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Leaner Meaner Government

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Hahahahahahaha. Nope, NASA, WWI, WWII, the A-Bomb, Declaration of Independence, electricity .. none of these things involved the government.


The Declaration of Independence and electricity? World War 1? The Manhattan Project?


You're such a !@#$ing idiot. Seriously, get a !@#$ing education already.

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Or are you saying we are not a great nation, and should not help out our poor?


No..he (we) are saying youre a !@#$ing idiot who should rent himself out as a drug mule, but without the baloons.


Hahahahahahaha. Nope, NASA, WWI, WWII, the A-Bomb, Declaration of Independence, electricity .. none of these things involved the government.



I agree, but it's one we can afford to give to those in need.



!@#$ing Yeager....another day...another flight past the 'worp' speed of idiocy.


Hahahahahahaha. Nope, NASA, WWI, WWII, the A-Bomb, Declaration of Independence, electricity .. none of these things involved the government.



I agree, but it's one we can afford to give to those in need.


No we CANT, Chuck.


Please make your next flight without a chute.

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Hahahahahahaha. Nope, NASA, WWI, WWII, the A-Bomb, Declaration of Independence, electricity .. none of these things involved the government.




So the atomic bomb made this country great? How progressive of you.


Now to be fair conner, I want you to compile a list of things that have made this country great that did NOT involve the government so we can compare.

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So the atomic bomb made this country great? How progressive of you.


Now to be fair conner, I want you to compile a list of things that have made this country great that did NOT involve the government so we can compare.

Assembly line, personal computer, IBM, Google, ... Baconaise.


The internet was a government military project. Goodness, making a proper list of either of these is a big task.



... Rkfast, your giant wit is only matched by the size of your penis.

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Hahahahahahaha. Nope, NASA, WWI, WWII, the A-Bomb, Declaration of Independence, electricity .. none of these things involved the government.

Wow, you're full of surprises today. Who would have thought you'd be in favor of nucular weapons? The one that got me was WWI because I would have thought you were against "wars of choice". Of course, the evocation of the Declaration of Indepedence as justification of centralized socialist (or progressive if the duck would rather be called a goose) application of government, was a good one. I didn't realize electricity was invented by the Feds, but then you learn something new every day. Good stuff.


Assembly line, personal computer, IBM, Google, ... Baconaise.


The internet was a government military project. Goodness, making a proper list of either of these is a big task.



... Rkfast, your giant wit is only matched by the size of your penis.

I thought you guys were all for cutting defense spending?

Edited by Rob's House
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What the !@#$ is wrong with you? I had grown to think you were at least smarter than this. Perhaps not?


Our government didn't even exist until 13 years after the Declaration of Independence, you nitwit. It was written by private citizens. And electricity was a private venture. And WW1 and 2...the only contribution that could be considered evidence of American "greatness" was the immense advantage in creativity and productivity of the American economy over everyone else, which sure as hell was not caused by "the government" (e.g. Henry Kaiser). Giving the atomic bomb as an example is just stupid, and shows how little you know about damn near everything.


Never mind that your measures of "greatness" are contradicted by your apparent position that we're NOT great since we so socially backward. Which is just !@#$ing stupid, since what really made this country great - the principles of individual freedom and responsibility as embodied in the Declaration of Independence and the Constitution - is completely counter to your both your bull **** definition of "greatness" and your bull **** beliefs on how to achieve further "greatness".


Really, how did you get to be this goddamned dumb? Did you jam a pencil up your nose as a child or something?


That would be the Ford Motor Co.


That was actually his point - he was listing corporate innovation.


Unlike electricity. :wacko:

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Our government didn't even exist until 13 years after the Declaration of Independence, you nitwit. It was written by private citizens. And electricity was a private venture. And WW1 and 2...the only contribution that could be considered evidence of American "greatness" was the immense advantage in creativity and productivity of the American economy over everyone else, which sure as hell was not caused by "the government" (e.g. Henry Kaiser). Giving the atomic bomb as an example is just stupid, and shows how little you know about damn near everything.


Never mind that your measures of "greatness" are contradicted by your apparent position that we're NOT great since we so socially backward. Which is just !@#$ing stupid, since what really made this country great - the principles of individual freedom and responsibility as embodied in the Declaration of Independence and the Constitution - is completely counter to your both your bull **** definition of "greatness" and your bull **** beliefs on how to achieve further "greatness".


Really, how did you get to be this goddamned dumb? Did you jam a pencil up your nose as a child or something?




That was actually his point - he was listing corporate innovation.


Unlike electricity. :wacko:


I had no idea what he was listing. I thought he was saying those things came from the development of the atomic bomb.

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Exactly as it should be. Health care is a market commodity, not a right.


(And before you even begin to think of accusing me of hyprocisy...I don't just say it, I live that way.)

are you sure?


Universal Declaration of Human Rights


Article 25

Everyone has the right to a standard of living adequate for the health and well-being of himself and of his family, including food, clothing, housing and medical care and necessary social services, and the right to security in the event of unemployment, sickness, disability, widowhood, old age or other lack of livelihood in circumstances beyond his control.


The United States was the main force for it's conception, drafting and adoption link

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are you sure?


Universal Declaration of Human Rights


Article 25

Everyone has the right to a standard of living adequate for the health and well-being of himself and of his family, including food, clothing, housing and medical care and necessary social services, and the right to security in the event of unemployment, sickness, disability, widowhood, old age or other lack of livelihood in circumstances beyond his control.


The United States was the main force for it's conception, drafting and adoption link


Yes, I'm sure.


And I've read the Universal Declaration of Human Rights. It's a joke. Food, clothing, and housing aren't a "right", either...generally, you actually have to work for 'em, even if it's gathering the thatch to build your hut and collecting berries and snails for meals. No surprise the US was the main force behind it, considering it's a bunch of Anglo-centric neo-colonial bull ****.

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Yes, I'm sure.


And I've read the Universal Declaration of Human Rights. It's a joke. Food, clothing, and housing aren't a "right", either...generally, you actually have to work for 'em, even if it's gathering the thatch to build your hut and collecting berries and snails for meals. No surprise the US was the main force behind it, considering it's a bunch of Anglo-centric neo-colonial bull ****.


you have no rights just temporary privileges



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