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Memo to Democrats:

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To: Democrats


From: Voters


Subject: This is what we expect to happen


You guys want to extend jobless benefits; Republicans want to extend the tax rates currently in place. You vote for theirs, they vote for yours. You can find all kinds of aphorisms that apply here, e.g., "You scratch my back; I'll scratch yours."


There, that isn't too hard to understand, is it? Save your pissing and moaning for some other forum [no pun intended] because when you're at work in Congress (this includes Republicans, too), we expect you to actually accomplish something!

Edited by Keukasmallies
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Republicans want to extend the tax rates currently in place.


That's strange, seeing as how Republicans just voted against the tax cuts.

Source: http://answers.yahoo.com/question/index?qid=20101205064017AAjIVW0


(Republicans don't want tax cuts, they want to vote against anything Obama related)

Edited by conner
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You're an idiot

Why is he an idiot? What he said is true. All republicans want to do is the opposite of what President Obama wants to do. Supporting that ideology would define idiocy, in my opinion.

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Why is he an idiot? What he said is true. All republicans want to do is the opposite of what President Obama wants to do. Supporting that ideology would define idiocy, in my opinion.

I've seen some of your comments and let's just say I consider you to be on par with Conner, but I will give you the benefit of the doubt just once. The GOP wants the Bush tax cuts to be extended for everyone (which I believe they should ALL expire), that bill that the Dems put up for a vote was purely for political reasons, they knew the vote wouldn't go through, hell even five democrats voted with the GOP against the extension of the Bush tax cuts just for income earners below $250,000(including Russ Feingold). The reason why the put the bill to the floor is to point to the public "you see we care about you, the middle class where the GOP only cares about millionaires and billionaires".


It's called class warfare and it is a tactic meant to prey on the mind of the weak.


I believe that all the Bush Tax cuts should expire, the "middle class" Bush tax cuts is expected to add $3.3 Trillion to the national debt over the next 10 years and the "wealthY' Bush Tax cuts are expected to add $700 Billion to the debt over the same period of time, I find it funny how liberals care about the national debt and talk about the $700 Billion and how it would bust the budget, yet there is no mention of the $3.3 Trillion from the rest of the tax cuts that are nearly 500% higher. I also find it funny how the GOP talks about the national debt and then they want to extend all the tax cuts.


Liberals want the "wealthy" portion of the Bush tax cuts for completely different reasons than I do, they want it so they can spend it on their projects, I want them all to expire to pay down the debt.

Edited by Magox
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I've seen some of your comments and let's just say I consider you to be on par with Conner, but I will give you the benefit of the doubt just once. The GOP wants the Bush tax cuts to be extended for everyone (which I believe they should ALL expire), that bill that the Dems put up for a vote was purely for political reasons, they knew the vote wouldn't go through, hell even five democrats voted with the GOP against the extension of the Bush tax cuts just for income earners below $250,000(including Russ Feingold). The reason why the put the bill to the floor is to point to the public "you see we care about you, the middle class where the GOP only cares about millionaires and billionaires".


It's called class warfare and it is a tactic meant to prey on the mind of the weak.


I believe that all the Bush Tax cuts should expire, the "middle class" Bush tax cuts is expected to add $3.3 Trillion to the national debt over the next 10 years and the "wealthY' Bush Tax cuts are expected to add $700 Billion to the debt over the same period of time, I find it funny how liberals care about the national debt and talk about the $700 Billion and how it would bust the budget, yet there is no mention of the $3.3 Trillion from the rest of the tax cuts that are nearly 500% higher. I also find it funny how the GOP talks about the national debt and then they want to extend all the tax cuts.


Liberals want the "wealthy" portion of the Bush tax cuts for completely different reasons than I do, they want it so they can spend it on their projects, I want them all to expire to pay down the debt.

I don't normally get into politics on this board, and when I have, it's only been in the Shoutbox to remind people that Rush Limbaugh is a racist drug-addict --- which is entirely true. If you want to deduce that I'm a liberal because I say what everyone knows to be true, then so be it. It actually has nothing to do with politics ... I'm sure there are plenty of racist drug-addict Democrats, too.

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I don't normally get into politics on this board, and when I have, it's only been in the Shoutbox to remind people that Rush Limbaugh is a racist drug-addict --- which is entirely true. If you want to deduce that I'm a liberal because I say what everyone knows to be true, then so be it. It actually has nothing to do with politics ... I'm sure there are plenty of racist drug-addict Democrats, too.

Yes we've seen your tard posts. I know you think you're telling us something about Rush, but all you're really telling us is that you're a simple minded moron. Why you feel the need to repeat that the man had an addiction or share with us that you're one of the vaginas that runs around calling everyone that doesn't want to bend over and take the stiff one eye in the rear from every aggreived minority group racists is beyond me.


I appreciate your contribution however in that it is a fresh reminder that the dumbest among us whole heartedly believe that their opinion is the plain and simple truth.

Edited by Rob's House
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Yes we've seen your tard posts. I know you think you're telling us something about Rush, but all you're really telling us is that you're a simple minded moron. Why you feel the need to repeat that the man had an addiction or share with us that you're one of the vaginas that runs around calling everyone that doesn't want to bend over and take the stiff one eye in the rear from every aggreived minority group racists is beyond me.


I appreciate your contribution however in that it is a fresh reminder that the dumbest among us whole heartedly believe that their opinion is the plain and simple truth.

So when a minority group, whether it be by race or sexual orientation, fights for equal rights, that equates to bending WASPs over to take a stiff one?


Who's simple-minded?

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So when a minority group, whether it be by race or sexual orientation, fights for equal rights, that equates to bending WASPs over to take a stiff one?


Who's simple-minded?


Thats nott what he said, simpleton. But hey...Rush Limbaugh BAD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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Thats nott what he said, simpleton. But hey...Rush Limbaugh BAD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

"you're one of the vaginas that runs around calling everyone that doesn't want to bend over and take the stiff one eye in the rear from every aggreived minority group racists is beyond me."


How, exactly, would you interpret this? These aggreived minority groups ... who's rear are they putting their stiff one-eyes into after bending them over?

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"you're one of the vaginas that runs around calling everyone that doesn't want to bend over and take the stiff one eye in the rear from every aggreived minority group racists is beyond me."


How, exactly, would you interpret this? These aggreived minority groups ... who's rear are they putting their stiff one-eyes into after bending them over?

Jeez, you really are Connerific after all. You should come around here more often, you guys entertain me.


What I was asking is for you to cite an example of these poor opressed minorities being trashed by Limbaugh for requesting equal rights. You made the statement, I'm just asking you to back it up.

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Jeez, you really are Connerific after all. You should come around here more often, you guys entertain me.


What I was asking is for you to cite an example of these poor opressed minorities being trashed by Limbaugh for requesting equal rights. You made the statement, I'm just asking you to back it up.

I'm not sure it would help you to cite one of the 1000's of example of this gugny, it seems obvious this guy has no interest in knowing anything. You response would only provoke one of a dozen copouts this guy has in his arsenal. Least of all would R-House ever ever consider saying "You are right, these facts show I was wrong".

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Jeez, you really are Connerific after all. You should come around here more often, you guys entertain me.


What I was asking is for you to cite an example of these poor opressed minorities being trashed by Limbaugh for requesting equal rights. You made the statement, I'm just asking you to back it up.

As you wish ...



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To: Democrats


From: Voters


Subject: This is what we expect to happen


You guys want to extend jobless benefits; Republicans want to extend the tax rates currently in place. You vote for theirs, they vote for yours. You can find all kinds of aphorisms that apply here, e.g., "You scratch my back; I'll scratch yours."


There, that isn't too hard to understand, is it? Save your pissing and moaning for some other forum [no pun intended] because when you're at work in Congress (this includes Republicans, too), we expect you to actually accomplish something!

Said in another thread. Great idea...spend more money and cut taxes. With solutions like these, I wonder how we got into trouble with the debt.

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I've seen some of your comments and let's just say I consider you to be on par with Conner, but I will give you the benefit of the doubt just once. The GOP wants the Bush tax cuts to be extended for everyone (which I believe they should ALL expire), that bill that the Dems put up for a vote was purely for political reasons, they knew the vote wouldn't go through, hell even five democrats voted with the GOP against the extension of the Bush tax cuts just for income earners below $250,000(including Russ Feingold). The reason why the put the bill to the floor is to point to the public "you see we care about you, the middle class where the GOP only cares about millionaires and billionaires".


It's called class warfare and it is a tactic meant to prey on the mind of the weak.


I believe that all the Bush Tax cuts should expire, the "middle class" Bush tax cuts is expected to add $3.3 Trillion to the national debt over the next 10 years and the "wealthY' Bush Tax cuts are expected to add $700 Billion to the debt over the same period of time, I find it funny how liberals care about the national debt and talk about the $700 Billion and how it would bust the budget, yet there is no mention of the $3.3 Trillion from the rest of the tax cuts that are nearly 500% higher. I also find it funny how the GOP talks about the national debt and then they want to extend all the tax cuts.


Liberals want the "wealthy" portion of the Bush tax cuts for completely different reasons than I do, they want it so they can spend it on their projects, I want them all to expire to pay down the debt.

Yes, it is called class warfare, but as usual you have it backwards.

Class warfare

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Thanks for proving my point.


I had actually asked for some examples of oppressed minorities requesting equal rights and getting derided for it, which you failed to provide, and instead gave me a bunch of one liners taken out of context, most of which even out of context are not in themselves inherrently racist without the liberal race baiting interpretation of what they "really mean".


So I guess I have my answer. You, like Conner, are just a liberal douche with nothing to back up your opinion. But thanks for playing, you're welcome to try again any time.

Edited by Rob's House
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Thanks for proving my point.


I had actually asked for some examples of oppressed minorities requesting equal rights and getting derided for it, which you failed to provide, and instead gave me a bunch of one liners taken out of context, most of which even out of context are not in themselves inherrently racist without the liberal race baiting interpretation of what they "really mean".


So I guess I have my answer. You, like Conner, are just a liberal douche with nothing to back up your opinion. But thanks for playing, you're welcome to try again any time.

So, do tell.. is ignorance as bliss as they say?

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Thanks for proving my point.


I had actually asked for some examples of oppressed minorities requesting equal rights and getting derided for it, which you failed to provide, and instead gave me a bunch of one liners taken out of context, most of which even out of context are not in themselves inherrently racist without the liberal race baiting interpretation of what they "really mean".


So I guess I have my answer. You, like Conner, are just a liberal douche with nothing to back up your opinion. But thanks for playing, you're welcome to try again any time.

How about about Rush deriding the Black Farmers and calling their court decided judgement for discrimination as slavery reparations.

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