IDBillzFan Posted November 3, 2010 Posted November 3, 2010 Rove's analysis was much closer to reality than the others. How did he come across as stupid? The guy got GWB elected twice. Stupid he is not. I should probably say he came off looking pretty stupid in his exchanges with Juan Williams; not because of what he was saying, but because he kept talking over Williams and increasing his volume while Williams remained calmer and more reasonable. I kept getting the sense that the rest of the panel wished he would just bring it down a notch.
boyst Posted November 3, 2010 Posted November 3, 2010 Rove's analysis was much closer to reality than the others. How did he come across as stupid? The guy got GWB elected twice. Stupid he is not. He is also one of the major parts of keeping Palin from gaining too much speed, the driving force of many other politicians in the country, and probably the most savvy political mind ever. It is amazing! Imagine combining him with Clinton in the 90's and and we'd still have Clinton in office today as king.
Rob's House Posted November 3, 2010 Posted November 3, 2010 (edited) He is also one of the major parts of keeping Palin from gaining too much speed, the driving force of many other politicians in the country, and probably the most savvy political mind ever. It is amazing! Imagine combining him with Clinton in the 90's and and we'd still have Clinton in office today as king. I'm on the fence as it pertains to Karl Rove's genius. Certainly he is highly intelligent, and some credit must be given for his ability to get W elected twice, however, I think many successes occurred in spite of him rather than because of him. Â In 2002 no one thought anyone could beat Bush who was riding an unprecedented wave of popularity for his handling of the 9/11 aftermath. Certainly the war, post-honeymoon backlash, and an aggressive anti-Republican media played their role but Rove had some major blunders along the way. Â * When Dems got nasty and started personally attacking Bush for going along with statements they themselves had made only months earlier, Rove decided to take the high road and let pundits fight back for them. Bad move. Â * Triangulation. Rove bought in to the myth of Clinton and triangulation. Steel and farm subsidies along with other soft "compassionate" stances already had marginalized Bush domestic policy with fiscal conservatives. Medicare really tipped the boat. Had he not run against a stuffed suit in John Kerry, who ran the worst campaign in modern history, Bush probably loses in 04. Â Conventional wisdom would have us believe Clinton was a widely popular president who masterfully played to both sides to ride the third rail. In reality, Clinton never won a majority and squeaked out two elections primarily due to the lack of quality opposition. His popularity didn't grow until the Lewinsky scandal was overplayed by Reps and people began to sympathize. Rove does not seem to be aware of this. Edited November 3, 2010 by Rob's House
pBills Posted November 3, 2010 Posted November 3, 2010 Not to mention, from a graphics standpoint, watching the Fox on one side and MSBNC on another was hysterical. At one point I was waiting for Olbermann to show the individual gains in House, Senate and Governor's seats by pulling out an abacus. Â Â I'm sensing a common thread in your thinking: when a majority of people do something you don't agree with, it must be because the majority of the people are stupid. Just look at who was commenting on Fox last night versus MSNBC. Juan Williams and Joe Trippe offered great liberal balance to Karl Rove. While Britt Hume obviously tilts right, he was as steady as ever. In fact, if anything, Rove came off looking pretty stupid...until Geraldine Ferraro showed up. And even THEN you had an interesting exchange between her and Sarah Palin, where ideologies clashed, but mutual respect did not. Â Â I do believe a lot of people were courted into believing things that weren't true. When all you do is watch one news channel whatever nonsense is spewed out of there becomes reality.
IDBillzFan Posted November 3, 2010 Posted November 3, 2010 I do believe a lot of people were courted into believing things that weren't true. Â Such as? Please be specific. Who incorrectly said what, where and when?
Southern McButterpants. Posted November 3, 2010 Posted November 3, 2010 Last night's election coverage by MSBNC was, quite possibly, the most embarrassing election coverage I've ever watched. You'd have to be a connerifically-pbilled liberal to watch that garbage. Â However, we will interrupt this post to make way for a press conference from Nancy Pelosi who, for the third time this morning, is announcing that the Democrats will absolutely retain control of Congress when the final votes of the 2010 mid-term are counted. Â I was tempted to watch PMSNBC last night so I could watch the whiny-girl show, but I didn't want to give them the ratings uptick . . . Seriously.
PTS Posted November 3, 2010 Posted November 3, 2010 I do believe a lot of people were courted into believing things that weren't true. When all you do is watch one news channel whatever nonsense is spewed out of there becomes reality. Are you referring to yourself and people like you. Last night I spent hours on Twitter reading how misinformed the Obama leftists are, specifically the younger generations. Â I was so saddened and bothered as a human being that the youth of this nation are so warped into believing everything our current President and his administration are doing.
Andy Rooney Posted November 3, 2010 Posted November 3, 2010 Are you referring to yourself and people like you. Last night I spent hours on Twitter reading how misinformed the Obama leftists are, specifically the younger generations. Â I was so saddened and bothered as a human being that the youth of this nation are so warped into believing everything our current President and his administration are doing. Â Â Obama voters could'nt find their way back to the voting booths yesterday. Â
drnykterstein Posted November 3, 2010 Posted November 3, 2010 (edited) Are you referring to yourself and people like you. Last night I spent hours on Twitter reading how misinformed the Obama leftists are, specifically the younger generations. Â I was so saddened and bothered as a human being that the youth of this nation are so warped into believing everything our current President and his administration are doing. That's odd. People who do actual research on these subjects on places that are not twitter, come to the completely opposite conclusions. Â But I'm sure your research was very professional nonetheless. Edited November 3, 2010 by conner
Magox Posted November 3, 2010 Posted November 3, 2010 But I'm sure your research was very professional nonetheless. You are questioning someone else's "research"?
PTS Posted November 3, 2010 Posted November 3, 2010 That's odd. People who do actual research on these subjects on places that are not twitter, come to the completely opposite conclusions. Â But I'm sure your research was very professional nonetheless. Thanks for letting me know that my casual review of young people posting on Twitter last night was in deed professional research.
OCinBuffalo Posted November 3, 2010 Posted November 3, 2010 (edited) FUTILITY! Â Such as? Please be specific. Who incorrectly said what, where and when? What are you kidding me? pBills has no evidence of any of this. (And thanks for helping me out with the "prove pBills is a dolt using his own posts" mission that Karl Rove sent me on) I was tempted to watch PMSNBC last night so I could watch the whiny-girl show, but I didn't want to give them the ratings uptick . . . Seriously. Beat me to posting this. I would also add: I decided to take the high road, and not revel in their suffering. I was certain this thread would be here sooner or later anyway. Â Chris Tingle.... :w00t: Thanks for letting me know that my casual review of young people posting on Twitter last night was in deed professional research. Hehehe, conner has no idea what you posted or why. He just had a bunch of worthless links that he hadn't posted yet. Edited November 3, 2010 by OCinBuffalo
pBills Posted November 3, 2010 Posted November 3, 2010 Obama voters could'nt find their way back to the voting booths yesterday.   So they found a bunch of dumb asses and filmed them. Thrilling.  FUTILITY!   What are you kidding me? pBills has no evidence of any of this. (And thanks for helping me out with the "prove pBills is a dolt using his own posts" mission that Karl Rove sent me on)  Beat me to posting this. I would also add: I decided to take the high road, and not revel in their suffering. I was certain this thread would be here sooner or later anyway.  Chris Tingle.... :w00t:  Hehehe, conner has no idea what you posted or why. He just had a bunch of worthless links that he hadn't posted yet.   Hey usual post, same talking point over and over and over and over again. Bravo to you!!!
Rob's House Posted November 3, 2010 Posted November 3, 2010 Way to keep it classy Chris  Chris Matthews does his 5th grade rant when Bachmann chooses not to jump through his hoops. Good for her.  The little douche bag apparently doesn't understand the difference between MEDIA investigations of govt officials for unAmerican attitudes (perfectly constitutional) and GOVERNMENT investigations (not necessarily constitutional).  And he denied his comment about the tingle up his leg, as though it wasn't caught on tape. What a moron.  (aplogogies if this link was already posted. My server doesn't allow me to see these on the board.)
pBills Posted November 3, 2010 Posted November 3, 2010 Way to keep it classy Chris  Chris Matthews does his 5th grade rant when Bachmann chooses not to jump through his hoops. Good for her.  The little douche bag apparently doesn't understand the difference between MEDIA investigations of govt officials for unAmerican attitudes (perfectly constitutional) and GOVERNMENT investigations (not necessarily constitutional).  And he denied his comment about the tingle up his leg, as though it wasn't caught on tape. What a moron.  (aplogogies if this link was already posted. My server doesn't allow me to see these on the board.)   Bachman SUCKS!!! How that dolt gets elected I have no idea.
Rob's House Posted November 3, 2010 Posted November 3, 2010 Bachman SUCKS!!! How that dolt gets elected I have no idea. I don't know much about her but, if she sticks to the 4 talking points she listed for kitty Boy Chris Mathews, I'm ok with it.
IDBillzFan Posted November 3, 2010 Posted November 3, 2010 Bachman SUCKS!!! How that dolt gets elected I have no idea. And meanwhile, in California, where approximately 8% of the population is happy with the direction taken by a Democratic legislature, we elect Jerry Brown at governor. This, I'm sure, makes perfect sense to you. Â Which tells me that maybe what Minnesota needs to get rid of Michelle Bachman is a larger union presence.
Magox Posted November 3, 2010 Posted November 3, 2010 Bachman SUCKS!!! How that dolt gets elected I have no idea. PBills, you sound awfully bitter. Are you OK?
IDBillzFan Posted November 3, 2010 Posted November 3, 2010 PBills, you sound awfully bitter. Are you OK? I think he just hates women.
Dante Posted November 3, 2010 Posted November 3, 2010 Bachman SUCKS!!! How that dolt gets elected I have no idea. Considering who got elected pres last time?
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