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Would you rather go 6-10 or 3-13?

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I was with Bills Backers in St. Louis, and we were all jumping around high fiving when Steve Johnson had the ball in his hands, and were stunned when he dropped it. But for those 5 seconds, we were elated and bonding as Bills fans. The Bills should've won that game.


But seeing what is going on, and how we cannot possibly make the playoffs, I'd almost rather lose these games than win and pick 12th or 16th or something. I want an impact player, and as long as they keep playing their guts out, I'll keep watching them.

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I don't understand how people can actually wish for losses. The best thing that has happened to this team in years is the transformation to caring about winning, working to be winners. That happens as a result of believing you can win games and actually winning some of them. That success and attitude permeates the organization and carries over to the next year. It not only affects the current players - but also players around the league - including potential FAs. I could care less about a few draft positions - great players - HOFers - are chosen in middle/late 1st round every single year. The single biggest problem with this team for years has been not knowing how to win, or not caring. And people honestly *want* to purposely keep that losing attitude?????????????

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I'm not rooting for the team to lose. What I'm saying is today about 30 of us got the feeling of winning. Beating Pittsburgh. Then it went away, and we moved on. I hope they win every week. That's why I go. But when the season is over and we are outside looking into the playoff picture, for once I'd like to have a premium pick.


What a tangled web we weave.

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