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Did anyone just see that BOMB from Cam Newton?

The Big Cat

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Not because of that bomb which was a heck of a throw but Cam Newton is headed up the draft charts with a rocket! If he was available to the Bills i would be very tempted to draft him.





**Also, wtf? Winning a football toss for a $123,000 scholarship using a two-handed chest pass? :sick:

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The funny thing is, this is a guy who is an unbelievably great guy. The (sporadic) racism is the only thing I can think of I don't like about him, although it's a big thing for me. He's awesome. If you asked 100 people who knew him, 99 or 100 would say he's a great guy. He doesn't ever (in my knowledge and I talk sports with him all the time) distinguish between liking white players more than black players. His personal email address is the name of a black athlete. But black QB on the Bills? Nah. A spook.

I find it awfully coincidental that a number of fans (even on this esteemed board) make blanket statements about how Vick, Newton and Vince Young can't read a defense when they have never sat with the player in a film room.


Yet, when a QB like Trent fails to deliver the ball to the right person time after time, it's because he is tentative.


The botton line is that hyper-athletic QBs like Vince Young, Mike Vick and Cam Newton bring different skills to the table -- and the offense needs to be tailored to their strengths. If anyone can do that, it's Chan.

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I admit I have not seen any Auburn games this year, but every highlight I see of Newton is him throwing bombs. That's kind of a red flag. Does he do anything else (passing-wise)? Is there any indication that he can read a defense?


I have watched a number of Aurburn games because of my interest in Newton. I can't answer the question about his ability to read defenses. What I can say is that he has a tremendous arm and he can make all the throws. He also has an excellent TOUCH when required.

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I have watched a number of Aurburn games because of my interest in Newton. I can't answer the question about his ability to read defenses. What I can say is that he has a tremendous arm and he can make all the throws. He also has an excellent TOUCH when required.


He also gets a TON of time behind that line.


He'll need a good OLine in the NFL, AND he'll need to learn to read and deliver faster.


If Buffalo were to draft him, he'd have to take time to learn from Fitz because he's never had to sling it fast, but while he's taking that time, our OLine would (hopefully) continue to improve, so perhaps we can meet him somewhere in the middle.

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He also gets a TON of time behind that line.


He'll need a good OLine in the NFL, AND he'll need to learn to read and deliver faster.


If Buffalo were to draft him, he'd have to take time to learn from Fitz because he's never had to sling it fast, but while he's taking that time, our OLine would (hopefully) continue to improve, so perhaps we can meet him somewhere in the middle.


Your analysis is superb. The issue with him has little to do with his physical skills. As you questioned does the way he play in college translate to the professional ranks. There is no doubt that he has an inordinate amount of time behind his college OL (as you keenly noted). Does he have the ability to react faster to the fast pace of the pros? I can't answer that. What I do know for sure is that in one of the best conferences in the country and on a very big stage he has always played to a high level. In every game I have seen him in this year it was apparent to me that he was the best player and most impactful player on a field populated with a lot of potential pro players.


As you again sharply observed he would have to learn behind a qb such as Fritz before he would be prepared to be a franchise qb. That is why Buffalo could be an excellent place for him to land.

Edited by JohnC
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Of course not. But do you think the majority of those who don't think he is a franchise QB hold that belief because he is white? Irish? Has a beard?




I have no problem with the correction, but I don't think many Hispanic or Black people think racism is dead. They know it isn't.

Well I don't know what context in which you are speaking about regarding their views on racism, as a hispanic, I can tell you that hispanics are equally if not more racist towards blacks and whites as whites are towards blacks and hispanics. You go around towards little havana here in Miami and you'd know what I'm talking about. It's just that whites get most of the flack because it is the predominant race in regards to population and other metrics. Bringing race into the discussion in my view normally cheapens the debate, specially when someone is just talking out of their ass (I'm not talking about you) with unfounded accusations as such.


In regards To Newton, there is no doubt that he has tremendous size, athletic ability, leadership qualities and arm strength. But in no way shape or form does he compare to an Andrew Luck when it comes to accuracy. I've seen Newton play in various games as I'm sure some of you have, but his accuracy doesn't impress me. Just in this last game there were two plays that the guy was open streaking down the field, wide open and misses the throw, one of them missing out off towards the sidelines. I understand that one or two examples don't paint the whole picture, but these are just two recent examples. I'm not saying that he isn't going to be a good pro, I'm just saying that I am no where near as sold as some of you are in regards to him being a good NFL QB.

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Well I don't know what context in which you are speaking about regarding their views on racism, as a hispanic, I can tell you that hispanics are equally if not more racist towards blacks and whites as whites are towards blacks and hispanics.



You may be missing my point. I never asserted that only whites were racist. I was saying it is typically whites who claim racism no longer exists, or who dismiss any suggestion that race plays a factor in our society. Racists come in all colors.


As to Luck vs Newton, I think Luck is one of the very few QBs that comes to the NFL with very little risk of being a bust. He could get hurt, of course. But I don't think this is a guy who you worry about making the transition to the NFL. He may not end up being the best QB in the league, but I'm fairly certain he will be a quality NFL starter. It's rare I have that kind of certainty about any college player, and even rarer when it is a QB.


Newton is the most talented of any QB to come out in years, IMO. He's FAR ahead of where Tebow was last year, with better QB skills, IMO. But as has been noted, he has only really performed at this level for one year. I don't think he has ever had the opportunity to face a team twice. He hasn't had the opportunity to deal with much adversity as a player. The transition time might be a bit longer for him, and he enters the draft with some risk. Still his upside is enormous. If he comes out and is still on the board when the Bills draft, I'd be thrilled if they picked him.

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Quick, name all the 6'6" 250 pound quarterbacks who rush for 1600 yards and pass for 2400 yards, rush for 20 TDs and pass for 20 TDs, with 185 passer rating, who run like the wind and have a cannon for an arm, are amazing scramblers and power runners, and, oh, never lose a game.



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