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A comment on coaching


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This is only a little thing, but I have noticed how the Bills offensive line the past several games has (apparently been taught by the coaching staff) pointed at (and touched when possible) any defensive player who crosses into the neutral zone before the snap of the ball.


It is a RELATIVELY new rule where a defensive player can be called for "imitating the start of a play" where the old rule was the the defense could do basically anything and the offensive player could not even flinch. (neutral zone infraction)


So, what the Bills linemen are doing is reacting to the encroachment and moving "in response" (oh my!) thus forcing the referees to huddle and then accurately rule that the defensive player caused the flinch EVEN THOUGH THE OFFENSIVE LINEMAN KNOWS THE DEFENSIVE PLAYER IS TRYING TO GET BACK ONSIDE BEFORE THE BALL IS SNAPPED.


Now that the Bills are doing this, it is obvious. Smart training by the coaching staff



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