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How does Andre Johnson get so open?


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I'm watching the Eagles vs Texans game. The Eagles know they're going to throw to Andre Johnson, plus Johnson is gimpy, yet he somehow gets wide open for big chunks of yardage.

It's amazing.


Easy. Because Lee Evans is getting the safetys to roll over to him. Andre Johnson is a product of another better reciever

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Yes....Andre Johnson is actually a legitimate #1 receiver.


This is absurd. Andre Johnson is the best receiver in football for about 8 years running. If that's your standard for a #1, only Andre Johnson meets it. If the question is "how does Andre Johnson get so open despite being injured", the answer is b/c he's Andre F.N. Johnson.

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lee has a couple of 1000 yard years and if he had consistent qb play he would have had more. he is a #1 with a nice qb...see larry fitzgerald this year


Fitz is an overall great WR. Lee is a one trick pony who relies ONLY on his speed to get open. Andre Johnson knows how to read the defense. He finds the open area. its not all about the speed.

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This is absurd. Andre Johnson is the best receiver in football for about 8 years running. If that's your standard for a #1, only Andre Johnson meets it. If the question is "how does Andre Johnson get so open despite being injured", the answer is b/c he's Andre F.N. Johnson.


People around here always equate Lee Evans to #1 receivers such as Andre Johnson and Calvin Johnson, which IS absurd.


You support my point that Evans is not those guys, but I suppose we differ on the point that IMO Evans is a one trick pony that is barely a good #2 receiver.....he is a lesser version of Peerless Price in his prime.

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This is absurd. Andre Johnson is the best receiver in football for about 8 years running. If that's your standard for a #1, only Andre Johnson meets it. If the question is "how does Andre Johnson get so open despite being injured", the answer is b/c he's Andre F.N. Johnson.



Bigger, Stronger, and just as fast


If you look at a WR route tree Evans runs one excellent, two very well and the other seven average or below average- Andre Johnson is probably excellent at eight of the routes and average at two.

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