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0-2 No Olympics and no World cup

Gary M

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Not sure that has much to do with it. Though I am surprised the US didn't win. I mean, if Eric Holder can't bring it home...


Seriously, though, why would Holder even be sent to something like this?


Who else on his staff is qualified?

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Losing the World Cup to Qatar had precisely DICK to do with Obama and everything to do with the amount of cash the Qataries(SP?) are willing to spend to make this a spectacle...




I thought the world loved him?


You mean money is what it is all about?

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I love threads like this. Proves who is a complete partisan hack when they chime in.

I have this vision of you rolling your hands, twirling your handlebar moustache and gleefully mumbling to yourself, "I'm gonna bookmark him...and him...and him. Oh this is going to come in SO handy one day."

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Says the partisan hack.

Isn't it possible that in repeatedly rambling the same, tired "You're a partisan hack" comment that you're simply aping a line used repeatedly by many a progressives when they have no answer for anything? And in doing so, doesn't constantly calling a conservative "a partisan hack" -- in some bizarre way -- make you a partisan hack?


You should add this to your little bookmark collection, and every time you feel that "I've got nuthin'. Throw the gun!" urge to call someone a partisan hack, open it up to remind yourself that you've become the very person you think you despise.

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