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Freeney vs. gimpy Peters this weekend


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Freeney had 0, and Peppers had 0.


Also, Chicago had 1 sack, and Indy 3.




Dr. D., it wasn't me, or anybody with a rational, calm view of Peters' abilities who brought this up. Take a look at the first post. Does it ask how many sacks Peppers would have? Nope, you'll have to start your own thread on that subject.


It's a typical hater, someone whose fangs were dripping so much poison he had to start an anti-Peters thread even before the game. He asked how many sacks Peters would give up to Freeney. If you ask, you have to figure somebody might answer.


The answer: Zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzero!!!!

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Peters signed a $15 million extension shortly after he took over for Mike Williams at right tackle. He was an undrafted PROJECT when he signed that deal, and it was good for both sides, especially Jason. That's why he signed it.


Then he doesn't go to minicamps and he didn't make it to training camp either in his last year with us, finally showing up Sept. 6 after the club insisted it would not talk about a new deal until he returned, which is standard NFL procedure.


Peters played poorly for the rest of his games. In the trade we got Philly's 28th pick which we used on Eric Wood. Then we bundled Philly's 4th round pick which we also got in the deal with our 3rd round pick and traded them to Dallas and moved up and grabbed Andy Levitre with Dallas' 2nd round pick.


Both of those guys are team players and good NFL linemen, with a combined cap number at less than JP's. A great move by Bills. Considering what we got for him, I wish him the best. (except i despise Philly, so that's a lie) The dude was definitely a selfish player, but he gave us a good start on shoring up the interior of our line for a long time through the draft.




Not really a good summary of what happened.


Yes, Peters signed a new deal. He wasn't playing left tackle, he was a right tackle at the time. The Bills went out of their way to sign him to an RT deal and then switched him to the much higher-paying position of LT weeks later. They were being clever. Two or three years then passed, the situation escalated and Peters finally didn't come to camp.


Yeah, he didn't go to camp or OTAs. That's what happens, reasonably consistently, in situations like this. The player gets angry when he's being paid well below market value. Whose fault is that? Both sides.


You said he didn't play well when he got back? And yet the players voted him to the Pro Bowl, the players, not the fans. And yet footballoutsiders had him as one of the top run blockers in the league that year. And yet after he got used to the hitting again and the new signals, he was once again one of the best in the league for the second half of the year or so.


Is he without fault? No, of course not. He should have answered the calls from the Bills, that was a bush-league move. But the situation was created by both sides, just like it is in San Diego, just like it happens all over the league, as the years pass. Eliminate the ability to go to a different employer and you force players to do things like this as the last resort. That's life.

Edited by Thurman#1
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Peters signed a $15 million extension shortly after he took over for Mike Williams at right tackle. He was an undrafted PROJECT when he signed that deal, and it was good for both sides, especially Jason. That's why he signed it.


Then he doesn't go to minicamps and he didn't make it to training camp either in his last year with us, finally showing up Sept. 6 after the club insisted it would not talk about a new deal until he returned, which is standard NFL procedure.


Peters played poorly for the rest of his games. In the trade we got Philly's 28th pick which we used on Eric Wood. Then we bundled Philly's 4th round pick which we also got in the deal with our 3rd round pick and traded them to Dallas and moved up and grabbed Andy Levitre with Dallas' 2nd round pick.


Both of those guys are team players and good NFL linemen, with a combined cap number at less than JP's. A great move by Bills. Considering what we got for him, I wish him the best. (except i despise Philly, so that's a lie) The dude was definitely a selfish player, but he gave us a good start on shoring up the interior of our line for a long time through the draft.

Actually, we bundled our own 3rd & 4th round picks in the trade for Dallas' 2nd-round pick (Levitre) - the Eagles' 4th-round pick that we acquired in the trade for FatBoy Peters was used to draft TE Shawn Nelson.


Still a great trade by Brandon - a fat, lazy, aging, injury-prone, over-paid OT with declining talent and a huge attitude problem, for 2 very decent up-and-coming players (Wood & Nelson) with loads of talent, potential, and years ahead. :thumbsup:

Edited by The Senator
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Actually, we bundled our own 3rd & 4th round picks in the trade for Dallas' 2nd-round pick (Levitre) - the Eagles' 4th-round pick that we acquired in the trade for FatBoy Peters was used to draft TE Shawn Nelson.


Still a great trade by Brandon - a fat, lazy, aging, injury-prone, over-paid OT with declining talent and a huge attitude problem, for 2 very decent up-and-coming players (Wood & Nelson) with loads of talent, potential, and years ahead. :thumbsup:



Yeah, one of the best LTs in the league, and now we're still not sure we've even got an LT for an RT who seems like he's reached NFL average, though he definitely has the chance of being a good one, in Wood, and a TE who can't get on the field.


As I've said many times, if Bell ever becomes above average, this trade will look a lot better. Bell's not there yet and may never get there. Hard to say. But until he does get there, it's a bad trade.


But all that's beside the point.




The question was .......................... wait for it ................................................................. "How many sacks does Freeney get? Double digits?"


The answer: Zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzero!!!!!!!!!


Does zero count as double digits?

Edited by Thurman#1
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Yeah, one of the best LTs in the league, and now we're still not sure we've even got an LT for an RT who seems like he's reached NFL average, though he definitely has the chance of being a good one, in Wood, and a TE who can't get on the field.


As I've said many times, if Bell ever becomes above average, this trade will look a lot better. Bell's not there yet and may never get there. Hard to say. But until he does get there, it's a bad trade.


But all that's beside the point.




The question was .......................... wait for it ................................................................. "How many sacks does Freeney get? Double digits?"


The answer: Zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzero!!!!!!!!!


Does zero count as double digits?

You really need to get over your man-crush for the guy - he's not even that handsome anymore, since he got so fat :nana:

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