't have some immature need to make misguided attempts to avoid the inevitable.

Edited by DC Tom
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Obviously, every person that has a problem would like the problem to go away; health related or not. Your post implies that when people want something they will necessarily work towards that end when provided the resources to accomplish it. That isn't always the case.




You really haven't ever seen a person that has insurance skip going to a doctor because they believe their problem to be "minor" and something that "will go away" only to find out that it's more major than they thought and that going to the doctor would have enabled the problem to remain "minor?"


Whether a person has insurance or not will not magically make people that are predisposed to bad decisions stop making bad decisions.


"Wishing" for more affordable insurance seems to be the only thing supporters of Obamacare are doing. It has a lot of problems inherent to it, not the least of which being the main point people have been arguing against you in this particular thread: that it now creates a mandate that people enter into a transaction with another private party whether they want it or not. We have NEVER been forced to do that in the history of this country.



Well, seeing as how you seem to be an expert on bad blanket statements, I'd suggest you have a point there. ;)


There are a lot of things that can be done better in the way healthcare is provided in this country. (Many good ideas have been supplied by people posting to this board in the past couple of years.) Unfortunately, I don't see where the things Obamacare "does right" outweigh the myriad of things it does wrong.



Of course you can't keep people from making bad decisions. That is a fact. People will always be dumb one way or another. That being said, there should be something done to help out those who truly would like health insurance and can't afford it. I would imagine the percentage of people who fall under that category is much larger than those who are just wasting their money on crap and making poor decisions.


I love how people call it Obamacare... anyways. I have never said that it was a perfect bill. I firmly believe that it would be better for those who disagree with parts of it to come out and offer amendments instead of just stating that they would want to scrap the whole thing. Knowing full well they will not take on health care issues in this country. That, I think, is a huge disservice to the citizens of this country... the people who voted these morons into office. Obama has said let's meet, share ideas, discuss and make this better if you don't agree... they should him to his word on that and do it. One more thing.. I have never been a firm believer in mandating that everyone HAS to buy insurance. I wanted to mess with the people who state that the government is always telling them what to do, that the government is killing their freedoms, etc. They truly are a sad group of people.


No, it doesn't. Neither does yours, for that matter.




Unless they strictly practice holistic medicine, or Christian Scientists, for example.


In fact, I've mentioned that before: Christian Scientists, who eschew medical science for prayer, are being forced to participate in the health care system in violation of their own beliefs? You're okay with that?






I'm going to die of a heart attack within the next ten years. Despite having insurance and easy access to a doctor - I just don't have some immature need to make misguided attempts to avoid the inevitable.



Ummm, I would think this day and age that one can do things to avoid having a heart attack. Sorry medicine and science can be a good thing for you.


Oh and by the way, I live in Maryland. Maryland law requires that all motor vehicles registered in Maryland be insured by a company licensed in Maryland and carry coverage. So live in Maryland, register and drive in Maryland = Have Insurance.

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I wanted to mess with the people who state that the government is always telling them what to do, that the government is killing their freedoms, etc. They truly are a sad group of people.



So you were trolling?


Is there a mod in the house?


Oh and by the way, I live in Maryland. Maryland law requires that all motor vehicles registered in Maryland be insured by a company licensed in Maryland and carry coverage. So live in Maryland, register and drive in Maryland = Have Insurance.


Nevermind the fact people arent cars (although you have motor oil for brains, evidently) you realize that those companies will not cover you at all or drop your sorry ass from their coverage pool is you show yourself to be a risk? I thought such behavior by insurance companies is "evil" and "unethical" and one of the reasons why we need Obamacare in the first place...to "protect" people from such "greedy" behavior. Youre chasing your own tail now, you imbecile.

Edited by RkFast
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Ummm, I would think this day and age that one can do things to avoid having a heart attack. Sorry medicine and science can be a good thing for you.


Yep. But there's nothing you can do to avoid death. I'm going to die. If it's a heart attack in ten years...so be it. I see no reason to burden the health care system by trying to delay the inevitable.


Oh and by the way, I live in Maryland. Maryland law requires that all motor vehicles registered in Maryland be insured by a company licensed in Maryland and carry coverage. So live in Maryland, register and drive in Maryland = Have Insurance.


Funny, I live in MD, and I'm not required to have car insurance.


All I have to do is not drive a car.

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Yep. But there's nothing you can do to avoid death. I'm going to die. If it's a heart attack in ten years...so be it. I see no reason to burden the health care system by trying to delay the inevitable.




Funny, I live in MD, and I'm not required to have car insurance.


All I have to do is not drive a car.



Dear lord. I had so much more respect for you.

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Dear lord. I had so much more respect for you.


And I have roughly the same level of disrespect for you that I always had.


The State of MD doesn't tell me to buy car insurance. The state of MD tells me that car insurance is conditional on car ownership. On the surface...that's not even remotely similar. There's a world of difference between "conditional" and "mandated". I can opt out of MD's requirement that I have car insurance, simply by not driving. I can't opt out of health insurance under any conditions, under the new "health care" law. Even on the surface, they're completely different.


I could understand someone like conner not getting the difference. I always thought you were...well, not as stupid as that.

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So you were trolling?


Is there a mod in the house?




Nevermind the fact people arent cars (although you have motor oil for brains, evidently) you realize that those companies will not cover you at all or drop your sorry ass from their coverage pool is you show yourself to be a risk? I thought such behavior by insurance companies is "evil" and "unethical" and one of the reasons why we need Obamacare in the first place...to "protect" people from such "greedy" behavior. Youre chasing your own tail now, you imbecile.



No kidding people aren't cars dumbass, that was in response to DCTom saying that you are not required to purchase car insurance. You want to register a car and drive it, you need insurance. Pretty simple.


When talking about health insurance, I feel as though it would unethical and evil for a company to say welp, they came down with cancer that is going to awfully pricey... we're dropping you. Also the whole pre-existing condition excuse is WAY over played by insurance companies. Do you think it's right for companies to act that way?

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I wanted to mess with the people who state that the government is always telling them what to do, that the government is killing their freedoms, etc. They truly are a sad group of people.

So you're a good little boy who obediently does what his master tells him and then rolls over on his back desperately hoping for a belly rub. And you call other people sad? You seem like the kind of guy who would beg for sex.

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No kidding people aren't cars dumbass, that was in response to DCTom saying that you are not required to purchase car insurance. You want to register a car and drive it, you need insurance. Pretty simple.


When talking about health insurance, I feel as though it would unethical and evil for a company to say welp, they came down with cancer that is going to awfully pricey... we're dropping you. Also the whole pre-existing condition excuse is WAY over played by insurance companies. Do you think it's right for companies to act that way?


Neither Tom, nor I, nor you are REQUIRED TO PURCHASE CAR INSURANCE. EVER. You can live your life, walk the streets,work, eat, sleep, !@#$, jerk off, listen to Slayer or just loaf around and NEVER would you be REQUIRED TO PURCHASE CAR INSURANCE.


If Bammy's law sees the light of day, I wont be able to BREATHE, let alone do any any of the other stuff I mentioned without first obtaining a health insurance policy. In essense, I will no longer be a free man as I will no longer be able to live my life as I see fit. This requirements violates EVERYTHING this Country was founded on. Ya know.."life, liberty.." THAT little thing.





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So you're a good little boy who obediently does what his master tells him and then rolls over on his back desperately hoping for a belly rub. And you call other people sad? You seem like the kind of guy who would beg for sex.



Beg from sex? Definitely not from your mom. Ooops, sorry was that mean?


Dude you seriously need to lighten up. You are one uptight mo-fo... speaking of sex. Go get some change and buy yourself a woman. You really need to get laid.


Neither Tom, nor I, nor you are REQUIRED TO PURCHASE CAR INSURANCE. EVER. You can live your life, walk the streets,work, eat, sleep, !@#$, jerk off, listen to Slayer or just loaf around and NEVER would you be REQUIRED TO PURCHASE CAR INSURANCE.


If Bammy's law sees the light of day, I wont be able to BREATHE, let alone do any any of the other stuff I mentioned without first obtaining a health insurance policy. In essense, you will no longer be a free man.







Child? Seems to be that you are the one failing to understand. Granted one can walk, shove their thumbs up ass and hop down the street like Rob, go ahead.. have at it.


HOWEVER.. IF YOU, Tom or any other person WANTS to register a car with the State and drive it, you HAVE TO HAVE insurance.


Got it?

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No kidding people aren't cars dumbass, that was in response to DCTom saying that you are not required to purchase car insurance. You want to register a car and drive it, you need insurance. Pretty simple.


And if I don't want to register a car and drive it, then what?


Now how about if I don't want to see a doctor (e.g. if I break my own ankle and set it myself - which I'm now going to be sure to mention every day, just for Jim in Anchorage)?


HOWEVER.. IF YOU, Tom or any other person WANTS to register a car with the State and drive it, you HAVE TO HAVE insurance.


Do you seriously not understand the definition and importance in that statement of "if"???

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And if I don't want to register a car and drive it, then what?


Now how about if I don't want to see a doctor (e.g. if I break my own ankle and set it myself - which I'm now going to be sure to mention every day, just for Jim in Anchorage)?



You can hop down the road with your thumb up your ass with Rob holding hands?



If you break your ankle, set it yourself and don't see a doctor... well that just makes you a dumb ass.

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If you break your ankle, set it yourself and don't see a doctor... well that just makes you a dumb ass.


Only if I !@#$ it up. And it does more to keep health care costs down than anything you or the government's done.


But you're dodging the question: why can't I opt out of health insurance like I can car insurance?

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Only if I !@#$ it up. And it does more to keep health care costs down than anything you or the government's done.


But you're dodging the question: why can't I opt out of health insurance like I can car insurance?




Well since you are not a doctor. I'm sure you would royally @$#%#! it up.


As I stated before, I am not a huge fan of the mandate. So YES, one should be able to opt out. Biggest deal is that they need to make it more affordable so that people who are having a hard time can have an easier time gaining coverage.

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Personally, the current bill is terrible, but instead of repealing it, Congress should look to improve it. But that makes way too much sense for our government- which by the way, is the government of the best place on earth. I think that statement should replace "In god we trust" on our money.

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