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Other generations growing weary of Baby Boomers


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Baby Boomers have been in the spotlight for a very long time, but now, as the oldest wave of Boomers approaches 65 and the attention once again focuses on the first "Me Generation," some in other generations admit it's a little hard to take.


"Everyone is sort of feeling like, 'Will these Baby Boomers ever leave?' " says Debra Fiterman, 30, of Minneapolis.


"Boomers have certainly sucked up a lot of cultural oxygen," says Leonard Steinhorn, 54, a communication professor at American University in Washington and author of The Greater Generation: In Defense of the Baby Boom Legacy.



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Pretty much sums up what the Boomers have been doing to the rest of us


Pretty much the motto since they were plopped in front of the tube and Howdy Dowdy while mama ran to the cupboard for her little helper... If they were just shown love early on, what do you expect from puppets.




It sure is "howdy doody time!" The only worse generation at handling their own infallibility (and about getting older) will be the children of the boomers... Fear not!


"60 is the new 40!"



Of course I jest... Just poking fun... No offfense (of course there will be... What do you expect) . Paybacks will be a royal b*tch with this generation! :nana:

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!@#$ you! We're taking it with us.


and why shouldn't you? what, exactly, did your kids do to earn that money? be born? it is a joke that anyone leaves wealth to their kids. if you are into free handouts, move to france, right?

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