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Public Service Announcement


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Just something to be aware of as you do your Christmas shopping.






Keep a watch out for people standing near you in the checkout line at

retail stores, restaurants, grocery stores, etc who have a camera cell

phone in hand. With the camera cell phones, they can take a picture of

your credit card, which gives them your name, number, and expiration

date. CBS reported this type of identification theft is one of the

fastest growing scams today. Be aware of your surroundings, forward to

all your friends and family.

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Just something to be aware of as you do your Christmas shopping.




Keep a watch out for people standing near you in the checkout line at 

retail stores, restaurants, grocery stores, etc who have a camera cell 

phone in hand. With the camera cell phones, they can take a picture of 

your credit card, which gives them your name, number, and expiration 

date. CBS reported this type of identification theft is one of the 

fastest growing scams today. Be aware of your surroundings, forward to 

all your friends and family.



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yes, i had heard that before.  I think i do a good job of  keeping my hand covering at least part of my # at all times...  Usually pay cash at restaurnts too, because i hate having my card out of my hands.


Stolen credit card information really isn't that big a deal to the consumer. You're not responsible for illegal charges (some CC companies make you pay $50, but by law they can't charge you more than that and most won't even do that). Your identity can't really be stolen from a credit card either; social security number, drivers license, etc, yes, but not CC.


I just really wouldn't worry about this all that much (and I'm Mr. Paranoid and Security).



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Aw come on Beerball - you're not that old!  :D


I keep telling you that I am! That's when I went 'away' for college. Dorm room, frat houses, apartments etc. Didn't need to stash the rubber in the wallet any longer.


I do remember it was a sign of 'maturity' to have the condom outline in your wallet. Course nobody knew I had the same one in there for 2 years. Did they? :D;)

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