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If this Wikileaks guy is such a genius and isn't just making up all of this crap then why did he name his site Wikileaks? I have as much or more respect for old people than anyone, but frankly wikileaks sounds like some sort of condition an old person would get. It does not sound like a real newsbreaking organization.


I think this dude is making up all of this stuff. If he can't even come up with a good name, how can he get information like that?

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If this Wikileaks guy is such a genius and isn't just making up all of this crap then why did he name his site Wikileaks? I have as much or more respect for old people than anyone, but frankly wikileaks sounds like some sort of condition an old person would get. It does not sound like a real newsbreaking organization.


I think this dude is making up all of this stuff. If he can't even come up with a good name, how can he get information like that?


If the info is all fake, why would the government be all worked up?


Unless of course they are feeding the false info to confuse our enemies.

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If the info is all fake, why would the government be all worked up?


Unless of course they are feeding the false info to confuse our enemies.

If you yell fire in a crowded theater people can still get trampled even if there is no fire. The government is worked up because they are trying to protect us.

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Dude should have just called it "WikiHateAmericaAndEverythingItStandsFor". Since he only seems to leak American documents.



Of course, if he leaked Russian or Chinese info, he'd be dead by now.

You just wait. Once we get this guy, he'll pay.


First, we'll waterboard him


No. Wait.


First, put him in Gitmo.


No. Wait.


First, we'll put him before a military tribunal.


No. wait.


First, we'll give him a civilian trial in NYC. Then we'll convict him of one count of being bad. Then we'll put him in a low-security prison somewhere we'll he'll be forced to spend the next five years building Chevy Volts in between playing basketball and video games while surfing the internet and eating food that's been prepared by someone who did NOT get past that really mean chef at CIA.


That'll teach 'em.


America. !@#$ YEAH!

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yeah that's what I thought- embarrassing stuff about many countries Russia, China, Saudi Arabia, India, Israel,U.K. to name a few.

But it is probably all fake. I can't imagine a guy naming his site after an intercontinence condition and having the stuff be true.

Edited by ieatcrayonz
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He kind of did...


"Kind of", yes. In point of fact, he leaked American documents about Russia and China...so everyone (including the Russians and Chinese) will just blame us for being !@#$s.



Really...I think this guy's a menace. Complete openness with no secrets sounds good, but is awfully destructive in practice. Clearly this guy's never had a significant other ask "Does this make me look fat?"

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Really...I think this guy's a menace. Complete openness with no secrets sounds good, but is awfully destructive in practice. Clearly this guy's never had a significant other ask "Does this make me look fat?"


And if she did, he'd just tie her up and rape her.

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Dude should have just called it "WikiHateAmericaAndEverythingItStandsFor". Since he only seems to leak American documents.



Of course, if he leaked Russian or Chinese info, he'd be dead by now.

Wikileaks is an Equal opportunity leaker. They've leaked info on many different countries in the past. It just so happens that this latest two big leaks were USA information (leaked by a US soldier).


Also, I'd like to point out that they did offer to work with the US to redact some of the more dangerous information. The US decided to say no to that offer.

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Wikileaks is an Equal opportunity leaker. They've leaked info on many different countries in the past. It just so happens that this latest two big leaks were USA information (leaked by a US soldier).


Also, I'd like to point out that they did offer to work with the US to redact some of the more dangerous information. The US decided to say no to that offer.


Yes, most people, if given the choice, will say no to blackmail.

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Particularly permission to publish the memos.


That's what the US government ought to do: copyright their paperwork. Wikileaks publishes them, get them for copyright violations.

I think you forget what free speech is really about? Free speech gives you the right to be verbally subversive against a government if you want.


I like these commentaries.




It's plausible to think the media isn't doing it's job.





And Chef Jim, and DC TOM - "Particularly permission to publish the memos."

Obviously Wikileaks is into leaking stuff. So obviously they released their correspondence. There is no hint of them making any requests of permission or anything else. This is a prime example of you people making crap up in order to keep on believing whatever it is you want to believe.



Edited by conner
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And Chef Jim, and DC TOM - "Particularly permission to publish the memos."

Obviously Wikileaks is into leaking stuff. So obviously they released their correspondence. There is no hint of them making any requests of permission or anything else. This is a prime example of you people making crap up in order to keep on believing whatever it is you want to believe.




You're an idiot.


And I'm not saying that because I can't debate you on the subject. I'm saying that because you can't debate me on the issue. Because you're an idiot.

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