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From Sal M: "Right now #Bills o-line is Bell, Levitre, Urbik, Howard, Wrotto. Against 2 Williams boys, Allen. Oh my, poor Fitz."


So true...


And say what you will, but when CJ gets free, he looks fast!


Great we can run the ball down 24 points. That'll surprise 'em.

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sigh. another dumbass false start and there goes yet another offensive drive....pffffft.


Has the offense even been in the red zone yet?


Have they even crossed the 50 yard line yet? WTF.

Too many dumbass penalties, dropped passes, wiffed blocks and fumbles.




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Worst officiated game EVER!




The great NFL conspiracy against the Bills is alive and well and thriving in MinneSOta.


Did you see the Vikings defender look up for a flag knowing he messed up and when one wasn't thrown he celabrated......This is getting too funny.


It's not like the Vikes need any help from the refs, either. Keerist.

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This is the single thing I cannot stand about a large number of Bills fans.

What is wrong with the officiating this first half for Gods sake?

They overturned the Fitz called fumble which was the correct call.

They overturned the Rice TD which again was the correct call.

The Whitner roughing call was correct. He lowered his shoulder and took off the QBs helmet after sliding.

McKelvin was clearly holding the guys arm for PI.

What exactly was there that made the officiating terrible? That they didn't call everything to favor the Bills?



Got the call wrong on Rice, needed replay. Got the call wrong on forward pass, needed replay. Didn't call Gerhart reception a fumble, that, even if oveturned cost a DTD. Levitre persoanl foul was a joke. Offensive picks by MN are completely ignored.


I think these refs, ON THE FIELD, are having a horrible day.

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OK now be honest guys.....was anybody else thinking a flag was gonna wipe out that interception.....


These reps friggen suck @ss

With our luck, Minny's challenge of the spot will somehow turn into a "no catch" call. Even though you can't do that :D

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