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What's the knock on Palin?

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Did you see the pic I posted? Mucho hotness.


What do you think prompted my observation, dumbass?


Meh. Made-for-TV girl that makes nerds think they might have a shot at hitting it, "cause she's into science". :P


I'm not saying I wouldn't, but come on, feel the marketing here.


Hey, all I said is she's hotter with a gun.


And it's not like Palin's not marketed. Apples to apples...

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Hey, all I said is she's hotter with a gun.


And it's not like Palin's not marketed. Apples to apples...

I know, I know...


The fun part, and the part nobody seems to get is: either way we win. :devil:


If people are going to demand that I look at pictures of hot women...I don't care if they are Republican or Democrat. :D



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I know, I know...


The fun part, and the part nobody seems to get is: either way we win. :devil:


If people are going to demand that I look at pictures of hot women...I don't care if they are Republican or Democrat. :D




What if those hot women are Bi(partisan)?

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If people are going to demand that I look at pictures of hot women...I don't care if they are Republican or Democrat. :D

You say that like there's such a thing as a hot female Democrat.


Unless, y'know, you find Janet Napolitano hot.


Or Hillary Clinton?


Maybe Nancy Pelosi?


Barbara Boxer?


Chris Matthews?


Frankly they all look the same to me.

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How about that she quit her job before the heat even started?


And yes, I am a crazy person who likes his president to be smart. Christie looks great right now if he doesn't have a heart attack first. He is one fat !@#$.



End of discussion.


She can not and will not -- under any circumstances -- be elected President.


I share many of the Tea Party ideals and for the GOP to focus on defense and economic issues. Despite this, I can't stand Sarah Palin and her train wreck of a family. From her annoying voice, to her bathing in ignorance, to her QUITTING her governorship when the going got tough. Is she going to quit the presidency if/when Democrats win in her midterm?


I think she's on the right side of the issues at the end of the day, but Palin cannot be the face of this takeback. Her nomination would gift Obama a second term.


I want someone who has a proven track record of an ability to come in and turn around bad situations. As such, Mitt Romney is my #1 choice. He took over a total clusterf--- of the SLC Winter Olympics, his administration finished the Big Dig despite him being handcuffed by Massachusetts bureaucracy and unable to fire the Transportation chief, and his leadership during the flooding / major dam burst in 2005 where they got resources where they were needed and he got out of the way. In terms of the reality of actual leadership and governing, Palin doesn't hold a candle to Romney.

Edited by UConn James
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I won't waste my time typing anything long here because I know none of you will read and/or take it serious. The thread decided it's because she's portrayed as stupid. However reality is, it's more because she actually is stupid. I mean there are plenty of conservatives out there, but no one is calling Rove or Huckabee or Romney dumb. They all display intelligence when they speak. Watching Palin speak (like Bush) feels like watching your 5 year old kid recite a Christmas poem and you are just cheering for him/her to get it out right.


The Russia thing was symbolic. She said it, but her saying it was not the biggest problem. It's that she stuck with it and defended that position when interviewed later. This is even after she had time to consult her advisers.

Edited by conner
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I won't waste my time typing anything long here because I know none of you will read and/or take it serious. The thread decided it's because she's portrayed as stupid. However reality is, it's more because she actually is stupid. I mean there are plenty of conservatives out there, but no one is calling Rove or Huckabee or Romney dumb. They all display intelligence when they speak. Watching Palin speak (like Bush) feels like watching your 5 year old kid is recite a Christmas poem and you are just cheering for him/her to get it out right.


The Russia thing was symbolic. She said it, but her saying it was not the biggest problem. It's that she stuck with it and defended that position when interviewed later. This is even after she had time to consult her advisers.


Nobody (until you anyway) has called Rove dumb. You may disagree with his politics and tactics but he is far from stupid. Dude knows how to play the game and he plays it well.

Huckabee and Romney also aren't dumb they're just sleazy career politicians just like Obama (but he is a different kind of politician :rolleyes:)


I know you're a big John Stewart fan so you're aware of Comedy Central. They have a much better show on called South Park. I recommend you watch the Douche and Turd episode. After watching that episode maybe whenever you decide to trash a Republican (Turd) you will also realize what a Douche (Democrat) you support

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I won't waste my time typing anything long here because I know none of you will read and/or take it serious. The thread decided it's because she's portrayed as stupid. However reality is, it's more because she actually is stupid. I mean there are plenty of conservatives out there, but no one is calling Rove or Huckabee or Romney dumb. They all display intelligence when they speak. Watching Palin speak (like Bush) feels like watching your 5 year old kid recite a Christmas poem and you are just cheering for him/her to get it out right.


The Russia thing was symbolic. She said it, but her saying it was not the biggest problem. It's that she stuck with it and defended that position when interviewed later. This is even after she had time to consult her advisers.



Nobody (until you anyway) has called Rove dumb. You may disagree with his politics and tactics but he is far from stupid. Dude knows how to play the game and he plays it well.

Huckabee and Romney also aren't dumb they're just sleazy career politicians just like Obama (but he is a different kind of politician :rolleyes:)


I know you're a big John Stewart fan so you're aware of Comedy Central. They have a much better show on called South Park. I recommend you watch the Douche and Turd episode. After watching that episode maybe whenever you decide to trash a Republican (Turd) you will also realize what a Douche (Democrat) you support


dev/null - Connor just wrote the opposite of what you implied- are you drunk?


to break Conner down

1. Palin is perceived as unintelligent because she seemed to lack understanding on a host of topics that people would expect a presidential candidate to have a grasp on.


2. To prove this isn't a bias against her being a conservative - he sites the following conservatives (Rove or Huckabee or Romney) that no one has ever accused of being dumb.

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However reality is, it's more because she actually is stupid.

Y'know, conner, you take a lot of grief here because you're always linking to obscure articles to serve as an authoritative voice, but I think we all will agree that what you are saying here is accurate because you may not know much, but absolutely NO ONE has their finger on the pulse of stupid like you do.

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What if those hot women are Bi(partisan)?

Well, let's see:

1. The most...adventurous? woman I have know in that regard was a Catholic(Church every Sunday), Mexican, Republican in Texas.

2. The least in that category was so ardently opposed to other women getting near her that she requires a male gynecologist. She was an Orthodox Lithuanian, Union Democrat in Pittsburgh.


Given that, I am guessing that playing for both teams is not necessarily as polarized as some people might assume. :D

She is smoking, and she's not crazy left either. But, clearly the Democrats are the party of yucky women. And, butterfaces too.



But that doesn't mean conner isn't wrong

This is the default setting on this board. :D

Well being drunk is better than the alternative but you shouldn't attack people for things they never said, that's OCs Trademark you may be sued for infringement.



All kidding aside...lybob, you are relatively new here, so let me give you some advice: Don't take this too seriously. Most of the time this is no different than the field house in high school. Rarely, you will see GG, Magox and TPS launch into some "we work in the financial industry, see?" reasonable thread that actually has some real bearing on the world. But the rest of time, it's people waiting to take yet another head shot at each other. This is fun for us, and we like it. :bag:


I admit that I probably misread that thread and wrongfully accused you of something that should have been blamed on conner(again, the default setting).


But, this is still your fault, rookie. If you stand too close to conner, you are inevitably going to catch some stray rounds. And worse, you will also likely get conner goo on you as well. :D

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I mean I know she had a few less than stellar moments and a couple of awkward comments in her first 15 minutes on the national stage, but honestly, who hasn't? I'd like for some Palin hating lib (or anyone for that matter) to explain to me what it is that makes her the object of such intense disdain. It seems like Bush derangement syndrome redirected.



And please don't tell me it's because she said she can see Russia from her house, didn't have any controversial Supreme court decisions to drop off the top of her head, or b/c she wasfor awkward in the Katie Couric "gotcha" interview.

What really amazes me about this almost hysterical Palin hate/fear/loathing on the left is she should really be their idol second only to Castro/Chavez. Her very first action as Governor was to go after the ultimate liberal Satan oppressor of the working masses: Big oil. She introduced[and got passed] a tax increase from 22.5% to 25% on oil extracted on state leases, despite fierce Conservative opposition. In fact the conservative radio talk show hosts hated her, claiming she was going to drive big oil out of the state[i guess a liberal would view that a positive].

All this was very newsworthy at the time because all the prior Governors[VERY much including the Democratic ones] were lap dogs of the oil company's.

Well it seems to have worked. The state gets it's fair share of income from it's resource's, the oil company's are still very much in business and making large profits.

Oh thats right :doh: Her legislation worked-THAT'S why the liberals fear her!



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dev/null - Connor just wrote the opposite of what you implied- are you drunk?


to break Conner down

1. Palin is perceived as unintelligent because she seemed to lack understanding on a host of topics that people would expect a presidential candidate to have a grasp on.


2. To prove this isn't a bias against her being a conservative - he sites the following conservatives (Rove or Huckabee or Romney) that no one has ever accused of being dumb.


Whenever I question Palin's intelligence, I can't help but remember the first VP debate. Her folksy, "oh, Joe, there you go again" attitude and presentation makes her sound like a low-watt light bulb...but she was startlingly well-prepped for that debate, with only a week for her handlers to prep her.


That ain't stupid. She might be ill-informed and buffoonish, but no one is that well-prepped for a debate with one week's work without having some brains.

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What really amazes me about this almost hysterical Palin hate/fear/loathing on the left is she should really be their idol second only to Castro/Chavez. Her very first action as Governor was to go after the ultimate liberal Satan oppressor of the working masses: Big oil. She introduced[and got passed] a tax increase from 22.5% to 25% on oil extracted on state leases, despite fierce Conservative opposition. In fact the conservative radio talk show hosts hated her, claiming she was going to drive big oil out of the state[i guess a liberal would view that a positive].

All this was very newsworthy at the time because all the prior Governors[VERY much including the Democratic ones] were lap dogs of the oil company's.

Well it seems to have worked. The state gets it's fair share of income from it's resource's, the oil company's are still very much in business and making large profits.

Oh thats right :doh: Her legislation worked-THAT'S why the liberals fear her!



This post is for ...lybob:


(Sight the target) Please explain: how can conservative talk show hosts

(check wind, adjust sight) complain about Palin driving oil companies out of Alaska

(slowly drift onto the target, exhale) as though oil production can simply happen automagically

(fire, fire, fire) in other states states where there isn't any oil?

(Headshot!) What a bunch of "morans"!(PPP meme).


See? That's the schematic version of how we do it. Headshot!

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This post is for ...lybob:


(Sight the target) Please explain: how can conservative talk show hosts

(check wind, adjust sight) complain about Palin driving oil companies out of Alaska

(slowly drift onto the target, exhale) as though oil production can simply happen automagically

(fire, fire, fire) in other states states where there isn't any oil?

(Headshot!) What a bunch of "morans"!(PPP meme).


See? That's the schematic version of how we do it. Headshot!


Some of us prefer a more Doc Holliday, shoot-from-the-hip, "Those tax hikes in AK certainly drove a lot of oil business to Idaho and Vermont" style.

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