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(OT) So Where IS This Untaxed Paradise ?

Mark VI

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and I'm sure their sales tax is 0%.

You're missing the point. The point is people in WNY have it GOOD when it comes to cost of living. 9.25%, so what? If you're weekly grocery bill is $200, you now pay another $2.50 a week. Go clip an extra coupon.


Cost of living in south eastern VA is very comparable to WNY (oftentimes less in the more rural areas - VA counties Isle of Wight and Surry vs Genesee & Wyoming in NY). VA sales tax is 4.5%. WNY will always be 'home,' but it's no secret that NY'ers get hammered with taxes.

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and I'm sure their sales tax is 0%.

You're missing the point. The point is people in WNY have it GOOD when it comes to cost of living. 9.25%, so what? If you're weekly grocery bill is $200, you now pay another $2.50 a week. Go clip an extra coupon.



Sales tax is 5.5%, no tax on clothing if you cross the border into Minnesota.


My school/property tax is the same as my parents pay in Niagara Falls, but my house is valued at 3-4x what theirs is. Oh, and there's no tollbooths here.


Overall, life is good here, as long as you don't mind -40F temperatures (and -70F windchills) every now and then during winter.



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Riddle me this batman. Where else in the world can I move where I can get a decent 3 bedroom house in the suberbs for $150k?  If you brought a suitcase full of cash containing $150k and tried to buy a 1bdrm house in WPB, you would get laughed out the door.


But keep bitching. The grass is always greener on the other side. :D



I bought mine for LESS than 100K in the Town Of Tonawanda. I live in a nice neighborhood. Huge backyard.

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As Mark 6 says though, what about the other points.  IE: Florida..........go to the Miami Herald web-site, there must be 4-5 murders a day just in Miami.  Weather is great until the hurricanes stop by.  I doubt housing is cheap there either



Let's say for the sake of argument you're a new parent.


your baby uses up 1-2 cans of formula a week at about $20 a can. She also uses up diapers at a rate of one pack a week approx $10.


Let's add the tax burden for just 6 months of this (assuming you can give up the formula at that point).


The total cost would be over $1000, of which $100 or so is taxes. That's 100 that could have been saved or spent on something else. Now I don't know about you, but I'd rather have that 100 in my pocket.

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Let's say for the sake of argument you're a new parent.


your baby uses up 1-2 cans of formula a week at about $20 a can. She also uses up diapers at a rate of one pack a week approx $10.


Let's add the tax burden for just 6 months of this (assuming you can give up the formula at that point).


The total cost would be over $1000, of which $100 or so is taxes. That's 100 that could have been saved or spent on something else. Now I don't know about you, but I'd rather have that 100 in my pocket.



The HUGE problem with your argument is you are assuming a tax rate of 0% in your comparison. Remember, it's not 9.25% vs 0%.


For example down here, its 9.25% vs 6.5%.



So, its not $100 in 6 months, its less than $30. $30 over 6 months? That's $5 a month. That's $.16 a day. Search the couch cushions.

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As Mark 6 says though, what about the other points.  IE: Florida..........go to the Miami Herald web-site, there must be 4-5 murders a day just in Miami.  Weather is great until the hurricanes stop by.  I doubt housing is cheap there either



There are more places to live in FL besides Miami. Head North, find out how nice FL can really be.

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Hmmm...lets see here.


Housing is absolutely unbelievable in California and on the East Coast.


Weather is a problem at least part of the year no matter where you live, but if you go farther south and inland, it's better.


Taxes are high everywhere...if it's not sales taxes, it's property taxes, use taxes, income taxes, fuel taxes, etc. out the wazoo...


So, taking all of that into account, the perfect place to live is, apparently...


(drum roll, please)...




No income tax in TN. Low housing costs, decent weather, Elvis, blues, and casinos across the border in Tunica, Mississippi.


Sounds good to me. Crank up the moving van. :D



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The HUGE problem with your argument is you are assuming a tax rate of 0% in your comparison. Remember, it's not 9.25% vs 0%.


For example down here, its 9.25% vs 6.5%.

So, its not $100 in 6 months, its less than $30. $30 over 6 months? That's $5 a month. That's $.16 a day.  Search the couch cushions.



Actually it is ZERO. Where I live in PA. No sales tax on food or clothing.


Also the same in Delaware.

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Florida has no Income tax and Delaware has no sales taxes at all.




True, but we have Hurricanes that will tear your house apart and spread it over several counties. Then you get your insurance cancelled

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The HUGE problem with your argument is you are assuming a tax rate of 0% in your comparison. Remember, it's not 9.25% vs 0%.


For example down here, its 9.25% vs 6.5%.

So, its not $100 in 6 months, its less than $30. $30 over 6 months? That's $5 a month. That's $.16 a day.  Search the couch cushions.



Taxes aside, the pollution in WNY is terrible. On a scale of 1-100 (where 100 is the best, and 1 is terrible), Town of Tonawanda has a 10 (Hudson, WI has a 65). The overall polution grade gives Tonawanda a 10 as well. (I actually lived in a little place called Love Canal when I was a kid. Fun).


How about employment? WNY unemployment is 5.9% (vs 3.2%), recent job growth is -0.3% (vs +3.1%), longterm job growth is 1.9% (vs 19.7%).


(above data taken from Privacyguard.com, a service I subscribe to)


Taxes are a big reason why I'll (probably) never move back to WNY, but there are plenty of other reasons.



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there must be 4-5 murders a day just in Miami.



Buffalo is turning into one of the murder capitols of the world - they're setting a new record for murders AGAIN this year. :D

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