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What message is the league office sending?


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What message? That dirty players who throw cheap shots and taunt sometimes get what's coming to them? I think that's a great message for my kids.


Don't be so naive. I think most kids have at least a vague awareness of what a fistfight looks like.


Yeah, exactly. Especially since just about every single kids cartoon, TV show, toy, movie, video game is rooted in some sort of physical violence. Seriously, has anyone ever stopped and wathced any of these things? Pepe Le Pew is a borderline sexual predator, Sesame Street looks down on poor people, Elmer Fudd carries a gun and is always trying to kill Bugs Bunny, Coyote is humiliated and tortured in his quest to kill the Road Runner, Yosemite Sam will shoot anything that moves, Daffy Duck gets the crap beat out of him regularly, etc etc.


Here is a quote from a story on CNN about a study of violence in childrens programming just on television:


Children's television programs are filled with violent, disrespectful and aggressive behaviors, according to a study commissioned by a conservative television watchdog group.


The Parents Television Council said it monitored more than 440 hours of programming geared toward young people and found 3,488 incidents of violence, an average of almost eight incidents an hour.


The group, headed by L. Brent Bozell, said "there is more violence aimed directly at young children than at adults on television today."


I mean seriously...I am pretty sure the kids of america are going to be just fine after seeing a brief fist fight in a football game considering the rate they see violence in all childrens media. And quite frankly most kids who see it wont even know or care if anyone was suspended. Not to mention, $25,000 seems like $25,000,000 to young kids.


And for those worried about the message the NFL is sending to your kids...get a grip, its not up to the NFL to send any kind of message to your kids, thats YOUR job as a parent. If you are going to allow your children to watch a sport rooted in hard contact, and physical altercations, then you need to take the responsibility as a parent for how your kids view it. The NFL is not childrens programming, its a sport, and its not the commissioners job to teach your kids right or wrong, its his job to mediate the situations as he sees best fit for the league based on the rules he has set forth.


People need to start being a parent and teaching them whats right and whats wrong rather than hold others accountable for raising their kids.

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